
After two decades of professional career, Raul Alejandro Supital has achieved a wide specialization in the therapeutic control and rehabilitation of the locomotor apparatus of high performance athletes. During his career, he has mastered the main aspects of functional anatomy and biomechanics.  

He is also considered a reference in Argentina and Spain on the application of Kinesiology techniques. In addition, he has been a consultant on Physical Activity and Health for numerous sports groups and organizations. Under his rubric was published the Manual of functional anatomy of the locomotor apparatus for physical activity.  

  • Physiatrist specialized in Physical Activity, Health and Biomechanics
  • Director of the Integral Center for Prevention and Rehabilitation CIPRES
  • Advisor to the Global Network of Physical Education and Sport based in Barcelona
  • Head of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Instituto Superior de Educación Física N.°1 Dr. Enrique Romero Brest
  • Degree in Kinesiology and Physiatry from the University of Buenos Aires
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