
Learn with TECH about Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law and increase your skills to work in the most disadvantaged communities"  


The UN (United Nations) is responsible for ensuring human rights, basic and essential rights to guarantee the life and development of each and every person in the world. However, this organization cannot work alone, so there are many non-governmental organizations and public and private entities that contribute to this fight, which aims to improve the living conditions of people living in the most disadvantaged regions, promoting equality between men and women. In this field of action, the work of physicians is fundamental, since in addition to their role in health care, they are of great importance in everything related to the education of the population in the field of International Cooperation.

This program will present the main violations of human rights in the world, the reasons for human mobilizations and will make an approach to International Humanitarian Law, its fundamental objectives and strategic lines as an essential area of work in this field.

This program combines basic knowledge in international development cooperation applied to the field of medicine, tools that allow the development worker to seek to improve the performance of their work in those areas that people and communities demand, guide them to change and focus them on the present situation through the cooperation tools and resources.

In addition, as it is a 100% online program, the physician will be able to combine the study of this very complete program with the rest of their daily obligations, choosing at all times where and when to study. A high-level qualification that will take the medical professional to the highest level in their field of practice.

Doctors who wish to work in the field of International Cooperation will find in this very complete program the most relevant information on human rights" 

This postgraduate certificate in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in international cooperation of peoples
  • Its graphic, schematic and practical contents are designed to provide scientific and practical incapacitation on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest developments in Human rights and International law Humanitarian
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Emphasis on innovative methodologies in International Development Cooperation
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Enter international humanitarian law, learn all its fundamental objectives and strategic lines and lead the change in the role of the physician facing this situation" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

You will learn about the main violations of human rights in the world and the reasons for human mobilizations"

Study with TECH where, when and how you want. This postgraduate certificate is online and is available 24/7, adapting to your way of life"


The design of the program of this postgraduate certificate will allow the student to acquire the necessary skills to focus their knowledge towards Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. To achieve this, it relies on the experience of professionals who have poured into the elaboration of the points of the curriculum the keys to the development of the skills that the doctor needs to be oriented to this field, with a comprehensive program for the achievement of the proposed objectives. Thus, you will develop your full potential in the medical field by adapting to vulnerable environments. 


If you set your mind to it, you can work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams as an expert in International Development Cooperation" 

General Objectives

  • Provide students with advanced specialized training based on theoretical and instrumental knowledge in international cooperation 
  • Acquire and develop the skills necessary to obtain a qualification as an International Cooperation professional
  • Provide the student with basic knowledge of the cooperation and development process based on the latest advances in policies on the sustainability processes involved in both economic and social aspects
  • Improve professional performance and develop strategies for adapting and solving the problems of today's world by means of scientific research in cooperation and development processes
  • Disseminate the basics of the current system and develop the critical and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to adapt to political changes, within the framework of international law

Specific Objectives

  • Understand, provide or collaborate in humanitarian activities directed to the victims of armed conflicts under the coverage of International Humanitarian Law
  • Qualify the different types of armed conflicts by distinguishing them from other situations of armed violence; identify and classify the victims of such conflicts; know and understand the victim protection system and be able to apply it
  • Be aware of the limitations that humanitarian law imposes on combatants in relation to the conduct of hostilities, respect for zones, places and installations marked with a protection sign, and the requirement of a code of conduct relating to victims, medical and religious personnel, and humanitarian organizations
  • Identify situations and persons who are particularly vulnerable in armed conflicts, knowing the protection afforded to them by International Humanitarian Law
  • Respond to crisis and humanitarian emergency situations by assessing the urgency of the situation and planning and developing actions to deal with them
  • Stimulate the participation of the people and groups with whom cooperation activities are developed, enabling them to identify their problems and needs, lead their processes of change, assess their evolution and decide on new courses of action
  • Meet the current requirements of specialization in social communication in view of the diversification and revaluation of communication
  • Train social communicators who can apply their knowledge at the following levels
  • Facilitate the functioning of primary organizations, acting, for example, in the field of family or youth
  • Participate in the institutional communications of companies and organizations, with the public and with other organizations, for example, in the field of consumer or corporate image; political and electoral communications
  • Be part of governmental and non-governmental organizations that work for the population in general, or for certain sectors of it, for example, in the areas of health, education, leisure activities, community development, social integration, among others
  • Identify, understand and know how to use sources, statistical techniques and computer tools to organize selected information and plan development and cooperation reports, analyses and actions
  • Conduct an ethical reflection on cooperation, incapacitation, images and their applicability in specific contexts and information sources
  • Understand the concepts and definitions of NGOs
  • Know the diversity of NGOs and their field or work
  • Internalize the legislation of national and international NGOs, associations and foundations
  • Learn the broad outlines of NGO management
  • Work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams as an expert in international development cooperation
  • Identify, understand and know how to use sources and tools to identify international development cooperation projects
Get up to date on the latest developments in International Development Cooperation"

Postgraduate Certificate in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

All human beings have fundamental rights to protect their dignity and develop their personality freely; however, not all people have the same opportunities. Because of this, NGOs or institutions dedicated to ensure the welfare and integrity of communities redouble their efforts in order to improve the living conditions of these populations. This is why professionals dedicated to the health sector seek to be part of these initiatives and update their knowledge to incorporate skills that allow them to perform in the field and achieve a common benefit. To meet this need, TECH has designed a Postgraduate Certificate in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law; a Postgraduate Certificate of academic excellence focused on the UN Human Rights protection instruments, NGOs, local, regional and international solidarity and social and transformative communication. Take this program completely online and revalue your professional profile.

Specialize in HR & IHL online. HH and IHL online

At TECH we have an innovative online teaching methodology and the most complete curriculum in the market. You will learn in depth about non-governmental organizations, environmental human rights and the main reasons that infringe a fundamental right. In this way, you will be able to perform your work and provide assistance support in the field of international cooperation, through innovative tools and resources.

Take a Postgraduate Certificate in the largest digital university.

During 450 hours you will be able to enhance your skills and focus your competencies to improve situations and life conditions. You will be an expert in the strategic lines and management of priorities to achieve development objectives, to support social transformation and strengthen the current communication. At TECH Global University we provide you with graphic content, theoretical lessons and participatory forums; in addition to the accompaniment of specialists who will guide your study process at all times. Highlight your profile and get better job opportunities, this will allow you to continue with the growth of your personal and professional life.