
A postgraduate diploma that will take you in 6 months to have the most complete knowledge on Engineering Applied to Airport Infrastructure" 


The increase in passenger demand, the constant movement of people between countries, as well as violent acts against civil aviation have completely changed the concept of airport infrastructure in recent decades. Thus, creating such facilities or making modifications to them implies a deep knowledge on the part of engineers of the operation and needs of the sector.  

Thus, to be aware of the national and international regulations in force, to understand the airport administration and management, attending at all times to the real needs of the industry requires a mastery of this subject that is achievable through this 6-month postgraduate diploma. 

This is an advanced program with a theoretical-practical approach that will lead students from day one to delve into the importance of airports within the transport system, to delve into the basic elements of infrastructure, planning, design based on passenger flow, the regulatory framework and the culture of security.  

All of this is complemented by innovative didactic material based on video summaries of each topic, in-focus videos, specialized readings and case studies, accessible 24 hours a day, from any digital device with an Internet connection. In addition, thanks to the Relearning method, students can easily progress through the syllabus, consolidating the most important concepts in an agile way.  

Undoubtedly, a unique learning opportunity through a flexible university program, which does not involve attendance at a center, nor does it have scheduled classes. In this way, the graduates will be able to manage their study time more freely and reconcile their personal and professional daily activities with an avant-garde education. 

A program that gives you everything you need to know about putting a new airport into service" 

This postgraduate diploma in Engineering Applied to Airport Infrastructure contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of case studies presented by experts in Aeronautical engineering 
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This university program will allow you to design an airport infrastructure from start to finish, taking into account all the elements required" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

A postgraduate diploma that will allow you to understand the planning, administration and operation of an airport"


Thanks to the Relearning method, you will advance progressively and naturally through the syllabus, consolidating the key concepts in a simple way”


The objective of this university program is to provide the engineering professionals with the necessary knowledge about the elements that make up an airport facility. For this purpose, it has a syllabus with a theoretical-practical perspective and pedagogical resources, among which are the simulated scenarios, which will allow you to integrate into your practice the most effective methodology to carry out an airport planning. All this will lead you to solidly assimilate concepts that will lead you to grow professionally in the sector.


A program that provides you with simulated scenarios on airline safety" 

General Objectives

  • Provide the professionals with the specific and necessary knowledge to perform, with a critical and informed opinion, in any phase of planning, design, manufacture, construction or operation in the various companies of the aviation sector
  • Identify the problems in aeronautical designs and projects in order to know how to propose effective, viable and sustainable overall solutions 
  • Acquire the fundamental knowledge of existing technologies and innovations under development in transport systems, in order to be able to conduct research, development and innovation studies in aeronautical companies and technology centers
  • Analyze the main conditioning factors involved in the aeronautical activity and how to efficiently apply the latest techniques used in the aviation sector today
  • Acquire a specialized approach and be able to monitor the management of any aeronautical department, as well as to execute the general management and the technical management of designs and projects
  • Delve into the knowledge of the different critical aeronautical areas according to their different relevant actors, as well as achieve the knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the applicable aeronautical or non-aeronautical legislation and regulations

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Airport strategy and commissioning of a new airport

  • Examine the structure of the airport industry, as well as its operating environment 
  • Identify the functional elements of the airport infrastructure 
  • Analyze airport business and strategic planning in airports 
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the key concepts associated with traffic demand analysis and airport capacity calculation
  • Establish measures to avoid airport congestion 
  • Planning the treatment of stakeholders involved in airport operations 
  • Understand the airport certification process 
  • Establish the framework for airport economic regulation 
  • Develop the operational transition process for new infrastructures 

Module 2. Protection of the Airport and its surroundings: Integration of Evolutionary Models

  • Recognize the different aerodromes according to their environment
  • Identify the physical factors that condition the design of the infrastructure and the development of the activity
  • Identify the risks generated by the airport on its environment and vice versa
  • Specify the international regulatory framework for the protection of the airport and its surroundings
  • Define aerodrome easements and justify their necessity in terms of operations
  • Define external easements and justify their necessity based on the environment
  • Establish the basis of the easement surveillance system 
  • Define the coordination mechanisms of the stakeholders involved in the validation of the various airport infrastructure development proposals
  • Characterize intermodal development and coordination 
  • Present the evolution of airport models, based on the facilitation of new technologies

Module 3. Security, Security against Unlawful Acts against Civil Aviation, AVSEC

  • Examine national and international regulations 
  • Identify the most important aspects of implementing security measures 
  • Determine the various ways of reducing operational impact 
  • Analyze the human and material means used in the implementation of security measures 
  • Defining the safety culture and how to promote it 
  • Define how to ensure quality in the implementation of safety measures 
  • Propose how to integrate security into the daily operations of airports and airlines 

Thanks to the multimedia pills, you will be able to quickly learn more about the national and international regulations governing airport security"

Postgraduate Diploima in Engineering applied to airport infrastructure

At TECH Global University, we are committed to the qualification of highly trained professionals in the field of engineering applied to airport infrastructures. Our Postgraduate Diploima program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges and demands of today's airport industry. Through our online classes, you will be able to access quality study with experts in the field, within a flexible digital environment, allowing you to adapt your learning to your schedule and needs. One of the outstanding benefits of our program is the constant updating of the contents, which are at the forefront of the latest trends and technological advances in the field of engineering applied to airport infrastructures. We will provide you with the knowledge you need to understand the technical, economic and environmental challenges facing modern airports, as well as the solutions and best practices to effectively address them.

Specialize in airport infrastructure engineering.

In the Postgraduate Diploima in Engineering applied to airport infrastructure program at TECH Global University, you will address topics such as planning and design of airport infrastructures, safety and operations management at airports, resource optimization and sustainability in airport infrastructure, among others. In addition, you will have access to cutting-edge tools and techniques used in the airport industry, which will allow you to develop innovative projects and apply practical solutions in real situations. Become an expert in engineering applied to airport infrastructures with the Postgraduate Diploima program taught by TECH Global University, a global leader in online education. Get the degree you need to excel in the workplace and contribute to the development of safe, efficient and sustainable airport infrastructures. enroll today and start transforming your professional future!