
Dr. Brian Scansen is professor and head of the cardiology and cardiac surgery service at Colorado State University. He also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Veterinary Cardiology and lectures internationally on cardiac disease in animals. His clinical and research interests focus on congenital heart disease, advanced cardiac imaging and minimally invasive therapies.  

He has recently led several sessions on cardiac disease in dogs and cats at veterinary conferences. In these sessions, Scansen addressed mitral valve disease in dogs and presented new therapies and strategies in development to treat heart disease and heart failure in dogs. He shared information on the progression of the disease and stressed the importance of identifying dogs at risk for heart failure. 

As for his academic background, Scansen is a graduate of veterinary school at Michigan State University, where he graduated with Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Science degrees. He subsequently completed a fellowship in Interventional Radiology and Endoscopy at the University of Pennsylvania and the Animal Medical Center, New York.  

He has published over 200 original journal articles, book chapters, proceedings and scientific abstracts related to cardiac disease in animals. In addition, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Veterinary Cardiology and a Founding Member of the Society of Veterinary Interventional Radiology and Interventional Endoscopy.  

  • Head of the cardiology and cardiac surgery service at Colorado State University. 
  • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 
  • M.D. from Michigan State University 
  • Master of Science, Michigan State University. 
  • Author of over 200 original journal articles, book chapters, proceedings and scientific abstracts related to cardiac disease in animals.
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