University certificate
The world's largest faculty of education”
Why study at TECH?
Education students need specific teaching methods to support their learning. Specialize with us and get up to date on the most common tools for teaching this level”

During the first years of life, children acquire information from every gesture, word or image. They become beings capable of assimilating a great deal of information with which they begin a physical, social, motor and intellectual development that will mark the rest of their lives. Therefore, teaching children at this stage of their development is fundamental and is one of the most important for their educational progress.
However, not all students learn in the same way, nor do they possess the same skills or have the same needs. That is why it’s essential to design teaching methodologies that are adapted to each school group, or even to each student, in many cases, turning games into learning methods.
In this way, improving teaching practice in pre-school education is a fundamental task. For that reason, it is essential to have a highly-qualified teaching team who are capable of transmitting knowledge to these youngest students, in an educational way, but without losing the quality and accuracy of their teaching practice.
Therefore, this Advanced master’s degree offers an alternative to the consequent increase in the demand for highly trained professionals with up-to-date and relevant knowledge. It also helps provide the necessary skills to successfully face the challenges posed by the integral development of diverse personalities of students, with their different needs, styles, interests and conditions, especially those students in the pre-school stage who are in a period of their lives in which learning must be carried out in a didactic way. It must allow them to learn while playing and promote a physical and psychosocial development appropriate to their age.
In this sense, TECH will not only take the professional through the theoretical knowledge offered, but will show another way of studying and learning, which is more organic, simpler and more efficient. TECH works to keep you motivated and to create in you a passion for learning. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.
A specialization of high academic level, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"
This Advanced master’s degree in Didactics and Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the university scene. The most important features include:
- The latest technology in e-learning software
- Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
- The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts
- State-of-the-art interactive video systems
- Teaching supported by telepractice
- Continuous updating and retraining systems
- Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations
- Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
- Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
- Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
- Complementary resource banks that are permanently available
A specialization of high academic level, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"
Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date education we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals with qualifications and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will contirbute their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course.
Studying this subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Advanced Master's Degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.
The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.
Get up to date on the latest developments in pre-school education that will allow you to learn the most innovative teaching methods implemented with the youngest students"

We have the best methodology, the most up-to-date syllabus and a multitude of practical cases that will help train you for success"
The contents of this Advanced master’s degree have been developed by the different experts on this course, with the clear purpose of ensuring that our students acquire each and every one of the skills required to become true experts in this field. The content of this Advanced master’s degree enables them to learn all aspects of the different disciplines involved in this field. A comprehensive and well-structured program that will take students to the highest standards of quality and success.

Our curriculum has been designed with teaching effectiveness in mind: so that you learn faster, more efficiently, and on a more permanent basis"
Module 1. Personalized Education. Anthropological, Philosophical, and Psychological Foundations
1.1. The Human Person
1.1.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.1.2. Educating Taking Into Account The Person
1.1.3. Person and Human Nature
1.1.4. Attributes or Radical Properties of the Person
1.1.5. Strategies to Favor the Unfolding of the Person's Radical Attributes or Properties
1.1.6. The Human Person as a Dynamic System
1.1.7. The Person and the Meaning That They Can Give to their Life
1.2. Pedagogical Foundations of Personalized Education
1.2.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.2.2. The Educability of the Human Being as a Capacity for Integration and Growth
1.2.3. What is Personalized Education? (And What is it Not?)
1.2.4. Purposes of Personalized Education
1.2.5. The Personal Teacher-Student Encounter
1.2.6. Protagonists and Mediators
1.2.7. The Principles of Personalized Education
1.3. Learning Situations in Personalized Education
1.3.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.3.2. The Personalized Vision of the Learning Process
1.3.3. Operational and Participatory Methodologies: General Characteristics
1.3.4. Learning Situations and their Personalization
1.3.5. Role of Materials and Resources
1.3.6. Evaluation as a Learning Situation
1.3.7. The Personalized Educational Style: Its Five Manifestations
1.3.8. How to Promote the Five Manifestations of the Personalized Educational Style?
1.4. Motivation: A Key Aspect of Personalized Learning
1.4.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.4.2. Influence of Affectivity and Intelligence in the Learning Process
1.4.3. Definition and Types of Motivation
1.4.4. Motivation and Values
1.4.5. Strategies to Make the Learning Process More Attractive
1.4.6. The Playful Aspect of Schoolwork
1.5. Metacognitive Learning
1.5.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.5.2. What Should Students Be Taught in Personalized Education?
1.5.3. What Does “Metacognition” Mean and What Do We Mean by “Metacognitive Learning?
1.5.4. Metacognitive Learning Strategies
1.5.5. Consequences of Learning in a Metacognitive Way
1.5.6. How to Assess Whether Students Are Learning in a Meaningful Way
1.5.7. Keys to Educate in Creativity
1.6. Personalizing the Organization of the School Center
1.6.1. Introduction and Objectives
1.6.2. Factors in the Organization of a School
1.6.3. The Personalized School Environment
1.6.4. The Students
1.6.5. The Teachers
1.6.6. The Families
1.6.7. The School Center as an Organization and as a Unit
1.6.8. What Indicators Can We Use to Evaluate the Educational Personalization of a School Center?
Module 2. General Didactics
2.1. Foundations of Didactics as an Applied Pedagogical Discipline
2.1.1. Foundations, origin, and evolution of didactics
2.1.2. The Concept of Didactics
2.1.3. The Object and the Purpose of Didactics
2.1.4. Personalization of the Teaching-Learning Process
2.1.5. Didactics as Theory, Practice, Science, and Art
2.1.6. Didactic Models
2.2. Learning to Learn. Contributions From the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Metacognition, and Neuroeducation
2.2.1. An Approach to the Concept of Intelligence
2.2.2. Metacognition and its Application in the Classroom
2.2.3. Neuroeducation and its Application to Learning
2.3. Didactic Principles and Methodology
2.3.1. Didactic Principles
2.3.2. Didactic Strategies and Types
2.3.3. Didactic Methods
2.4. Educational Design and Planning
2.4.1. Approach to the Concept of Curriculum
2.4.2. Levels of Curricular Concreteness
2.5. Competence Objectives and Contents
2.5.1. Educational Objectives
2.5.2. Objectives in the Linear Model. What is the Purpose of Teaching?
2.5.3. Objectives in the p-Process Model
2.5.4. Competencies. Why Teach?
2.5.5. Contents. What to Teach?
2.6. Didactic Procedures and Teaching Techniques
2.6.1. Representation Procedures and Codes
2.6.2. Teaching Techniques
2.7. Activities, Didactic Media, Didactic Resources and ICT
2.7.1. Activities
2.7.2. Means and Resources from a Curriculum Perspective
2.7.3. Classification of Resources and Didactic Means
2.7.4. Didactic Means and ICT
2.8. Motivation in the Classroom and Strategies for its Achievement
2.8.1. What Does Motivation in the Classroom Consist Of?
2.8.2. Different Types of Motivation
2.8.3. Main Theories of Motivation
2.9. Educational Evaluation
2.9.1. Approach to the Concept of Evaluation
2.9.2. Evaluation Systems
2.9.3. Content of the Evaluation: What to Evaluate?
2.9.4. Evaluation Techniques and Instruments: How to Evaluate?
2.9.5. Evaluation Moments
2.9.6. Evaluation Sessions
2.9.7. Curricular Adaptations
2.10. Communication in the Teaching-Learning Process
2.10.1. The Communication Process in the Classroom
2.10.2. Communication from the Learner's Perspective
2.10.3. Communication from the Teacher's Perspective
Module 3. Fundamentals of Literacy
3.1. What is Reading?
3.1.1. Importance of Literacy
3.1.2. Reading Comprehension: Explanatory Models
3.1.3. When Should We Teach How to Read?
3.2. The Processes of Reading
3.2.1. The Visual Process
3.2.2. The Phonological Process
3.2.3. The Syntactic Process
3.2.4. The Semantic Process
3.2.5. Reading Problems
3.3. Methodologies for Teaching to Read and Write: Synthetic Methodology
3.3.1. Methodological Complexity in Starting to Read and Write
3.3.2. Synthetic Methodology
3.3.3. Bibliographical References
3.4. Methodologies for Teaching to Read and Write: Analytical Methodology
3.4.1. Analytical Methodology
3.4.2. The Constructivist Approach
3.4.3. Bibliographical References
3.5. Methodologies for Teaching to Read and Write: Mixed Methodology
3.5.1. Mixed Methodology
3.5.2. Examples of Mixed Methods
3.5.3. Specific Aspects of Teaching How to Write
3.5.4. Bibliographical References
3.6. Reading Comprehension and Written Expression
3.6.1. Methodology for a Global Process of Reading in Pre-School and Primary Education
3.6.2. Strategies for Reading Comprehension
3.6.3. Writing and its Learning Phases in Pre-School Education
3.6.4. Strategies for the Development of Reading Comprehension in Primary Education
3.6.5. Methods for Teaching Written Expression in Primary Education
3.6.6. Comprehension Problems
3.6.7. Difficulties in Writing
3.6.8. Bibliographical References
3.7. How to Improve Work in the Classroom?
3.7.1. ICT Resources and their Contribution to Classroom Learning
3.7.2. Reading Assessment
3.7.3. Writing Assessment
3.7.4. Bibliographical References
Module 4. Didactics of the English Language
4.1. Theories and Learning Styles: Towards the Teaching-Learning of Foreign Languages
4.1.1. Piaget: The Child and the Interaction with the Social Environment
4.1.2. Vygotsky: The Importance of Social Interaction
4.1.3. Bruner and the Concept of "Scaffolding"
4.1.4. Gardner and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
4.1.5. The Emotional Dimension in Learning
4.1.6. Learning Styles
4.2. Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
4.2.1. Introduction to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
4.2.2. The Influence of Age on Foreign Language Learning
4.2.3. The Influence of the Mother Tongue on Foreign Language Learning
4.2.4. Individual Differences and Their Influence on Foreign Language Learning
4.2.5. Bilingual Education and Multilingual Education
4.2.6. English as an International Language or Lingua Franca
4.3. Spoken Language Learning in English
4.3.1. The Importance of Spoken Language in the Foreign Language Learning Process
4.3.2. Basic Principles on the Teaching-Learning of Spoken Language
4.3.3. The Development of Oral Speech in Children
4.3.4. Promoting Interaction in English: Cooperation in the Classroom
4.3.5. Written Language as a Support for Spoken Language Development
4.3.6. Use of "Authentic" Materials
4.3.7. Non-Threatening Atmosphere: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication and the Role of the Teacher
4.4. Learning English Vocabulary
4.4.1. Basic Principles of Vocabulary Teaching-Learning
4.4.2. Word Categories Applied to Vocabulary Learning
4.4.3. Vocabulary Learning and Teaching Techniques
4.4.4. Selecting Vocabulary
4.4.5. Expanding Vocabulary
4.4.6. Examples of Exercises to Work on Vocabulary
4.5. Introduction to Literacy in English
4.5.1. The Literacy Process
4.5.2. Factors that Influence Literacy Learning in the English Language
4.5.3. Creating an Environment Conducive to English Language Literacy Learning
4.5.4. Methods for Teaching Literacy in the English Language
4.5.5. Next Steps in the Teaching-Learning of Literacy in English
4.6. Learning English Through Literary Resources and Play
4.6.1. The Use of Stories for English language Learning
4.6.2. The Organization of Discourse in Stories
4.6.3. The Use of Language in Stories
4.6.4. The Quality of Stories as Material for Foreign Language Teaching
4.6.5. Development of Tasks Around a Story
4.6.6. Use of Songs and Rhymes/Poems in the Classroom
4.6.7. The Use of Games as Culture Maintenance. Different Concepts of Culture in the Classroom
4.6.8. Games and the Moral and Social Development of Children. Theories of Piaget, Kohlberg, Mead, and Vygotsky
4.6.9. Games in the Learning of the English Language
4.7. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
4.7.1. Definition and CLIL Principles
4.7.2. Content Learning: Cognitive Development
4.7.3. CLIL Curriculum Models in Pre-School and Primary Education
4.7.4. Planning CLIL Sessions
4.8. Thematic Approach or Project-Based Work
4.8.1. Holistic Approach to Language Learning: Thematic or Project-Based Approach
4.8.2. Preparing a Class Based on Thematic or Project-Based Learning
4.8.3. Communication in the Thematic or Project Approach
4.8.4. Results After a Lesson with a Thematic or Project-Based Approach
4.9. ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning
4.9.1. Advantages and Risks of Using ICT in the Classroom
4.9.2. The Role of ICT in the English Classroom
4.9.3. Prepared Materials
4.9.4. Interactive Whiteboards
4.9.5. Webquests
4.9.6. Design of Materials: Software for Language Teaching with the Internet
4.10. Formative/Informal Evaluation of English Language Teaching and Learning
4.10.1. Introduction to Evaluation
4.10.2. Basic Principles of Assessment
4.10.3. Quality Criteria in Evaluation
4.10.4. Evaluation Planning
4.10.5. Different Types of Evaluation
4.10.6. Characteristics and Types of Formative/Informal Evaluation
Module 5. Neuromotor Development and Didactics of Physical Education
5.1. Human Neuromotor Development
5.1.1. How to Study This Topic
5.1.2. The Pre-School Education Phase
5.1.3. Neuromotor Skills and Executive Functions
5.1.4. Projects and Organization of Activities Based on Neuromotor Development
5.1.5. Bibliographical References
5.2. Motor Learning and Motor Skills
5.2.1. How to Study This Topic
5.2.2. Constructivist Development Applied to Physical Education. Key Concepts
5.2.3. Ecological Focus on the Process of Motor Skills Competence
5.2.4. Bibliographical References
5.3. Foundations of Motor Games as an Educational Resource
5.3.1. How to Study This Topic
5.3.2. Motor Skills and Motor Games
5.3.3. Motor Games: Characteristics and Application
5.3.4. Type of Games for Students in the Pre-School Education Phase
5.3.5. Teaching Strategies of Motor Games
5.3.6. Bibliographical References
5.4. Working Areas of Psychomotor Skills in Pre-School Education. Competences, Objectives, Contents and Evaluation Processes
5.4.1. How to Study This Topic
5.4.2. Competences and Objectives
5.4.3. Evaluation Processes
5.4.4. Psychomotor Session
5.4.5. Bibliographical References
5.5. Contents (I). Elements and Characteristics of the Body Schema in Pre-School Education
5.5.1. How to Study This Topic
5.5.2. Psychomotor Education: The Body Schema
5.5.3. Tonic and Postural Control
5.5.4. Breathing Control
5.5.5. Laterality
5.5.6. Space and Time Structure
5.5.7. Bibliographical References
5.6. Contents (II). Development of Psychomotor Coordination in Pre-School Education
5.6.1. How to Study This Topic
5.6.2. Types of Psychomotor Coordination
5.6.3. The Development of the Psychomotor Coordination
5.6.4. Practical Proposals
5.6.5. Bibliographical References
5.7. Contents (III). Basic Motor Skills in Physical Education
5.7.1. How to Study This Topic
5.7.2. Displacements
5.7.3. Turns
5.7.4. Jumps
5.7.5. Launches
5.7.6. Receptions
5.8. Health Education: Postural and Hygienic Habits in Physical Education
5.8.1. How to Study This Topic
5.8.2. Joint by Joint
5.8.3. Strength as a Fundamental Basic Physical Skill
5.8.4. Resistance
5.8.5. Speed
5.8.6. Range of Movement
5.8.7. Bibliographical References
5.9. New Methodological Proposals for Physical Education in the 21st Century
5.9.1. How to Study This Topic
5.9.2. Context of Excellence, Creativity and Learning
5.9.3. Learning Environments and Movement
5.9.4. ICT-TAC in Physical Education
5.9.5. Educational Gamification
5.9.6. Bibliographical References
Module 6. Musical Knowledge and its Didactics
6.1. The Message of the Music
6.1.1. How Do We Perceive Music?
6.1.2. Elements That Make Up Music: The Sound
6.1.3. Elements of Musical Language
6.1.4. Musical Texture
6.1.5. Parties Involved in the Musical Processes
6.1.6. Sources or Musical Supports
6.1.7. Music and Cinema
6.2. Musical Language for Teachers: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony and Form
6.2.1. Rhythm and Its Writing
6.2.2. Melody and Its Writing
6.2.3. Harmony and Its Writing
6.2.4. Musical Forms
6.3. Voice and Other Musical Instruments
6.3.1. The Body as an Instrument
6.3.2. The Voice as an Instrument
6.3.3. Singing as a Musical Educational Process
6.3.4. Choir Singing
6.3.5. Traditional and Modern Classification of Musical Instruments
6.3.6. Popular Instruments and Their Construction
6.3.7. Initiation to School Instruments
6.3.8. Most Common Instrument Groups
6.4. Music in Ancient Civilizations and the Middle Ages
6.4.1. Music in Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome
6.4.2. The Middle Ages: Historical, Artistic and Cultural Landscape
6.4.3. Music in the Middle Ages
6.5. Humanism in Music and the Theory of Affects
6.5.1. Humanism and the Renaissance
6.5.2. Baroque Period and the Theory of Affects
6.6. Objective Music vs. Subjective Music
6.6.1. Objective Music: Classicism
6.6.2. Subjective Music: Romanticism
6.7. Musical Impressionism and the 20th Century
6.7.1. Musical Impressionism
6.7.2. The 20th Century: The Avante-Garde
6.8. Interculturality and Music
6.8.1. Music as a Cultural Expression in Populations
6.8.2. Folklore Music
6.8.3. Ethnic Music
6.9. Musical Education in Schools
6.9.1. Justification of Musical Education in Schools
6.9.2. History and Current Situation of Musical and Pedagogical Channels
Module 7. Development of Creativity and the Expression of Plastic Art in Pre-School Education
7.1. Introduction to Plastic and Visual Arts Education in Pre-School
7.1.1. Key Concepts. Foundation of Plastic and Visual Arts
7.1.2. The Importance of Art in Pre-school Education
7.1.3. What Should Expressive and Perceptual Education in Children Aim For? Formative Objectives and Functions
7.1.4. Educate Beyond the Hands-On Approach, but Without Losing Touch
7.1.5. Bibliographical References
7.1.6. The Art Classroom as a Didactic and Playful Space
7.1.7. The Importance of Games as a Factor for Learning
7.1.8. Artistic Corners and Experiences
7.1.9. Bibliographical References
7.2. Materials and Techniques of 2D Representation
7.2.1. Definition. Basic Concepts
7.2.2. Materials and Techniques of Bidimensional Representation
7.2.3. Supports and Instruments
7.2.4. Printing Materials and Techniques
7.2.5. Color and its Treatment
7.3. Materials and Techniques of 3D Representation
7.3.1. Definition and Concepts
7.3.2. Types of Techniques and Materials
7.3.3. Space Perception: Between Two and Three Dimensions
7.3.4. Introduction to Volume in Pre-School Education
7.3.5. Activities Based on 3D Techniques
7.3.6. Bibliographical References
7.4. Creativity in Pre-School Children
7.4.1. Basic Concepts and Their Evolution
7.4.2. The Creative Process: Imagination, Motivation and Games
7.4.3. Types of Creativity and Its Application to Working with Children
7.4.4. The Creative Teacher
7.4.5. Bibliographical References
7.5. Relationship of the Language of Art with Other Languages
7.5.1. Artistic Language and its Relationship with Other Languages
7.5.2. Oral Language: Speaking Through Images
7.5.3. Written Language: Beyond Words
7.5.4. Body Language, Psychomotor Skills and Artistic Expression
7.5.5. Bibliographical References
7.6. Learning and Visual Perception in Childhood I
7.6.1. The Iconosphere or the Universe of Images
7.6.2. Teaching Early Vision
7.6.3. Grammar of Image and its Dimensions
7.6.4. The Three Systems of Representation
7.6.5. Perception, Learning and Cognition
7.6.6. Bibliographical References
7.7. Learning and Visual Perception in Childhood II
7.7.1. Intelligence and Visual Thinking. How Much Do We See?
7.7.2. Visual Literacy: Basic Elements of Formal Configuration
7.7.3. Visual Communication: Fundamentals and Factors
7.7.4. Visual Rhetorical Figures
7.7.5. Bibliographical References
7.8. Learning and Visual Perception in Childhood III
7.8.1. Introduction
7.8.2. Gestalt and its Laws
7.8.3. Optical Illusions
7.8.4. Ambivalent Images
7.8.5. Bibliographical References
7.9. Development of Graphic and Plastic Art Expression in Pre-School Education
7.9.1. Relevant Aspects in the Development of Graphic and Plastic Expression
7.9.2. Introduction to the Evolution of Plastic Expression in Children from 0-6 Years Old. Relevant Aspects Through Theories and Authors
7.9.3. Activities for Working on Plastic Expression in Children
7.9.4. The First Strokes. Scribbling Stage
7.9.5. Uncontrolled Scribbling (One and a Half to Two Years Old)
7.9.6. Controlled Scribbling (Two and Half Years to Three and a Half Years Old)
7.9.7. Ideograms (Three and a Half to Four Years Old)
7.9.8. The Beginning of Imagination: Pre-Schematic Stage (Four to Seven Years Old)
7.9.9. The Schematic Stage (Seven to Nine Years Old)
7.9.10. The Dawn of Realism (Nine to Twelve Years Old)
7.9.11. Guide for the Analysis of Children’s Drawings During the Scribbling Stage
7.9.12. Guide for the Analysis of Children’s Drawings From 4 Years Old
7.10. The Curricular Design of the Artistic Classroom in Pre-School Education
7.10.1. Contexts of Attention and Development
7.10.2. Attitude as an Educational Foundation
7.10.3. Some Didactic Orientations for Artistic Education
7.10.4. The Living Classroom
7.10.5. The Design of Didactic Units
7.10.6. We Start from Experiential Areas
7.10.7. We Identify the Objectives
7.10.8. We Identify the Content
7.10.9. We Think of the Activities
7.10.10. Other Elements and Considerations
7.10.11. Bibliographical References
Module 8. Didactics of the Spanish Language in Pre-School Education
8.1. Didactics of Language Classes in Pre-School Education
8.1.1. What is Didactics of Language?
8.1.2. The Linguistic System
8.1.3. Language Functions
8.1.4. Theoretical and Methodological Orientations
8.2. Methodology of the Didactics of Language
8.2.1. Importance of Literature
8.2.2. Bringing Literature to the Classroom
8.2.3. Type and Selection of Children’s Books
8.3. Programming of the Verbal Language in Pre-School Education
8.3.1. Legislation and Language Teaching: Programming and Curriculum
8.3.2. Objectives, Content and Methodology
8.3.3. Assessment
8.4. Acquisition of Language
8.4.1. Acquisition of Language
8.4.2. Prelinguistic or Preverbal Communication Stage
8.4.3. Linguistic Stage
8.5. Vocabulary Didactics in Pre-School Education
8.5.1. Concept of Vocabulary
8.5.2. Theories and Methodology for the Classroom
8.5.3. Words and Children
8.6. Oral Communication in the Classroom: Dialogue
8.6.1. Comprehension and Understanding
8.6.2. Language for Thinking
8.6.3. Symbolic Game
8.6.4. Approach to Reading and Writing
8.7. Stories for Children
8.7.1. Telling or Reading: The Dilemma
8.7.2. Preparing a Story for Oral Presentation
8.7.3. For Narrating Successfully
8.7.4. Expressive Reading and the Help of Images
8.8. Poetry and Theater for Children
8.8.1. Types of Child Poetry According to Age
8.8.2. Reciting, Memorization and Traditional Games
8.8.3. Drama Representations for Children
8.8.4. Theater and Puppets in the Classroom
8.9. Literature Done by Children: Stories, Poetry and Theater
8.9.1. Creativity in Childhood
8.9.2. Resources for Making Up Stories
8.9.3. Poeticism and Children's Language
8.9.4. Mechanisms for Poetic Creation
8.9.5. Understanding Dramatization and Theater
8.9.6. Exercises and Staging
8.10. Literature and its Interrelations
8.10.1. For Linguistic Development
8.10.2. For Comprehensive Development
8.10.3. Evaluation
Module 9. Didactics of Mathematics in Pre-School Education
9.1. Review of Theories and Terms
9.1.1. Theory of Didactical Situations
9.1.2. Logical Activity. Meaning
9.2. Problem Solving
9.2.1. What is a Problem?
9.2.2. How to Pose Problems in Pre-School
9.3. The Role of Representation
9.3.1. Symbols
9.3.2. Representation as the Identity of the Mathematical Activity
9.4. Globalized Education
9.4.1. Cooperative Learning
9.4.2. Project Method
9.4.3. Games as a Source of Learning
9.5. Making Materials
9.5.1. Materials With Didactic Ends
9.5.2. Making Your Own Materials
9.6. The Classroom as a Space for Learning
9.6.1. Decoration as a Learning Element
9.6.2. The Mathematics Corner
9.7. Mathematics as a Transversal Subject
9.7.1. Waldorf
9.7.2. Montessori
9.7.3. Reggio Emilia
9.7.4. Singapore Methodology
9.7.5. Entusiamat
9.7.6. ABN
9.8. ICT in Pre-school Education
9.8.1. Devices and Software
9.8.2. Calculator
9.9. Evaluation as an Improvement Element
9.9.1. Learning Assessment
9.9.2. Process Evaluation
9.10. Learning and Mathematics. Construction of Mathematical Knowledge in Pre-school Education
9.10.1. Specificity and Significance of Mathematical Knowledge in Learning
9.10.2. Learning Mathematics
9.10.3. Constructivist Learning Model in Mathematics
9.10.4. Learning and Management of Didactic Variables
Module 10. Didactics of the Natural and Social Environment
10.1. The Natural Sciences Teacher in Pre-School Education
10.1.1. Didactics in Natural Sciences
10.1.2. Science Education in Pre-School Education
10.1.3. Training and Attitude of the Teaching Staff Towards Science
10.1.4. Didactic Transposition and School Science
10.1.5. Pre-School Children and Their Relationship With the Natural Environment
10.1.6. Previous Ideas and Their Influence on Natural Science Learning
10.1.7. Importance of Teaching Intervention
10.1.8. Rhythm of Learning and Adaptation
10.2. Programming of Didactic Units in Natural Sciences: What Are We Going to Teach, How and In What Time Frame?
10.2.1. Planning and Design of Didactic Units
10.2.2. Design of a Didactic Unit
10.2.3. Assessment of Teaching-Learning Process
10.2.4. Evaluation Techniques and Instruments
10.2.5. Teaching Methodologies of the Natural Sciences in Pre-School Education
10.2.6. Materials and Didactic Resources for Teaching the Sciences
10.2.7. Science in School. Initiation to Doing Experiments
10.2.8. Learning Natural Sciences Outside the Classroom
10.3. Didactic Experiences in the Pre-School Classroom. Experiment Work and Its Importance
10.3.1. Principles of Educational Intervention in Pre-School Education
10.3.2. Games as an Axis in Educational Action
10.3.3. Globalized Strategies
10.3.4. Concrete Methods
10.3.5. Experimental Work: The Scientific Method
10.3.6. Obtaining Information: Observation
10.3.7. Experimentation: Scientific Strategies
10.3.8. Environmental Education and Communicating Results
10.4. Environmental Education in Pre-School Education
10.4.1. Concept of Environmental Education
10.4.2. Concept of Sustainable Development
10.4.3. Objectives of Environmental Education in the Curriculum
10.4.4. The Development of Attitudes and Values
10.4.5. Didactics of Environmental Education
10.4.6. Environmental Problems
10.4.7. Environmental Impacts of Human Activities
10.5. Proposal for Practical Activities in Pre-school Education
10.5.1. Workshops
10.5.2. Outlets
10.5.3. The Garden
10.5.4. Games and Dynamics
10.5.5. ICT Resources
10.5.6. Animals in Schools
10.6. Knowledge of the Social and Cultural Environment in the Pre-School Education Curriculum
10.6.1. Knowledge of the Social Sciences in the Pre-School Education Curriculum
10.6.2. The Process of Social Learning in the Child
10.6.3. Content on Social Belonging in Pre-School Education
10.6.4. Citizen Values in Today's Society
10.6.5. Personality and Society, the Action Framework
10.6.6. Parents, the Educational Center and the Community
10.6.7. The Students: Didactic Principles for Knowledge of the Social Environment
10.6.8. The Social and Cultural Context of Pre-School
10.7. Teaching and Learning of Space and Time in the Pre-School Classroom
10.7.1. Space in the Pre-School Education Curriculum
10.7.2. How Do Children Conceptualize Space?
10.7.3. The Vision of the World and the Understanding of Space in Pre-School Children
10.7.4. Working With Maps: Teaching Students to Situate Themselves and Objects in Space
10.7.5. Learning Time
10.7.6. Teaching History in Pre-school Education
10.7.7. Acquisition of the Concept of Causality
10.8. The Concept of Self in Pre-School Children: Knowledge of Themselves, Personal Autonomy and Daily Life
10.8.1. Self-Awareness and Personal Autonomy
10.8.2. The Construction of One's Own Interpretative Framework
10.8.3. Knowledge of Themselves and Personal Autonomy From the Didactics of Social Sciences
10.8.4. Didactic Activities and Their Evaluation. The Globalized Focus
10.9. Social Sciences and Multiple Intelligences
10.9.1. The Multiple Intelligences of Howard Gardner
10.9.2. Understand the Theory of Multiple Intelligences for Teaching About the Social and Cultural Environment
10.9.3. Starting from the Children's Preconceptions
10.9.4. Personal Intelligences
10.9.5. Development of Spatial Intelligence
10.9.6. Comprehensive Evaluation
10.9.7. To Conclude
10.10. Program and Evaluate Knowledge of the Social and Cultural Environment in Pre-School
10.10.1. Pre-School Education Programming in the Current Legislation
10.10.2. When to Teach. The Importance of Programming
10.10.3. Why Teach? The Objectives
10.10.4. What to Teach. The Content
10.10.5. How to Teach. Methodology
10.10.6. What, How and When to Evaluate?
10.10.7. Programming in Pre-school Education
Module 11. Educational Legislation and Organization of Centers
11.1. School Organization
11.1.1. The Complexities of School Organization
11.1.2. Elements of School Organization
11.1.3. School Organization and Educational Legislation
11.1.4. Bibliographical References
11.2. Education in the European Union Framework
11.2.1. European Union and Education
11.2.2. The European Space for Higher Education and Its Elements
11.2.3. Other Educational Systems in the European Union
11.2.4. Bibliographical References
11.3. Structure and Organization of Educational Centers
11.3.1. The Structure of School Centers
11.3.2. The Organization of School Centers
11.3.3. Pedagogical and Normative Documents
11.3.4. Bibliographical References
11.4. School Calendar and School Timetables
11.4.1. School Calendar
11.4.2. School Timetable
11.4.3. Bibliographical References
11.5. Organization of the Students, School Promotion, Attention to Diversity and Tutoring
11.5.1. Organization of the Students and School Promotion
11.5.2. Attention to Diversity
11.5.3. Tutoring
11.5.4. Bibliographical References
11.6. The School Building, the Classroom and the Material Elements of School Centers
11.6.1. The School Building
11.6.2. The Classroom
11.6.3. The Material Elements of School Centers: Didactic Material
11.6.4. Bibliographical References
11.7. Evaluation of Centers and the Educational Environment
11.7.1. The Assessment of School Centers
11.7.2. Educational Environment
11.7.3. Participation in the Education Center
11.7.4. Bibliographical References
Module 12. Family, School and Society
12.1. Education, Family and Society
12.1.1. Conceptual Delimitation: Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education
12.1.2. Non-Formal Education Environments
12.1.3. Current Situation in Formal and Non-Formal Education Environments
12.1.4. Bibliographical References
12.2. Family Education in a World of Change
12.2.1. Family and School: Educational Contexts
12.2.2. Family and School Relationships
12.2.3. School and Society of Information
12.2.4. The Role of the Media
12.2.5. Bibliographical References
12.3. Educating Family
12.3.1. The Socialization Process
12.3.2. Family and Early Childhood Education
12.3.3. Family and Childhood Education
12.3.4. Bibliographical References
12.4. Education, Family and Community
12.4.1. Community and Family That Educates
12.4.2. Education in Values
12.4.3. Bibliographical References
12.5. School for Parents
12.5.1. Communication with Families
12.5.2. Parent Schools
12.5.3. Program of a School for Parents
12.5.4. Methodology of Family Workshops
12.5.5. Bibliographical References
12.6. Family Educational Practices
12.6.1. Family Characteristics
12.6.2. Family: Social Changes and New Models
12.6.3. Family as a Social System
12.6.4. Family Educational Styles
12.6.5. Authority in the Family
12.6.6. Bibliographical References
12.7. The Media and Educational Influence
12.7.1. Media Culture
12.7.2. Is the Television Educational?
12.7.3. Good Use
12.7.4. Bibliographical References
12.8. Family Orientation
12.8.1. Educational Orientation in the Family and School
12.8.2. Family, Training, Values
12.8.3. Teaching Social Skills
12.8.4. Educating in Childhood
12.8.5. Bibliographical References
Module 13. Family Orientation and Tutoring
13.1. Family Orientation and Tutoring
13.1.1. Definition of Family Orientation and Tutoring
13.1.2. Objectives of Family Orientation
13.1.3. Legislation of Orientation
13.2. The Tutorial Action Plan and its Application
13.2.1. Definition and Composition of the Tutorial Action Plan
13.2.2. Some Related Practical Cases
13.3. The Mentor Teacher
13.3.1. The Profile of the Mentor Teacher
13.3.2. Competencies of the Mentor Teacher
13.3.3. Functions of the Mentor Teacher and their Relationship with the Families
13.4. The Training of Mentor Teachers
13.4.1. Initial Training for Mentor Teachers
13.4.2. Continued Training of Mentor Teachers
13.4.3. Mediation as a Professional Tool
13.5. The Family Interview from the School Center
13.5.1. Different Family Models
13.5.2. The First Contact With the Families
13.5.3. Phases of the Interview
13.5.4. Practical Aspects to be Taken into Account in Interviews
13.5.5. Interview Techniques
13.6. The Social Collaboration from the School Center
13.6.1. Learning and Service as a Methodology for Connecting School, Family and Society
13.6.2. Type of Learning and Service Programs
13.6.3. Steps in the Elaboration of a Learning and Service Program
13.7. Family Schools
13.7.1. Definition of Family Schools
13.7.2. Objectives of Family Schools
13.7.3. Contents of Family Schools
13.7.4. Methods and Techniques for Their Development
13.7.5. Some Related Practical Cases
13.8. Professional Coordination
13.8.1. Teamwork
13.8.2. Union Between Educational and Non-Educational Professionals
13.8.3. Different Players, Classes and Functions
13.9. Teaching Content and Subjects
13.9.1. Knowledge of the Teaching Staff
13.9.2. Quality of Teaching and the Contents
13.9.3. Practice and Learning Communities
13.9.4. Distribution of Knowledge and Connectivism
13.10. Teacher Assessment
13.10.1. Evolution in Recent Decades
13.10.2. International References
13.10.3. Models in the USA
13.10.4. Innovations in Australia
13.10.5. The Situation in Latin America
13.10.6. Final Reflections
Module 14. Education and Co-Existence Inside and Outside the Classroom
14.1. School Co-Existence
14.1.1. Definition of Co-Existence
14.1.2. Models of School Co-Existence
14.1.3. Development of Basic Skills for Good Co-Existence
14.1.4. School Spaces for Co-Existence
14.2. Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.2.1. Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.2.2. Objectives of the Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.2.3. Phases of the Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.2.4. Actions of the Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.2.5. Assessment of the Coexistence and Equality Plan
14.3. Discrimination at School
14.3.1. Concept of Discrimination
14.3.2. Types of Discrimination
14.3.3. Causes of Discrimination and How to Detect It
14.3.4. Steps to Detect Situations of Discrimination
14.4. School Conflict
14.4.1. The Definition of Conflict
14.4.2. Causes of the Conflict
14.4.3. Characteristics of the Conflict
14.4.4. Types of School Conflict
14.4.5. Ways of Positively Resolving Conflict
14.5. Preventive Strategies and Intervention Techniques
14.5.1. Prevention Programs in School Conflict
14.5.2. Negotiation at School
14.5.3. School Mediation
14.5.4. Intervention in Detected Cases
14.6. Family and School
14.6.1. Family and School Relationships
14.6.2. Influence of the Family and School Co-Existence
14.6.3. Conflict Between Family and the Education Center
14.6.4. Action Protocols in School Conflict
14.6.5. Recommendations for Families
14.7. Influence of the Media and Technology
14.7.1. The Technological Era and its Influence on Social Relationships
14.7.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT for Co-Existence
14.7.3. Influence of ICT on School Conflict
14.7.4. Cyber Risks in Students
14.7.5. Educational Tools for the Responsible Use of ICT
14.8. Teaching Professional Development Programs
14.8.1. Learning Through Practice
14.8.2. Principles of Guiding Effectivity
14.8.3. Utilitas, Firmitas and Venustas
14.8.4. Proposals That Work
14.8.5. The Student as an Indicator
14.8.6. Program Evaluation and Improvement
14.8.7. Feedback Through Technology
14.9. Towards Excellence in Teacher Professional Development
14.9.1. Premises and Base Principles of Teacher Professional Development
14.9.2. Ingredients for Achieving Excellence
14.9.3. Some Policy Suggestions
14.10. Ongoing Teacher Training: Motivations, Achievements and Needs
14.10.1. Concept of Ongoing Learning
14.10.2. The Teacher as an Object of Research
14.10.3. Methodological Planning
14.10.4. Motivation for Carrying Out Ongoing Training Activities
14.10.5. Level of Participation in Training Activities
14.10.6. Fields in Which Training is Most in Demand
Module 15. Theory and Practice of Educational Research
15.1. Research and Innovation in Education
15.1.1 The Scientific Method
15.1.2. Research in Education
15.1.3. Educational Research Approaches
15.1.4. The need for Research and Innovation in Education
15.1.5. Ethics in Educational Research
15.2. Process of Research, Stages and Modalities
15.2.1. Modalities of Research and Educational Innovation
15.2.2. Stages of the Research and Innovation Process
15.2.3. Differences Between the Quantitative and Qualitative Research
15.2.4. The Approach to Research Problems
15.2.5. Planning and Development of the Research or Field Work
15.3. The Educational Research Process: Keys to Design and Planning
15.3.1. The Approach to Research Problems
15.3.2. The Formulation of the Research Question and Definition of Objectives
15.3.3. Planning and Development of the Research or Field Work
15.4. The Importance of Bibliographic Research
15.4.1. Selection and Justification of the Research Topic
15.4.2. Possible Areas of Research in Education
15.4.3. The Search for Information and Databases
15.4.4. Care in the Use of Information Sources (Avoiding Plagiarism)
15.4.5. Keys for Creating a Theoretical Framework
15.5. Quantitative Designs: Research Scope and Definition of the Hypothesis
15.5.1. The Scope of Quantitative Research
15.5.2. Hypotheses and Variables in Educational Research
15.5.3. Classification of the Hypothesis
15.6. Quantitative Designs: Types of Designs and Sample Selection
15.6.1. Experimental Designs
15.6.2. Quasi-Experimental Designs
15.6.3. Non-Experimental Studies (Ex Post Facto) Sample Selection
15.7. Qualitative Designs
15.7.1. What is Meant by Qualitative Research?
15.7.2. Ethnographic Research
15.7.3. The Case Study
15.7.4. Biographical-narrative Research
15.7.5. Grounded Theory
15.7.6. Action Research
15.8. Techniques and Instruments for Educational Research
15.8.1. Data Collection: Measurement and Evaluation in Education
15.8.2. Data Collection Techniques and Instruments
15.8.3. Reliability and Validity: Technical Requirements of Assessment Instruments
15.9. Analysis of Quantitative Information
15.9.1. Statistical Analysis
15.9.2. Research Variables
15.9.3. Concept and Characteristics of the Hypotheses
15.9.4. Approach to Descriptive Statistics
15.9.5. Approach to Inferential Statistics
15.10. Analysis of Qualitative Information
15.10.1. What is Meant by Qualitative Research?
15.10.2. General Process of Qualitative Data Analysis
15.10.3. Categorization and Codification
15.10.4. Criteria of Scientific Rigor for Qualitative Data Analysis
15.11. From Educational Research to the Professional Development of Educators: Current Possibilities and Challenges
15.11.1. The Current Situation of Educational Research and the Specific View of the Educational Researcher
15.11.2. From Educational Research to Classroom Research
15.11.3. From Research in the Classroom to Evaluation of the Educational Innovations
15.11.4. Educational Research, Ethics and Professional Development of Educators
15.12. Keys for the Design of Classroom Research or End of Degree Project
15.12.1. Writing in an Academic Paper
15.12.2. Main Components of an Academic Paper
15.12.3. The Oral Presentation of an Academic Paper
Module 16. Teaching and Learning in the Family, Social and School Context
16.1. Characteristics of School Diversity
16.1.1. Introduction and Objectives
16.1.2. Diversity and Attention to Diversity. Types of Diversity
16.1.3. Diversity in Different Contexts: In the School, in the Family and in Society
16.1.4. Current Context of the Inclusive School
16.1.5. From School Diversity to Discrimination Within the Classrooms
16.1.6. Bibliographical References
16.2. Intercultural Education to Promote Equity
16.2.1. Introduction and Objectives
16.2.2. Concepts of Intercultural Education
16.2.3. Definition and Factors of Equity
16.2.4. Training for the Teachers and the Educational Community in Intercultural Education
16.2.5. Intercultural Classrooms: Challenges of the Center in Terms of Diversity
16.2.6. Bibliographical References
16.3. Discrimination in the Classroom: Characteristics and Concrete Situations
16.3.1. Introduction and Objectives
16.3.2. Discrimination in Learning Contexts
16.3.3. Legal Concept of Discrimination
16.3.4. Types and Situations of Discrimination
16.3.5. Sociocultural Factors of Discrimintation
16.3.6. Bibliographical References
16.4. Teaching and Learning Strategies in Discrimination
16.4.1. Introduction and Objectives
16.4.2. Welcoming Processes in Different Educational Stages
16.4.3. Dynamics for Promoting Equality in the Classroom
16.4.4. ICT in Discrimination of Minors in the Classroom
16.4.5. The Importance of the Design of Educational Spaces
16.4.6. Prevention Tools and Didactic Resources to Deal With Discrimination
16.4.7. Intervention Strategies
16.4.8. Bibliographical References
16.5. Family and Social Influence on Teaching and Learning Processes
16.5.1. Introduction and Objectives
16.5.2. Discrimination in the Social Context: Society as an Agent of Discrimination (Or Not) of the Minor
16.5.3. The Role of the Family as Facilitator of Intercultural Education
16.5.4. Relationship Between the Educational Center and the Families from Cultural Minorities
16.5.5. Family Variables and Academic Performance of the Son or Daughter
16.5.6. Bibliographical References
Module 17. Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Practice
17.1. Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Practice
17.1.1. Introduction
17.1.2. Innovation, Change, Improvement, and Reform
17.1.3. The school Effectiveness Improvement Movement
17.1.4. Nine Key Factors for Improvement
17.1.5. How is Change Made? The Phases of the Process
17.1.6. Final Reflection
17.2. Teaching Innovation and Improvement Projects
17.2.1. Introduction
17.2.2. Identification Data
17.2.3. Project Justification
17.2.4. Theoretical Framework
17.2.5. Objectives
17.2.6. Methodology
17.2.7. Resources
17.2.8. Timing
17.2.9. Results Evaluation
17.2.10. Bibliographical References
17.2.11. Final Reflection
17.3. School Management and Leadership
17.3.1. Objectives
17.3.2. Introduction
17.3.3. Different Concepts of Leadership
17.3.4. The Concept of Distributed Leadership
17.3.5. Approaches to Distributed Leadership
17.3.6. Resistance to Distributed Leadership
17.3.7. The Distribution of Leadership in Spain
17.3.8. Final Reflection
17.4. The Training of Teaching Professionals
17.4.1. Introduction
17.4.2. Initial Teacher Training
17.4.3. The Training of Novice Teachers
17.4.4. Teacher Professional Development
17.4.5. Teaching Competencies
17.4.6. Reflective Practice
17.4.7. From Educational Research to the Professional Development of Educators
17.5. Formative Creativity: The Principle of Educational Improvement and Innovation
17.5.1. Introduction
17.5.2. The Four Elements that Define Creativity
17.5.3. Some Theses on Creativity Relevant to Didactics
17.5.4. Formative Creativity and Educational Innovation
17.5.5. Didactic or Pedagogical Considerations for the Development of Creativity
17.5.6. Some Techniques for the Development of Creativity
17.5.7. Final Reflection
17.6. Towards a More Autonomous and Cooperative Learning (I): Learning How to Learn
17.6.1. Introduction
17.6.2. Why is Metacognition Necessary?
17.6.3. Teaching to Learn
17.6.4. Explicit Teaching of Learning Strategies
17.6.5. Classification of Learning Strategies
17.6.6. The Teaching of Metacognitive strategies
17.6.7. The Problem of Evaluation
17.6.8. Final Reflection
17.7. Towards a More Autonomous and Cooperative Learning (II): Emotional and Social Learning
17.7.1. Introduction
17.7.2. The Concept of Emotional Intelligence
17.7.3. Emotional Competencies
17.7.4. Emotional Education and Social and Emotional Learning Programs
17.7.5. Techniques and Concrete Methods for the Training of Social Skills
17.7.6. Integrating Emotional and Social Learning into Formal Education
17.7.7. Final Reflection
17.8. Towards a More Autonomous and Cooperative Learning (III): Learning by Doing
17.8.1. Introduction
17.8.2. Active Strategies and Methodologies to Encourage Participation
17.8.3. Problem-Based Learning
17.8.4. Project Work
17.8.5. Cooperative Learning
17.8.6. Thematic Immersion
17.8.7. Final Reflection
17.9. Evaluation of Learning
17.9.1. Introduction
17.9.2. A Renewed Assessment
17.9.3. Modalities of Evaluation
17.9.4. The Procedural Evaluation Through the Portfolio
17.9.5. The Use of Rubrics to Clarify the Evaluation Criteria
17.9.6. Final Reflection
17.10. The Role of the Teacher in the Classroom
17.10.1. The Teacher as a Guide and Mentor
17.10.2. The Teacher as Class Director
17.10.3. Ways of Directing the Class
17.10.4. Leadership in the Classroom and in the Center
17.10.5. Coexistence in the Center
Module 18. Teaching and Professional Skills
18.1. Strategies and Skills of the Pre-School Education Teacher Related to the Pedagogical Organization of the Educational Center
18.1.1. Analysis of the Elements of the Pre-School Education Curriculum Prioritized by the Educational Administration
18.1.2. Analysis of the Conclusions and Proposals from the Previous Year's Report
18.1.3. Analysis of the Priorities of the School's Annual General Meeting (AGM)
18.2. Strategies and Skills of the Pre-School Education Teacher Related to the Pedagogical Organization of the Students
18.2.1. Strategies for the Collection of Information on Students who are new to the School
18.2.2. Strategies for the Transfer of Information of Students Who are Promoted to a Higher Level in Pre-School Education
18.3. Educational Planning and Programming in Pre-School Education
18.3.1. Units of Programming in Pre-school Education
18.3.2. Examples of Units of Programming in Pre-school Education
18.3.3. Teaching Skills for Planning Project Work
18.4. Teaching Strategies for Learning in Pre-School Education. Perspective of the Teacher in Pre-School Education
18.4.1. The Teaching and Learning Process in Pre-School Education
18.4.2. Psycho-Pedagogical Principles of Pre-School Education
18.4.3. Teaching and Professional Skills Related to Teaching and Learning Processes in Pre-School Education
18.5. Organization of Didactic Resources, Spaces and Time in Pre-School Education
18.5.1. Organization of Didactic and Curricular Materials in Pre-School Education
18.5.2. Organization of Space as an Educational Resource in Pre-School Education
18.5.3. The Classroom in Pre-school Education
18.5.4. Organization and Distribution of Time in Pre-School Education
18.5.5. Criteria for the Organization of Time in Pre-School Education
18.6. Professional Skills for the Attention of Educational Needs in the Pre-School Education Classroom
18.6.1. Educational Requirements. Concepts Used for Teaching and Professional Skills of the Teacher in Pre-School Education
18.6.2. Learning Difficulties and Educational Intervention Derived from Motor, Visual and Hearing Disabilities: Educational Intervention, Teaching and Professional Skills
18.6.3. Learning Difficulties Resulting From ASD, ADHD, Intellectual Disabilities and High Intellectual Abilities: Teaching and Related Professional Skills
18.6.4. Behavioral Disorders in Childhood. Related Teaching and Professional Skills
18.7. Teaching and Professional Skills of Pre-School Teachers for Conflict Management
18.7.1. Personal Relations in Education Centers
18.7.2. Discipline and Conflict in Education Centers
18.7.3. Preventative Dimension of Discipline
18.7.4. Teaching Styles and School Discipline
18.7.5. Conflicts in Educational Organizations
18.7.6. Conflict Prevention in Education Centers
18.7.7. Procedures for Approaching Conflictive Situations in Centers
18.8. Teaching and Professional Skills Related to the Link with the Pre-School Education Environment
18.8.1. Elements and Factors that Make Up the School Environment
18.8.2. Systems Theory and Ecological Model as a Basis for our Educational Relationships with the Environment
18.8.3. Pillars of Education and the School Environment
18.8.4. Learning Communities, an Inclusive Educational Response to the Relationship Between the School and the Environment
18.8.5. Principles of Learning Communities
18.8.6. Interactive Groups: A Successful Experience Dialogic Learning
18.8.7. Phases of Transformation in Learning Communities
18.8.8. Teaching and Professional Skills of Pre-School Teachers
18.9. Teaching and Professional Skills Related to Leadership and Emotional Competencies
18.9.1. A First Approach to Educational Leadership
18.9.2. Emotional Competencies and Educational Leadership
18.9.3. Educational Leadership in the Pre-School Education Environment
18.10. Assessment in Pre-School Education from the Perspective of the Pre-School Education Teacher
18.10.1. Recovering Key Concepts on Evaluation in Pre-School Education
18.10.2. A Basic Teaching and Professional Skill: Observation
18.10.3. Post-Evaluation
18.10.4. Learning, Games and Evaluation
18.10.5. Reports for the Family
18.10.6. Synthesis: Teaching and Professional Skills of the Teacher Linked to Evaluation
Module 19. Information Technologies Applied to Education
19.1. ICT, Literacy, and Digital Competencies
19.1.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.1.2. The School in the Knowledge Society
19.1.3. ICT in the Teaching and Learning Process
19.1.4. Digital Literacy and Competencies
19.1.5. The Role of the Teacher in the Classroom
19.1.6. The Digital Competencies of the Teacher
19.1.7. Bibliographical References
19.1.8. Hardware in the Classroom: PDI, Tablets, and Smartphones
19.1.9. Internet as an Educational Resource: Web 2.0 and m-Learning
19.1.10. The Teacher as Part of the Web 2.0: How to Build a Digital Identity
19.1.11. Guidelines for the Creation of Teacher Profiles
19.1.12. Creating a Teacher Profile on Twitter
19.1.13. Bibliographical References
19.2. Creation of Pedagogical Content with ICT and its Possibilities in the Classroom
19.2.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.2.2. Conditions for Participatory Learning
19.2.3. The Role of the Learner in the Classroom with ICT: Prosumer
19.2.4. Content Creation in Web 2.0: Digital Tools
19.2.5. The Blog as a Classroom Pedagogical Resource
19.2.6. Guidelines for the Creation of an Educational Blog
19.2.7. Elements of the Blog to Make it an Educational Resource
19.2.8. Bibliographical References
19.3. Personal Learning Environments for Teachers
19.3.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.3.2. Teacher Training for the Integration of ICTs
19.3.3. Learning Communities
19.3.4. Definition of Personal Learning Environments
19.3.5. Educational Use of PLE and NLP
19.3.6. Design and Creation of our Classroom PLE
19.3.7. Bibliographical References
19.4. Collaborative Learning and Content Curation
19.4.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.4.2. Collaborative Learning for the Efficient Introduction of ICT in the Classroom
19.4.3. Digital Tools for Collaborative Work
19.4.4. Content Curation
19.4.5. Content Curation as a Didactic Practice in the Promotion of Students' Digital Competences
19.4.6. The Content Curator Teacher.
19.4.7. Bibliographical References
19.5. Pedagogical Use of Social Networks. Safety in the Use of ICTs in the Classroom
19.5.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.5.2. Principle of Connected Learning
19.5.3. Social Networks: Tools for the Creation of Learning Communities
19.5.4. Communication On Social networks: Management of the New Communicative Codes
19.5.5. Types of Social Networks
19.5.6. How to Use Social Networks in the Classroom: Content Creation
19.5.7. Development of Digital Competencies of Students and Teachers with the Integration of Social Media in the Classroom
19.5.8. Introduction and Objectives of Security in the Use of ICT in the Classroom
19.5.9. Digital Identity
19.5.10. Risks for Minors on the Internet
19.5.11. Education in Values with ICT: Service-Learning Methodology (ApS) with ICT resources
19.5.12. Platforms for Promoting Safety on the Internet
19.5.13. Internet Safety as Part of Education: Centers, Families, Students, and Teachers and Objectives of the Safety in the Use of ICTs in the Classroom
19.5.14. Bibliographical References
19.6. Creation of Audiovisual Content with ICT tools. PBL and ICT
19.6.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.6.2. Bloom's Taxonomy and ICT
19.6.3. The Educational Podcast as a Didactic Element
19.6.4. Audio Creation
19.6.5. The Image as a Didactic Element
19.6.6. ICT Tools with Educational Use of Images
19.6.7. The Editing of Images with ICT: Tools for its Edition
19.6.8. What is ABP?
19.6.9. Process of Working with PBL and ICT
19.6.10. Designing PBL with ICT
19.6.11. Educational Possibilities in Web 3.0
19.6.12. Youtubers and Instagrammers: Informal Learning in Digital Media
19.6.13. The Video Tutorial as a Pedagogical Resource in the Classroom
19.6.14. Platforms for the Dissemination of Audiovisual Materials
19.6.15. Guidelines for the Creation of an Educational Video
19.6.16. Bibliographical References
19.7. Regulations and Legislation Applicable to ICT
19.7.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.7.2. Data Protection Laws
19.7.3. Guide of Recommendations for the Privacy of Minors on the Internet
19.7.4. Copyright Rights: Copyright and Creative Commons
19.7.5. Use of Copyrighted Material
19.7.6. Bibliographical References
19.8. Gamification: Motivation and ICT in the Classroom
19.8.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.8.2. Gamification Enters the Classroom Through Virtual Learning Environments
19.8.3. Game-Based Learning (GBL)
19.8.4. Augmented Reality (AR) in the Classroom
19.8.5. Types of Augmented Reality and Classroom Experiences
19.8.6. QR Codes in the Classroom: Generation of Codes and Educational Application
19.8.7. Classroom Experiences
19.8.8. Bibliographical References
19.9. Media Competency in the Classroom with ICT
19.9.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.9.2. Promoting the Media Competence of Teachers
19.9.3. Mastering Communication for Motivating Teaching
19.9.4. Communicating Pedagogical Content with ICT
19.9.5. Importance of the Image as a Pedagogical Resource
19.9.6. Digital Presentations as a Didactic Resource in the Classroom
19.9.7. Working in the Classroom with Images
19.9.8. Sharing Images on Web 2.0
19.9.9. Bibliographical References
19.10. Assessment for Learning Through ICT
19.10.1. Introduction and Objectives
19.10.2. Assessment for Learning Through ICT
19.10.3. Evaluation Tools: Digital Portfolio and Rubrics
19.10.4. Building an e-Portfolio with Google Sites
19.10.5. Generating Evaluation Rubrics
19.10.6. Design Evaluations and Self-Evaluations with Google Forms
19.10.7. Bibliographical References

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The school stage of an infant represents a fundamental point for their physical, social, motor and intellectual development. It is at this stage where the cognitive background, personality, socialization and perception of the environment set the guidelines for the student, allowing him/her to adapt to the classroom and relate to classmates and teachers. However, not all students behave or learn in the same way, which implies the use of tactics and teaching methodologies focused on each school group. That is why TECH Global University designed an Advanced Master's Degree in Didactics and Teaching Practice in Early Childhood Education, with which you will develop high competencies for teaching through a 100% online format, free of fixed schedules. The postgraduate course lasts for two years and has the continuous support of experts, who will instruct you in aspects such as personalized training, educational legislation in the organization of centers and the general didactics of reading and writing, Spanish language, mathematics, natural and social sciences, among others.
Specialize in didactics and teaching practice in early childhood education.
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