
In addition to her specialization in Pediatrics, Dr. Cristina Muñoz Archidona is an Expert in Clinical and Translational Research in High Prevalence Diseases, Pediatric Trauma, Critical Pediatric Patient and Vital Pediatric Emergencies. Thanks to her extensive and outstanding professional career in several of the most prestigious hospitals in Madrid, she has become a Pediatric Specialist in Outpatient Allergology and Pediatric Pneumology at the University Hospital of Móstoles. 

He has numerous national and international publications, book chapters, communications presented at congresses and national and international scientific meetings, as well as lectures in programs. In addition, he has participated in multiple research projects. 

  • Pediatric Specialist in Pediatric Allergology and Pneumology Outpatients at the University Hospital of Móstoles. 
  • Responsible and coordinator of the outpatient pediatric pneumology clinic at the General Hospital of Villalba. 
  • Specialist in Pediatrics at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital and Henares University Hospital. 
  • Degree in Medicine from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. 
  • Specialty in Pediatrics at University Hospital Severo Ochoa 
  • Master's Degree in Pediatric Emergencies at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. 
  • Expert in Pediatric Trauma, Pediatric Critical Patient, Pediatric Emergencies and Pediatric Vital Emergencies at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. 
  • Member of: 
    • SEICAP 
    • EAACI 
    • AEP 
    • SPMYCM 
    • SEPEAP 
    • ICOMEM 
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