
Education students need specific teaching methods to support their learning. Specialize with us and get up to date on the most common tools for teaching this level”


During the first years of life, children acquire information from every gesture, word or image. They become beings capable of assimilating a great deal of information with which they begin a physical, social, motor and intellectual development that will mark the rest of their lives. Therefore, teaching children at this stage of their development is fundamental and is one of the most important for their educational progress.  

However, not all students learn in the same way, nor do they possess the same skills or have the same needs. That is why it’s essential to design teaching methodologies that are adapted to each school group, or even to each student, in many cases, turning games into learning methods. 

In this way, improving teaching practice in pre-school education is a fundamental task. For that reason, it is essential to have a highly-qualified teaching team who are capable of transmitting knowledge to these youngest students, in an educational way, but without losing the quality and accuracy of their teaching practice. 

Therefore, this advanced master’s degree offers an alternative to the consequent increase in the demand for highly trained professionals with up-to-date and relevant knowledge. It also helps provide the necessary skills to successfully face the challenges posed by the integral development of diverse personalities of students, with their different needs, styles, interests and conditions, especially those students in the pre-school stage who are in a period of their lives in which learning must be carried out in a didactic way. It must allow them to learn while playing and promote a physical and psychosocial development appropriate to their age.

In this sense, TECH will not only take the professional through the theoretical knowledge offered, but will show another way of studying and learning, which is more organic, simpler and more efficient. TECH works to keep you motivated and to create in you a passion for learning. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.     

A specialization of high academic level, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals" 

This advanced master’s degree in Didactics and Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the university scene. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Complementary resource banks that are permanently available

A specialization of high academic level, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals" 

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date education we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals with qualifications and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will contirbute their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course.

Studying this subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Advanced Master's Degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

Get up to date on the latest developments in pre-school education that will allow you to learn the most innovative teaching methods implemented with the youngest students"


We have the best methodology, the most up-to-date syllabus and a multitude of practical cases that will help train you for success"


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for the working world. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course. 


If your goal is to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further, at TECH we have everything you need"

General Objectives

  • Design, plan, deliver, and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the center
  • Effectively deal with language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts
  • Recognize the importance of rules in all educational processes
  • Promote participation and respect for the rules of co-existence
  • Know the organization of early childhood education schools and the diversity of actions involved in their operation
  • Understand that the teaching function must be perfected and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life

Specific Objectives

  • Acquire the necessary tools for reflection
  • Awaken professional and intellectual concerns in order to learn to be good professionals
  • Know the different pedagogical foundations of Education
  • Identify the different learning situations in personalized education  
  • Develop the tools required for good organization of the center  
  • Internalize teacher training for good educational results  
  • Orientate teaching according to the student's age  
  • Guide the teaching according to the student's evolutionary age  
  • Guide the organization of homework to avoid wasting time and useless efforts  
  • Make teaching and, consequently, learning more effective  
  • Approach the scientific aspects of the main topics related to reading and writing  
  • Understand the diverse explanatory models  
  • Identify the different processes of reading  
  • Analyze and manage the educational methodologies  
  • Facilitate the teaching method in pre-school education  
  • Acquire knowledge on how to improve the tools for good work in the classroom  
  • Know how to analyze some of the most relevant didactic theories and methods in foreign language learning and their application to the pre-school education classroom  
  • Rethink English language teaching, analyzing concepts such as multiple intelligences, different learning styles and how individual differences will influence the way in which
  • our students will assimilate the new knowledge we are going to provide them with  
  • Learning a new language has its own characteristics, therefore, it is important to know the steps to follow to help our students to communicate in English and, in addition, to learn the culture of the countries where it is spoken
  • Identify the different learning theories and styles 
  • Develop CLIL curriculum models
  • Train the teacher in the different aspects of foreign language learning  
  • Analyze the motor behavior of the students  
  • Know the motor characteristics of pre-school education  
  • Manage the different activities for good neuromotor development  
  • Grasp the elements and characteristics of the body schema  
  • Use the fundamentals of motor games as an educational tool  
  • Competences, objectives, contents and evaluation processes  
  • Carry out new methodological strategies in the classroom  
  • Apply strategies and methodologies for good neuromotor development in the pre-school stage   
  • Use the language of music with a sufficient level of skill so that, as a future teacher, you will be able to read music scores without difficulty and perform them appropriate to the school context  
  • Value and know how to apply music for intellectual and affective development in children, and use it to resolve different physical and psychological health problems of people in general  
  • Provide culture and sensitivity and help us to better perceive life, our own and that of others, preparing us to discover beauty and aspire to reach the highest of human goals  
  • Know and appreciate the great musical works of different historical contexts, verifying how artistic aesthetics in general, and in particular, musical aesthetics, have been configured and transformed  
  • Ensure that students and future teachers achieve the objectives set for this field by the current educational legislation  
  • Know how to perceive and interpret music in the classroom 
  • Provide the teacher with teaching methods for the development of musical skills  
  • Analyze motivation strategies  
  • Manage the techniques for using ICT in music education  
  • Grasp the various fundamentals of didactics and their application in music education  
  • Develop musical and instrumental didactics 
  • Establish musical strategies in the classroom  
  • Understand the theoretical contents, in which the fundamental bases of plastic and visual knowledge are established for educators at this stage  
  • Know the practical part, based on activity suggestions as a complement to training  
  • Develop creativity in plastic and visual arts   
  • Acquire the required tools to create our own didactic material  
  • Teach the student to create their own didactic material 
  • Know how to manage the concepts of graphic and plastic expression 
  • Control the different stages when carrying out graphic and plastic expression  
  • Manage the techniques for using ICT in music education 
  • Teach pre-school teachers how to develop communicative skills in their students  
  • Establish various children's books for classroom application  
  • Master the objective and the content of the curriculum 
  • Convert the teacher into a researcher of their own actions, providing enough clues to be able to design their own scenarios and their own materials   
  • Discover the main trends in mathematics teaching used, not only today, but throughout the history of mathematics didactics, focusing on a stage where the formality of mathematics teaching has sometimes been taken away and yet its enormous power has been demonstrated  
  • Know how to identify and teach problem solving in class  
  • Identify the diverse ways of solving problems  
  • Control mathematical learning to apply it to pre-school education  
  • Establish different evaluation programs  
  • Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the teaching and learning processes of the natural environment and the most appropriate educational environment for pre-school education  
  • Become familiar with the didactic foundations, with the main models applied to the teaching of science and with the school curriculum, always combining practical examples or enriching experiences in the classroom, which will allow teachers to develop the required skills and attitudes to guide scientific education and experiments in the classroom, taking advantage of the child's curiosity and interests  
  • Apply the natural sciences teaching methods in pre-school education  
  • Raise awareness of environmental problems at the pre-school stage 
  • Address different topics that will allow students to acquire essential knowledge for the proper development of their future work as teachers  
  • Provide the necessary basis to learn how to convert generic programs into adequate and concrete programs that favor the teaching-learning process and its evaluation in the classroom 
  • Provide the student with strategies and methodologies to develop effective didactic proposals to work with pre-school education students 
  • Know the organization of the educational system 
  • Discover the place of the teaching profession within it 
  • Manage the administrative aspects of the education system 
  • Know the different educational laws 
  • Learn the documents that are obligatory in an educational center
  • Acquire the necessary tools for the organization of the students  
  • Know the relationship that exists between the school and family   
  • Acquire tools to differentiate the programmed teaching (school) from spontaneous teaching (family)  
  • Analyze formal, non-formal and informal education  
  • Analyze the function of the media and the educational influence  
  • Highlight the possibilities that educational institutions can provide for family participation   
  • Identify the different family characteristics   
  • Educating people to be autonomous, protagonists of their educational process and capable of continuing their own life project requires schools today to understand education and guidance as synonyms and traveling companions  
  • Involve all agents inside and outside the school: management team, administration staff, teaching staff, guidance department, students and families as protagonists of the educational and guidance process  
  • Take on the guidance and tutorial action of students as a task for the teachers   
  • Promote the knowledge of the students' own characteristics, assuming that each student is unique  
  • Personalized monitoring of students with a preventive approach  
  • Adapt programming, teaching and evaluation to the diversity of the student body 
  • Involve families in the education of students in order to unify criteria and educational guidelines that result in greater coherence between school and family   
  • Analyze the current situation in educational centers with respect to co-existence  
  • Identify the different models to establish good co-existence inside and outside of the classroom  
  • Identify the possible discrimination that may occur in a school  
  • Acquire skills to solve and prevent possible conflicts in a school  
  • Know intervention strategies and techniques  
  • Identify the functioning of communication media and technology in school  
  • Acquire the expected skills and knowledge   
  • Have the attitude and research skills to promote the concern for permanent professional improvement   
  • Gain quantitative and qualitative knowledge  
  • Understand quantitative and qualitative information  
  • Know how to plan and develop educational research  
  • Identify the techniques and instruments for educational research  
  • Deal with intercultural diversity in the classroom starting from a theoretical approach that will serve to contextualize the subject and understand at what point we are in our classrooms, and to know what is this increasingly common intercultural reality   
  • Provide skills and educational competencies adapted to the intercultural classroom  
  • Understand and identify diversity in the classroom  
  • Make curricular adaptations  
  • Know the dynamics for integrating equality into the classroom  
  • Produce innovation and improvement of teaching practice, which has become an essential element to increase the quality and efficiency of educational centers  
  • Establish the transformation of the reality of education through redefining the role of teachers  
  • Learn about the various educational improvement projects  
  • Expand knowledge of how to approach the improvement of the center  
  • Acquire the tools to achieve a more autonomous and cooperative learning  
  • Know the most important aspects of educational resilience  
  • Develop the most significant teaching and professional skills of the pre-school education teachers   
  • Explain the required teaching skills  
  • Educate the teacher about organization in the educational center  
  • Acquire good tools for the creation of educational programs in the center  
  • Analyze the emotional competencies and know how to manage them  
  • Create evaluation studies and know how to apply them  
  • Acquire the necessary digital skills and knowledge complemented by the pedagogical and methodological skills appropriate to the current context   
  • Provide an effective initiation in good ICT practices that guarantees professional teaching development aimed at the management of digital sources for teaching use, communication in digital networks for pedagogical purposes, ability to create teaching materials using digital tools and problem management, as well as knowledge of security issues for the correct use of ICT in the classroom   
  • Manage and create a digital identity according to the context, being aware of the importance of the digital trail and the possibilities offered by ICT in this regard, thus knowing its benefits and risks  
  • Generate and know how to apply ICT  
  • Combine the different ICTs in the school as an educational tool  
  • Identify and discover the importance of ongoing teacher training  


A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field" 

Advanced Master's Degree in Didactics and Teaching Practice in Early Childhood Education

The school stage of an infant represents a fundamental point for their physical, social, motor and intellectual development. It is at this stage where the cognitive background, personality, socialization and perception of the environment set the guidelines for the student, allowing him/her to adapt to the classroom and relate to classmates and teachers. However, not all students behave or learn in the same way, which implies the use of tactics and teaching methodologies focused on each school group. That is why TECH Global University designed an Advanced Master's Degree in Didactics and Teaching Practice in Early Childhood Education, with which you will develop high competencies for teaching through a 100% online format, free of fixed schedules. The postgraduate course lasts for two years and has the continuous support of experts, who will instruct you in aspects such as personalized training, educational legislation in the organization of centers and the general didactics of reading and writing, Spanish language, mathematics, natural and social sciences, among others.

Specialize in didactics and teaching practice in early childhood education.

If one of your career goals is to improve the practice of your profession, in TECH you will find a program that brings together the necessary elements to achieve it. The structure of the graduate program was designed using new educational technologies and the curriculum includes an extensive repertoire focused on the most fundamental concepts of the area. Here, you will have lessons supported by innovative academic material, complemented by a methodology focused on online learning. In the course of the training, you will cover everything from musical and instrumental didactics, 'educational resilience' and information and communication technologies applied to the classroom, to the creativity of plastic expression and the anthropological, philosophical and psychological foundations of education. Finally, you will study good teaching practices in the family and social context to generate habitual behaviors inside and outside the classroom. Do you want to learn more? Make up your mind and enroll now.