
Would you like to get up to date on the basics of speech and language therapy? Then, enroll now in this Postgraduate Diploma and in only 6 months you will have managed to improve the most innovative test kits"


Speech therapy includes a wide range of relaxation, self-control, myofunctional, cognitive, respiratory or swallowing techniques, among others, focused on alleviating difficulties related to voice, speech, communication or swallowing, as well as disorders affecting reading, writing and learning skills. It is, therefore, a fundamental discipline for the cognitive-behavioral development of patients who suffer from them, since the intervention of its professionals allows them to develop strategies and tools to reinforce their skills, contributing to a positive evolution of their abilities and even achieving results such as the cure for the anomaly. 

As in all health disciplines, the time factor is very important, so an early diagnosis contributes to a faster therapy implementation and, therefore, a faster evolution. For this reason, TECH has developed this comprehensive program, aimed at professionals in this field and designed so students who access it can get up to date with the most innovative techniques of speech therapy intervention in the current context. In addition, it focuses on Dyslalia and the characteristics of this inability to pronounce certain phonemes, as well as the most effective exercises to alleviate the ability to produce specific sounds.  

For this purpose, you will have 450 hours of theoretical, practical and additional material, elaborated by a teaching team specialized in this field, which will be in charge of directing the program, as well as resolving any doubts that may arise during the course. However, the most important feature of this program is undoubtedly its convenient and flexible 100% online format, which allows students to connect whenever they want and can from any device with an Internet connection, without schedules or face-to-face classes.  

You will work with the most comprehensive and detailed information on dyslalia, so that you can always address these cases early and effectively"

This postgraduate diploma in Speech Therapy Intervention contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Pedagogy and Education
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the program provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Having a set of psychological skills to deal with certain cases will help you to offer a higher quality and more specialized service"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

A program that will give you thePostgraduate Diploma distinction, demonstrating not only your high professional level, but also your commitment to the development of Speech Therapy"


You will have 450 hours of diverse material, from complementary readings, research articles and news to use cases, so that you can delve into the subject in a personalized way"


The objective of this postgraduate diploma is none other than to serve as a guide for students in their efforts to keep up to date with the most avant-garde and exhaustive content in the current speech therapy sector. In this way, and through the detailed knowledge of the main techniques and strategies, students will be able to implement the best tools in their practice, allowing them to transmit them to their patients in order to contribute to the improvement of the condition they suffer from.  


If your objectives include mastering the main motivation techniques, with this Postgraduate Diploma you will acquire the most effective strategies to facilitate them in your practice"

General Objectives

  • Promote the modernization of speech therapy intervention through the coherent and applied use of new technologies within a digital speech therapy framework
  • Know in detail the advances that have been made from the speech therapy perspective in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of the different types of dyslalias 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Basis of Speech and Language Therapy

  • Delve into the concept of Speech Therapy and in the areas of action of the professionals of this discipline
  • Acquire knowledge about the concept of Language and the different aspects that compose it
  • Delve into the typical development of language, knowing its stages, as well as being able to identify the warning signs of language development
  • Understand and be able to classify the different Language pathologies, from the different approaches currently existing
  • Know the different batteries and tests available in the discipline of Speech Therapy, to be able to carry out a correct evaluation of the different areas of Language
  • Be able to develop a Speech Therapy report in a clear and precise way, both for the families and for the different professionals
  • Understand the importance and effectiveness of working with an interdisciplinary team, whenever necessary and favorable for the child's rehabilitation

Module 2. Dyslalias: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention

  • Acquisition of the aspects involved in the articulation of the phonemes used in Spanish
  • Delve into the knowledge of dyslalia and the different types of classifications and subtypes that exist
  • Understand and be able to apply the processes involved in the intervention, at the same time, to acquire knowledge to be able to intervene and to make own and effective material for the different Dyslalias that can be presented

Module 3. Psychological knowledge of interest in the Speech-Language Pathology Field

  • Understand the area of knowledge and work of child and adolescent psychology: object of study, areas of action, etc
  • Become aware of the characteristics that a professional working with children and adolescents should have or enhance
  • Acquire the basic knowledge necessary for the detection and referral of possible Psychological Problems in children and adolescents that may disturb the child's well-being and interfere in the Speech Therapy rehabilitation and to reflect on them
  • Know the possible implications that different psychological problems (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral) may have on speech therapy rehabilitation
  • Acquire knowledge related to attentional processes, as well as their influence on Language and intervention strategies to be carried out at the Speech Therapy level together with other professionals
  • Delve into the subject of Executive Functions and to know their implications in the area of Language, as well as to acquire strategies to intervene on them at a Speech Therapy level together with other professionals
  • Acquire knowledge on how to intervene at the level of Social Skills in children and adolescents, as well as to deepen in some concepts related to them, and to obtain specific strategies to enhance them
  • Know different Behavior Modification strategies that are useful in consultation to achieve both the initiation, development, and generalization of appropriate behaviors, as well as the reduction or elimination of inappropriate behaviors
  • Delve into the concept of motivation and to acquire strategies to promote it in consultation
  • Acquire knowledge related to School failure in children and adolescents
  • Know the main study habits and techniques that can help to improve the performance of children and adolescents from a Speech Therapy and Psychological point of view

TECH goal with this type of program is for students to achieve their own goals through access to the best content and the most innovative academic tools"

Postgraduate Diploma in Speech Therapy Intervention

At TECH Global University we have developed this course of Postgraduate Diploma in Logopedic Intervention with the aim of promoting the updating of education professionals in the latest developments related to this discipline. Due to the development of speech therapy in recent years, the techniques of treatment and therapeutic rehabilitation for people with communication and swallowing difficulties have advanced significantly when it comes to offering patients increasingly specialized procedures. For this reason, improving your knowledge and acquiring new skills will boost your professional development and put you on the path to a better working future in the educational sector.

Specialize in speech therapy

If one of your goals as an educator is to provide the best care and response by incorporating the latest advances for the treatment of the different conditions that arise in the field of speech therapy, this program is for you. Through the study plan you will be able to study in depth the typical development of language, as well as the phases, signs and symptoms that characterize the alterations and/or manifestation of this condition. You will also learn the various implications that this condition can have on people's lives and the different compensatory tools that can be applied for intervention.

Study at the university with the largest School of Education

Committed to quality education and aware of the value of updated content and information, TECH Global University offers you this Postgraduate Diploma course to acquire and perfect your skills as a professional. Our educational methods will provide you with techniques, strategies and resources that will favor the performance of your work in the educational sector, especially in the field of speech therapy, in addition to having the largest school of education in the world, we offer you the most complete and updated programs, with unique methodologies focused on online learning and the accompaniment of experts in the area. This stands out as an innovative, complete and effective opportunity to boost the growth of your professional profile. Get certified now!