
Hydraulic Energies, although their use dates back to antiquity, are still in use and the professional to be constantly up to date"


The renewable energy sector is in full international expansion and is increasingly demanding engineers specialized in this field. Therefore, the best professionals in the sector have designed for TECH this postgraduate certificate that aims to train professionals with advanced knowledge in everything that encompasses the renewable energy sector to increase their working position in today's energy market.

Therefore, this postgraduate certificate will provide a historical approach to the use and exploitation of Hydraulic Energy, which has been used since ancient times to exploit this energy resource and use it for different purposes. In this sense, students will be instructed in its use to produce electricity, which is based on the transformation, thanks to a hydraulic turbine, of the kinetic energy of a water current into mechanical rotational energy, and of this into electrical energy by means of a generator.

During the specialization, the topic of mini and micro hydropower plants will also be discussed, which are smaller, do not require the construction of large dams and have a much lower environmental impact than that associated with traditional hydropower, are easy and cheap to install and have greater growth possibilities. This will be of great help in understanding how to adapt the use of Hydropower according to each specific case and will provide skills to the engineering professional.

Finally, the concept of electricity generated from hydroelectric power and its high quality will be addressed, which is an irreplaceable technology, in the sense that, as its production can be adjusted in a very short time to the variations of the demand curve, it contributes greatly to the improvement in the operation and control of the electric power system.

A complete update that will provide you with the working capacity of a specialist in the field”

This postgraduate certificate in Hydraulic Energy Systems contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include.

  • Practical case studies presented by experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get to know the global functioning of Hydraulic Energy Systems  and bring new competences to your professional profile with this program"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced engineering experts.

You will have innovative didactic materials and resources that will facilitate the learning process and the retention of the contents learned for a longer period of time"


A 100% online program that will allow you to combine your studies with the rest of your daily activities"


TECH has designed this postgraduate certificate with the aim of training engineering professionals to be able to design, implement and work on Renewable Energy projects, knowing in depth everything related to this industry and the aspects of sustainability and climate change in the international arena that directly affect it. To this end, specific aspects of energy systems that stand out for their enormous importance in today's business landscape will be addressed, and for which large corporations are increasingly demanding competent engineers with solid specialized training.


With this program, TECH has only one goal: to help you grow in your profession and become a prestigious engineer"

General Objectives

  • Conduct an exhaustive analysis of current legislation and the energy system, from electricity generation to the consumption phase, as well as the fundamental production factor in the economic system and the functioning of the different energy markets
  • Identify the different phases required for the feasibility and implementation of a Renewable Energy project and its commissioning
  • Analyze in depth the different technologies and manufacturers available to create renewable energy exploitation systems, and distinguish and critically select those qualities based on costs and their actual application
  • Identify the operation and maintenance tasks required for the correct operation of Renewable Energy installations
  • Size facilities for the application of all energy sources of lesser implementation such as mini-hydro, geothermal, tidal and clean vectors
  • Manage and analyze relevant bibliography on a topic related to one or some of the fields of Renewable Energies, published both nationally and internationally
  • Adequately interpret society's expectations on the environment and climate change, and engage in technical discussions and critical opinions on energy aspects of sustainable development, as skills that Renewable Energy professionals should have
  • Integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating reasoned judgments in the field applicable to a company in the Renewable Energy sector
  • Master the different existing solutions or methodologies for the same problem or phenomenon related to Renewable Energies and develop a critical spirit knowing the practical limitations

Specific Objectives

  • Make an in-depth analysis of hydrology and the management of water resources related to hydropower
  • Implementing environmental management mechanisms in the field of hydroelectric energy
  • Identify and select the necessary equipment for different types of hydroelectric developments
  • Design, dimension and operate of hydroelectric power plants
  • Master the elements that make up hydroelectric works and facilities, both in technical and environmental aspects, as well as those connected to operation and maintenance

A program design based on practical cases that will teach you how to act in real situations in the daily practice of your profession"

Postgraduate Certificate in Hydraulic Energy Systems

The search for renewable energy has had a great impact on the development of the industry, so it is necessary, for the progress of this sector, to have multidisciplinary professionals, who are at the forefront of technological advances and can provide a fresh look at the efficiency of processes. At TECH Global University we understand perfectly the importance of having properly prepared individuals, so we have designed the most complete and updated Postgraduate Certificate in Hydraulic Energy Systems in the educational market. Our program will provide students with the necessary knowledge to stand out in their workplaces, as they will learn from a study plan structured by the best experts in the field. In addition, they will be trained to design and develop renewable energy projects in which the different technologies and trends present in the industrial market are applied.

Postgraduate Certificate in Hydraulic Energy Systems 100% online

The postgraduate degree in Hydraulic Energy at TECH has sophisticated thematic axes. Through these, students will access optimal contents regarding the environment, administrative aspects, types of hydroelectric power plants and project execution, as well as other topics with great academic value. Likewise, throughout the program, students will be instructed in the current legislative framework, as well as in the operation and maintenance tasks necessary for the correct operation of renewable energy facilities. On the other hand, we will provide the skills required for a correct management of the work teams under the command of the professional, ensuring a good development of the tasks to be performed.