
Coach Jonatan Di Giosia Alonso has extensive professional experience in soccer, especially as a club coach in Spain and the United Arab Emirates, having also had the opportunity to coach the Brazilian national team in the Mundialito de la Integración held in Madrid.  

Given his ability to analyze the game, as well as the psychological analysis of athletes, Di Giosia Alonso has worked as scouting for certain teams, managing to detect new talent and incorporate the best figures for the preparation of much more complete and competitive templates. 

  • Coach of Racing Rioja 
  • Real Oviedo and FC Cartagena scouting
  • Coach at Regional Sportsk in the Arab Emirates
  • Coach of the Brazilian national team in Mundialito de la Integración Madrid 
  • Degree in Psychology from UNED 
  • Higher Degree in Football Coaching 
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