
Specialize in Veterinary Anesthesiology with this comprehensive online professional master’s degree designed by elite veterinary sector professionals" 


The objective of this complete program is to learn all the aspects of the intervention in Veterinary Anesthesiology, which we now present to you. With extensive methodological development, throughout this program you will be able to learn each and every one of the fundamental points in this area of work. 

In this sense, the professional master’s degree will begin with the phases prior to the application of anesthesia to the patient: knowledge of the equipment, previous management of the patient, medication and study of drug-drug interactions. 

The study of the physiology most closely related to anesthesia, focusing on the involvement of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems, will occupy the second part of the professional master’s degree, an essential review to understand the functioning and consequences on the patient of the application of anesthesia. 

However, the success of an anesthetic procedure goes far beyond the administration of the appropriate drugs. It is essential to master pre-anesthetic assessment, induction, maintenance and education in order to achieve success in the process and a return to normality without sequelae. Fluid therapy and even transfusion must also be taken into account and, therefore, will be covered in our complete program in Veterinary Anesthesiology. 

The anesthesiologist must also take care of pain management. A basic vital sign that, if not adequately controlled, can be one of the main causes of delayed discharge and perioperative complications. Acquiring competence in this part of care is another of our major objectives. 

Monitoring, anesthetic complications, management of anesthesia under special conditions and the application of balanced anesthesia and multimodal anesthesia protocols will also be covered in this highly scientifically rigorous program.

This professional master’s degree is the opportunity you were waiting for to take your career to the next level and become a prestigious veterinarian” 

This professional master’s degree in Veterinary Anesthesiology contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents, easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation banks that are permanently available, including after the program

You will learn about all aspects of Veterinary Anesthesiology from leading professionals with years of experience in the sector”

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of qualified and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will contribute all the practical knowledge derived from their own experience; one of the differential qualities of this program. 

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this professional master’s degree in Veterinary Anesthesiology. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need in your training. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning: with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert , you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

This intensive program in Veterinary Anesthesiology will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


This program represents a unique opportunity for professional growth due to the quality of the contents offered and the excellent teaching staff"


Our goal is to help veterinary professionals attain a much higher level of competence and control in Veterinary Anesthesiology. A goal that, in just twelve months, you will be able to achieve with a high intensity and precise course. 


With this intensive program, you will learn how to monitor the anesthetized patient, from the most basic to the most complicated, such as nociception and hypnosis monitoring"

General Objectives

  • Know and understand the main mechanical parts of the anesthesia machine and the importance of the previous management of the patient in terms of medication and feeding
  • Know the most important physiological characteristics of the different organ systems and their relationship and modifications that occur during anesthesia
  • Know the general characteristics of pharmacology and the specific characteristics of the main anesthetic drugs used
  • Use tables for the preparation of combinations of anesthetic or anesthesia-related drugs
  • Know the characteristics of each anesthetic time and the control points to take into account in order to increase patient safety
  • Know the specific needs in terms of fluid therapy and transfusion medicine related to the perioperative period
  • Learn and understand the physiology of nociceptive and acute and chronic pain
  • Acquire a logical understanding of the physiological implications of untreated pain
  • In-depth knowledge of the different analgesics and their indications
  • Know how to assess both acute and chronic pain
  • Understand the basics of locoregional anesthesia and analgesia
  • Understand the main differences and indications of different drugs
  • Understand the different blockages t be performed and the areas affected by them
  • Understand the monitoring of the anesthetized patient, from the most basic to the most complicated such as nociception and hypnosis monitoring
  • Understand the limitations and the most appropriate monitoring in each patient and in each specific case
  • Detect, prevent and treat the main complications during the perioperative period 
  • Manage the patient's anesthetic under specific pathological situations, or with specific physiological alterations that will mark a different anesthetic management
  • Establish and understand the differences in management of specific anesthetic situations and determine mechanisms to anticipate potential problems that may arise during patient management
  • Implement all the topics learned in the management of concrete situations, understanding the protocol used, monitoring, detection of complications and their solution

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Introduction: Anesthetic Equipment

  • Know the origins of the specialty in human medicine and its incorporation into the field of veterinary medicine 
  • Know the guidelines and importance of perioperative management of feeding of the surgical patient and fasting of solids and liquids 
  • Know and understand the operation of anesthetic machines and mechanical ventilators 

Module 2. Anesthetic Physiology and Pharmacology

  • Know and understand ventilatory, cardiovascular, digestive, renal, endocrine, nervous (both central and peripheral) physiology and their age-related modifications 
  • Know and understand the general pharmacological processes and those directly related to each of the pharmacological families related to anesthesia (sedatives, analgesics, inducers, neuromuscular relaxants) 

Module 3. Anesthetic Timing

  • Practical knowledge of the different phases of anesthesia, from the preoperative assessment to the awakening of the patient, and the main postoperative care  
  • Know the characteristics of premedication, induction, maintenance and education, in order to minimize anesthetic risks as much as possible 
  • Understand in a practical way the differences during the maintenance phase in the case of inhalation and intravenous anesthesia 
  • Know the characteristics and indications of perioperative fluid therapy and the administration of blood products 

Module 4. Analgesia

  • Understand the different nociceptive pathways and the phenomena of central and peripheral sensitization 
  • Understand the action of each family of analgesics and their use in both acute and chronic pain 
  • Know the importance and the different methods of acute and chronic pain assessment 

Module 5. Locoregional Anesthesia/Analgesia

  • Understand the basics of locoregional anesthesia and analgesia with the different technical methods used 
  • Know the main complications associated with locoregional techniques and their treatment 
  • Understand basic pharmacology of local anesthetics and their adjuvants 
  • Understand the different blockages to be performed on the head, trunk and limbs 
  • Include locoregional techniques explained in specific clinical cases, within multimodal analgesia protocols 

Module 6. Monitoring

  • Understand in detail how to make the most of basic patient monitoring based on examination, observation and palpation 
  • Understand the most important parameters to monitor from a cardiovascular, ventilatory and neurological point of view 
  • Understand and assess the different methods of monitoring the patient's blood volume 

Module 7. Anesthetic Complications

  • Assist in the detection, prevention and treatment of complications related to perioperative management (regurgitation, hypothermia) 
  • Assist in the detection, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, neurological and ventilatory complications associated with anesthesia 
  • Assist in the detection and treatment of cardiorespiratory arrest and patient management after resuscitation 

Module 8. Anesthetic Management in Specific Situations I

  • Establish and understand the differences in management of specific anesthetic situations and determine mechanisms to anticipate potential problems that may arise during patient management

Module 9. Anesthetic Management in Specific Situations II

  • Establish and understand the differences in the management of specific anesthetic situations and determine the mechanisms to anticipate possible problems that may arise during the management of patients with respiratory or ophthalmologic pathologies, for minimally invasive procedures, with alterations in body condition, extreme body size, brachiocephalic, with thoracic pathology, oncologic or pregnant patients  

Module 10. Anesthetic Management in Specific Situations III

  • Observe how to use different protocols, anesthetic techniques and monitoring techniques applied to specific situations in a practical way  
  • Assess the most appropriate protocol for each patient and understand the absence of predetermined protocols individualization is necessary for each procedure and each case

A path to achieve training and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Professional Master's Degree in Veterinary Anesthesiology in Major Species</h1

Part of the success in surgical procedures in the veterinary field is linked to a correct anesthesia and adjuvant monitoring. This does not seem to mean major inconvenience when we talk about conventional pets: canines, felines or birds, but before other species of considerable size such as equines, camelids, swine or ruminants, expectations require new strategies and skills. For this reason, TECH Global University presents the Professional Master's Degree in Veterinary Anesthesiology in Major Species, a resizing of the clinical animal panorama in its most particular aspects, from the physiology of the cardiovascular system in the horse to the application of euthanasia protocols. Do you want to deepen your knowledge in the use of ketamine and lidocaine, learn how to accompany a laparoscopy or master intubation techniques for large and small camelids? In this postgraduate course you will find this and much more. Thanks to our methodology of 100% virtual classes combined with innovative educational models, not only will you be able to graduate without leaving home, but you will do it regulating your own schedule and accompanied by an extraordinary faculty. TECH is everything you were looking for.

Specialize in anesthesiology for larger species

Whether in minimally invasive procedures or in surgeries of complex intervention, anesthesia must always go through three phases: before, during, after, plus a fourth one that encompasses the perioperative complications present in the course of the surgical work. The latter are avoidable with an optimal assessment of the patient's nociceptive condition, the correct choice of anesthetic and analgesic drugs and, of course, constant monitoring to avoid arrhythmias, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, among others. Thanks to our comprehensive Professional Master's Degree, you will acquire sufficient skills to carry out an optimal anesthetic control of the animal. There are a total of ten modules in which you will learn sedation, analgesia, locoregional anesthesia, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, fluid therapy, special clinical situations, among other useful topics. At TECH we take professional training to another level, using the best educational technology and the most qualified teaching teams, which is why we are ranked as the best online university in the world. Enroll now and be part of a unique experience.