
Obtain a postgraduate diploma in Neurodevelopment Disorder with this 100% online program in only 6 months”


Atypical neurodevelopment in children and adolescents can be caused by factors that alter the complex encephalic processes. Although it is estimated that less than 10% of the child and adolescent population suffers from this type of conditions, which usually occur before puberty, psychology professionals who are committed to their patients should know in detail the ins and outs of these pathologies. In this way they will be able to work in a specialized way in their treatment, improving their quality of life and contributing to the peace of mind of their families.

The best option to fulfill this objective is through the completion of this postgraduate diploma in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This is a 100% online program with 6 months of duration, which includes the best content to delve into the developmental contexts of psychopathologies in childhood and adolescence, the determinants of intelligence, and comprehensive and updated knowledge of autism spectrum disorder.

For this purpose, you will have a syllabus designed by experts, as well as additional material in different formats including: images, detailed videos, research articles, real clinical cases and complementary readings with which you will be able to delve into the aspects you consider most important for your professional performance. In addition, all the content will be available for download from the beginning of the course, so that students will not only be able to organize themselves, but also to save and consult it whenever they need it, even once the program is over.

A program with which you will not only contribute to improving the quality of life of your patients, but also bring greater peace of mind to their families”

The postgraduate diploma in Neurodevelopmental Disorders contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Psychology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable electronic device with an Internet connection

Knowing in detail the different developmental contexts, as well as psychopathologies in childhood and adolescence, will allow you to establish more effective and specialized therapeutic plans”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

You will work on the importance of the role of families in the treatment of patients with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, so that you can guide them and establish guidelines for coexistence"


Thanks to the thoroughness with which the syllabus has been designed, you will be able to delve into the main methods of intervention with children and adolescents with ASD"


This postgraduate diploma offered by TECH, has been designed with the aim that the specialist of Psychology can know in detail the latest scientific developments related to Neurodevelopmental Disorders and applicable to their practice. To this end, it will provide the most innovative educational tools which will not only contribute to its update, but will help you to improve your professional skills in a guaranteed way and in just 6 months.


With this postgraduate diploma, you will exceed your own expectations, which will motivate you to reach your highest educational goals”

General Objectives

  • Review the history of psychology in the field of child and adolescent
  • Know in detail the latest developments related to the evaluation and diagnostic processes in the field
  • Develop a broad clinical management of the psychological tools that are currently obtaining the best results

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Developmental Contexts and Psychopathologies in Childhood and Adolescence. The Role of the Family

  • Get to know the influence of developmental contexts on childhood and adolescent psychopathologies
  • Study the differences between the “autonomous self”, the “social self” and the “family self”
  • Know the characteristics that make a family pathological, the existing conflictive bonds and the influence of the family environment in the development of psychopathologies in the child
  • Study the modulating risk and protective factors for child and adolescent mental health

Module 2. Intelligence

  • Know the history of the concept of intelligence
  • Study and differentiate the authors and their theories on intelligence
  • Investigate intervention programs related to learning abilities
  • Know the method of evaluation and diagnosis of intelligences
  • Know and differentiate the concept of intellectual disability and high abilities

Module 3. Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Know the changes that have occurred in the diagnostic categorization of disorders on the autism spectrum
  • Study the myths and truths of autism that exist in the world and that can cause stereotyping in children with ASD
  • Knowing the possible theories on the origin of ASD
  • Study the main intervention methods for children with ASD
  • Learn the importance of early diagnosis in children with ASD

In order to guarantee a dynamic and inclusive educational experience, you will have real clinical cases in which you will be able to practically apply the theoretical content”

Postgraduate Diploma in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Evolution is intimately linked to the learning process. If our hominid ancestors had not learned to shape a piece of wood, the wheel would not exist and without the skill acquired by a certain nomad, after multiple attempts to hit a stone against a similar stone forging the first spark, fire would be a totally unknown concept and consequently life on earth could not have been sustained. Reducing the barriers to learning is therefore one of the best ways to boost the development of an entire civilization. Focused on the new changes brought about by the technological revolution and the discoveries related to the study of the brain, TECH Global University presents its Postgraduate Diploma in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: a compilation of extremely vital knowledge that encompasses the most sophisticated components of the neurological sciences and psychotherapy to provide a totally transformative vision in the way the patient with learning deficits is helped. Through our postgraduate program you will be able to exert a remarkable influence in mainly school environments where cases of underachievement are mostly the result of dysfunctionalities at the cognitive-behavioral level. If your goal is to intervene in a favorable way the mental development of an individual, this course is your great opportunity.

Practical Psychology in ragarding Neurodevelopment

There are four main focuses you will find in our program: those addressing communication disorders, those dealing with intellectual disability, those studying Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and those involving Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) and motor disorders. All this range of content, supervised by a team of experts, will give you sufficient criteria and confidence to develop professionally in an area that demands more and more experts and in which you will have the possibility of a position with high pedagogical esteem where you can also enrich your personal experiences, because as the psychologist Jean Piaget said: "The aim of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover".