
Training and constantly updating the knowledge of nursing professionals is a necessity for them to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to care for a child in all their dimensions and at all levels of care”


Children constitute one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of morbidity and mortality, naturally due to the special conditions in which they find themselves during the perinatal stage and infancy, related to the biological processes of reproduction, growth and development. 

Prevention, in addition to family education, is essential to maintain the health status of children. Both inpatient and outpatient pediatric services, as well as the professionals working in them, play a fundamental role in pediatric care.

In addition to their general education, nursing professionals who perform their care function in pediatric patient care services must have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills for their daily practice with this type of patient, and it is essential to constantly update this knowledge and skills through adapted teaching programs.

The Pediatric Nursing professional, among their attributions, should be able to provide comprehensive care to children in the different stages of their lives, including all aspects related to the provision of care in the school period up to adolescence and in emergency situations, as well as the management and application of advanced life support techniques. 

This postgraduate diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing is oriented to enable the physician to incorporate the advances that are taking place in the discipline, in addition to reviewing the most important aspects of emergency care in pediatric patients.

This postgraduate diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”

This postgraduate diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Clinical cases presented by experts. The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in child care. Includes Pediatric Life Support
  • Specific sections in each module on nursing techniques and procedures according to the child's age. As well as the management of the main emergencies in pediatrics, such as acute febrile episode, seizures, abdominal pain, rashes, wounds and burns, poisoning, stings and bites, TBI or the management of pediatric cardiorespiratory arrest, based on the latest ILCOR 2015 recommendations
  • Video lessons on the different pathologies and their approach 
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Includes theoretical lectures, questions to the expert, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection papers
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge of Pediatric Care for Nursing, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes leading nursing professionals, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, as well as other professionals who specialize in the various fields of caring for children and their families.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive academic experience programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student will must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this reason, they will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in pediatrics with extensive teaching experience.

It includes simulation clinical cases to bring the content of the program closer to everyday practice"


Don't miss the opportunity to update your knowledge in pediatrics to increase the quality of your care"


The program is oriented towards a review of the main aspects of pediatric emergencies and the management of pathology in children as a whole, based on scientific evidence and the experience of recognized professionals in the field of Pediatrics.


This program will give you a sense of security when taking decisions and providing care, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objective

  • Acquire the necessary tools to provide specialized nursing care, including health promotion, disease prevention and assistance to children from school age to adolescence, as well as to detect, diagnose and treat possible pathologies

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Caring for Healthy Children

  • Describe the different health examinations and controls in healthy child at different stages of development
  • Perform the newborn accommodation procedure
  • Develop a list of vaccines and identify when they should be administered

Module 2. Care for Children with Health Problems

  • Establish the vaccination schedule and vaccination in special situations
  • Establish the main health problems of newborns

Module 3. Pediatric Accidents and Emergencies

  • Define nursing care in emergencies and pediatric emergencies
  • Perform a protocol that provides rapid action and first aid to the infant
  • Know the main medical tools for providing first aid

Module 4. Advanced Pediatric Life Support

  • Explain the basic concepts and maneuvers of pediatric advanced life support depending on the age of the child
  • Identify priority first aid techniques in the absence of a doctor
  • Analyze the pediatrician’s action plan and their effective techniques 

Make the most of the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this field in order to apply it to your daily practice”

Postgraduate Diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing

Pediatric Nursing has an important role in the care and control of the different phases of a child's growth, establishing care plans that guarantee health and disease prevention, working closely with the child's families and caregivers, and ensuring the well-being of the patient. This program is designed to update the Nursing professional in pediatrics, adapted to their needs. The Postgraduate Diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing is a specialized training designed to prepare professionals in the care and health care of pediatric patients. This specialization is designed to provide nurses with a broad knowledge in the area of pediatric diseases, care and treatment of common illnesses and injuries in children. The main objectives of this Postgraduate Diploma are to train nurses in the treatment and care of pediatric patients, become familiar with the techniques of care in pediatric emergencies and pediatric emergencies, provide knowledge in maternal-child, neonatal and pediatric nursing, among others.

Specialize without leaving home 100% online with TECH

This academic program is ideal for those nurses who want to expand their knowledge and skills in the area of pediatric Nursing, and be at the forefront of medical advances in this field, it is also in line with the daily routine of students who do not have time to travel to a university and require online education. The Postgraduate Diploma in Pediatric Care for Nursing is an investment in the future of children's health and in the personal and professional development of the nurse. This specialization is a perfect fit for anyone who wants to be on the cutting edge of pediatric Nursing, expand their career and ensure quality care for pediatric patients.