
This program will train you to analyze psychological evidence that can be used in judicial processes. So don't think twice and start taking it now”This program will train you to analyze psychological evidence that can be used in judicial processes. So don't think twice and start taking it now”

##IMAGE##  Psychology is the science that studies the behavior of people, tries to give explanations to human behaviors, and infers what behavior is more likely to occur under certain circumstances. Therefore, it is a fundamental area of knowledge in today's society. But, additionally, the specialty of forensic psychology studies all this applied to the field of justice, by providing reliable evidence that may be decisive in the sentence. The importance of this branch of psychology means that more and more professionals are wishing to specialize in this field, and to keep up to date with the main developments in a sector that is totally decisive at a legal level.

With thisadvanced master’s degree in Expert Appraisal and Psychological Damage Assessment, TECH wanted to provide psychologists with the resources best suited to their needs, so that they can study all issues related to the actions that are carried out in the world of forensic psychology and its relationship with the courts, as well as the assessment of psychological damage resulting from accidents, complicated situations, or negligence, among others.

The program has several theoretical blocks where topics will be developed such as the definition of forensic psychology and its course in Spain, aspects of childhood and child custody, adolescence and criminal careers, gender violence, psychopathic personality, or the care of people with mental illness and old age. But, additionally, the student will know in depth the current regulations, and the actions and relevant reports for the development as an expert psychologist, complying with the code of ethics and, at the same time, being effective in their mediation.

Undoubtedly, it is a program of high academic level that is the ideal complement to the training that experimental psychologists have already received, but who want to update their knowledge with totally relevant information and, above all, from a team of experts with extensive experience. Additionally, the digital format of this advanced master’s degree is a plus for all those people who need to combine their studies with their work, as well as with other personal activities. In this way, the student will be able to choose where and when to study, organizing his time without any limits, since, from enrollment to completion, he will have unlimited access to all the programresources.

Forensic psychology requires professionals with extensive experience, who are able to make comprehensive expert reports that determine the facts that occurred”

This advanced master’s degree in Expert Appraisal and Psychological Damage Assessment contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Psychology.
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which they are conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning.
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the assessment and evaluation of psychological damage.
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Studying at TECH means studying at a 21st century university and, therefore, being able to access all its contents from anywhere in the world”

The teaching staff includes professionals from the psychology sector, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will deliver an immersive learning experience, programmed to prepare in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, through which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the academic course. To do so, the professional will have the help of an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts.

This advanced master’s degree includes a multitude of case studies that will help you to reinforce the theoretical concepts.


This program is unique in that it brings together the most up-to-date theoretical information available, the most innovative teaching methodology and a high-level teaching staff.


The main objective of TECH advanced master’s degree in Expert Appraisal and Psychological Damage Assessment is to offer students a higher qualification that will allow them to turn their profession around, acquiring those fundamental skills to be able to act with total security and, above all, to apply the latest tools in their daily practice. Without a doubt, this is a program that will mark a before and after in the training of psychologists, as it includes, in a single program, the most relevant concepts on this field of action.


An advanced master’s degree designed to enable students to achieve their academic goals”

General Objectives

  • Broaden the knowledge of psychology applied to the legal field
  • Facilitate the acquisition of knowledge about forensic psychology, as well as to assess the different cases presented
  • Promote the acquisition of skills and abilities in the forensic field.
  • Encourage the study of this training through a theoretical-practical basis
  • Describe the fundamentals of Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Expertise
  • Conduct reports as a health professional or within the field of a psychological expertise
  • Describe the various subspecialties in the field of psychodiagnostics, psychiatric evaluation and expertise
  • Describe the expert report from the knowledge of the jargon and methodology of legal professionals and social assistance entities
  • Apply instruments to discriminate simulation and lying, as well as to know how to contain the emotional state of the patient performing an expertise
  • Explain the code of ethics, the client's status, as well as all the regulations that must be complied in order to perform their work within the law

Specific Objectives

Module 1 Forensic Psychology

  • Understand the concept of forensic psychology and its history in Spain

Module 2 Children and Adolescents in Court

  • Analyze the most relevant aspects of child issues, custody assessment and sexual assault
  • Analyze adolescent psychology and criminal careers, as well as the application of the penal code at early ages of growth

Modules 3 Abuse

  • Conduct a psychological - forensic study on gender violence, role understanding and sexual aggressions

Module 4 Different Personalities Focused on the Legal Field

  • Acquire knowledge about forensic psychology issues in the legal field
  • Conduct a study of personality traits as applied to the study of forensic psychology

Module 5 Mental Illness and Old Age

  • Acquire knowledge of mental illness, as well as of old age and its legal implications

Module 6 Psychometric Tests

  • Apply psychometric tests commonly used in the field of forensic psychology

Module 7 Judicial Expertise- Psychological Assessment

  • Approach and understand the judicial expertise, as well as the practice of the expert report for its presentation in court

Module 8 Judicial Psychology- Legal Approach to Concepts

  • Acquire knowledge for conducting a forensic psychological research study

Module 9 Judicial Expertise - Physical Damage Assessment

  • Be able to assess the physical damage in people who have suffered an accident or attack

Module 10 Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Evaluation

  • Address new perspectives of psychological assessment

Module 11 The Interview in a Clinical and Expert Setting

  • Know the importance of the interview to determine the clinical setting of the person
  • Identify the most appropriate set of instruments for each case of expert evaluation
  • Be comfortable with the basics of the patient's right and the psychologist's code of ethics

Module 12 Evaluation Process in Expert Psychodiagnosis

  • Analyze the implications of the evaluation and expert assessment for each one of the patients
  • Address new perspectives of psychological assessment

Module 13 Contexts Surrounding Psychological Assessment

  • Identify the divergent points between digital and analog communication within the framework of expert psychology
  • Reflect on the patient's subjective mobilizing factors
  • Manage the interferences that occur in the assessment, knowing how to differentiate the desirability of the subject being evaluated from their real psychological state
  • Identify the most appropriate set of instruments for each case of expert evaluation

Module 14 Types of Expert Reports

  • Teach the student the instruments of psychodiagnosis and psychological expertise that are currently approved by scientific research
  • Develop skills to establish an appropriate link in the performance of psychodiagnostics and psychological expertise
  • Structure appropriate assessment protocols according to the ages and the area to be assessed

Module 15 Types of Reports and their Different Reporting Procedures

  • Describe the structure of the psychological report according to the area being assessed, so that it is within the law
  • Acquire the skills to prepare a report within the legal jargon and judicial literature
  • Ensure that the professional is trained to defend their report in a tribunal

Module 16 Mediation and Coaching

  • Apply mediation and coaching techniques in different psychological intervention processes

This program will allow you to develop the necessary skills to successfully manage the performance of forensic expertise”

Advanced Master's Degree in Expert Appraisal and Psychological Damage Assessment

In recent years, the demand in the assistance of professional psychologists for judicial proceedings has increased significantly. Because analyzing the psychological damage of people who have been victims or perpetrators of aggressions and accidents, in order to establish an expert witness before a court, requires a high level of qualification, at TECH Global University we have developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Expertise and Valuation of Psychological Damage; a program that brings together in a complete and updated way the most relevant information of this branch of knowledge. From this, you will be able to participate in the processes of expertise with confidence and contribute to the resolution of cases from your area of expertise.

Specialize in the largest Faculty of Psychology

With our Advanced Master's Degree you will be able to contribute to forensic investigation and the judicial system by applying the most innovative methods of psychodiagnosis and expertise. You will broaden your knowledge of psychology applied to the legal field; you will rely on psychometric tests and state-of-the-art instruments to determine the psychological conditions of the people involved; and you will prepare expert reports according to the typology required, as well as the objective of exposure in court. In the largest Faculty of Psychology you will find the necessary tools to enhance your professional growth, in addition to a human team capable of guiding you and developing your skills to the maximum.