
You will delve into the most innovative strategies and Production Language for the development of 2D Animations thanks to this very complete study" 


One of the priorities of animators is to create fully immersive experiences through video games, in order to connect with the players' minds. In this sense, 2D Animation Language plays a fundamental role in telling stories effectively, as well as defining both the personality and characteristics of the characters. In turn, it is used to provide clear and concise instructions, which helps players understand the game to advance the plot. On the other hand, it can be used to create the atmosphere of the game. In this way, dialogues or environmental cues help to establish the desired atmosphere. 

In view of this, TECH is developing a postgraduate certificate that will comprehensively address the audiovisual film language. Therefore, the syllabus will delve into aspects such as shots according to the relationship they have with their object, camera movements and morphological elements. In addition, the syllabus will delve into the Audiovisual Screenplay, examining the synopsis, the storyboard and the Storybeats application. On the other hand, students will gain new skills to handle Adobe 2D Animation. This will allow them to include graphics and animations in their video games, enriching players' visual experiences. 

This program is based on a 100% online methodology so that the students can take classes at any time of the day with the benefit of time flexibility. In this way, the graduates will only need a device with Internet access to access the contents. This program is based on the innovative Relearningteaching system, which implements a repetition method on the most relevant topics of the sector, making it easier for students to assimilate them. In this sense, this program has a variety of multimedia resources with which students will be able to combine their practice with the skills required to excel in a field in full growth. 

You will use the Toon Boom Harmony interface to create high quality animations to enhance the player's experience in video games”

This postgraduate certificate in 2D Animation Language contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in 2D Animation 
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Want to master traditional Adobe 2D Animation applied to digital media? This TECH program is the academic opportunity you need!"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will delve into the description of shots and sequences according to their narrative purposes"


Forget about memorizing! With the Relearning system you will integrate the concepts in a natural and progressive way"


Through this program, graduates will acquire advanced skills to lead innovative projects based on 2D animation. In this way, students will master programs such as Adobe 2D Animation or Toon Boom Harmony to create stunning animations that will surprise consumers. In tune with this, they will have a deep knowledge of cinematographic and audiovisual language to enhance the visual narrative of their pieces. Therefore, professionals will be highly prepared to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by an industry in constant expansion. 


With the highest rated learning support methods in online teaching, this postgraduate certificate will enable you to learn in a smooth, consistent and effective manner”

General Objectives

  • Master the visual language in the field of 2D animation
  • Apply the fundamental principles of 2D animation to create compelling and engaging sequences
  • Research and apply trends and technological advances in 2D animation, keeping abreast of innovations and adapting practices to industry standards
  • Encourage creativity and originality in the generation of concepts, characters and plots, promoting innovation and differentiation in animated projects
  • Specialize in specific areas of animation, adapting skills to different styles and genres
  • Master the pre-production phases to effectively plan and conceptualize animated projects
  • Implement post-production techniques and marketing strategies to optimize the diffusion and impact of animated productions
  • Analyze and evaluate own and others' work, identifying areas for improvement and applying adjustments to optimize the final quality of animations

Specific Objectives

  • Develop skills for the creation of specific scripts for 2D animation projects, considering visual storytelling
  • Understand and apply key principles of graphic language in the creation of coherent and aesthetically appealing visual elements
  • Analyze and apply the concepts of film and audiovisual language to enhance visual storytelling
  • Acquire solid knowledge of the language of production, from planning to final delivery

Enjoy the most up-to-date educational content available in innovative multimedia formats to optimize your studies”

Postgraduate Certificate in 2D Animation Language

Immerse yourself in creativity and master the necessary skills to give life to your ideas through animation through a complete Postgraduate Certificate created by TECH Global University. In this program, taught completely online, you will learn the fundamental techniques of 2D animation, from basic principles to advanced strategies of visual expression. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through a comprehensive syllabus that covers character creation and visual storytelling. In addition, you'll learn how to use industry-leading tools and specialized software to hone your technical skills. In addition, you will learn how to bring your ideas to life through expressive characters, fluid movements and captivating scenarios. In this way, you'll develop your unique style while immersing yourself in hands-on projects that will foster your creativity and storytelling skills.

Get qualified with a Postgraduate Certificate in 2D Animation Language

To achieve our goal of being the world's best online university, we employ innovative methodologies, multimedia supported classes and Relearning teaching models that together will achieve a dynamic and efficient educational process. What will make your animation stand out? The language of 2D animation! That's why you will explore how color choice, character design and motion synchronization can communicate stories in a powerful and captivating way. In addition, you'll analyze outstanding examples from the industry to understand how the great masters have used visual language to convey emotion and tell memorable stories. By the end of this Postgraduate Certificate, you will not only be an expert in 2D animation techniques, but you will also have honed your ability to speak the visual language of animation. Enroll now and get ready to bring imaginary worlds to life, this will make you an exceptional visual storyteller.

We look forward to seeing you!