
A comprehensive program on the use of veterinary drugs for the prevention and treatment of diseases affecting animal health" 


This postgraduate diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies offers the professional specialized knowledge on Veterinary Pharmacology of each system of animal species, also addressing the legal framework applicable to veterinary drugs and, as an area of total actuality, addresses the basic criteria of Naturopathic Medicine as a strategy that not only does not displace, but complements Conventional Medicine.
Throughout these months, the student will study applied pharmacokinetics in depth: pharmacokinetic models, obtaining and evaluating pharmacokinetic parameters by means of practical applied problems and dosing to determine the calculation of prescribed dosage guidelines for each animal patient. On the other hand, in Pharmacodynamics the student will become familiar with the mechanisms of action and the molecular aspects of the different pathways, as well as with the quantitative aspects in terms of dose-response curves, which will allow him/her to calculate the therapeutic index and the toxic index of the drugs.
The professional will also develop the aspects related to the prescription, dispensing and supply of medicines for veterinary use. It presents the veterinary prescription and its different variants with emphasis on the different types of prescription, roles and responsibilities of the different agents involved in the dispensing and supply of veterinary medicines. 

The postgraduate diploma is based on the One Health approach to Veterinary Pharmacovigilance, since its role in the identification, quantification, evaluation, prevention and minimization of risks derived from the use of veterinary drugs is fundamental in Animal Health and Welfare as well as in Public Health.  

It will also study the different aspects covered by the safe use of veterinary drugs in animals, the safety of food of animal origin, the safety of people in contact with veterinary drugs and safety in the environment.  

This postgraduate diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies is a great tool available to the professional pharmacist that allows him/her to specialize in the area of pharmacology in the veterinary clinic, since there are more and more pets and exotic animals that require specific medication for certain pathologies. A high-quality program, offering the most advanced resources in online specialization, to guarantee the student an effective, real and practical learning that will boost their competencies to the highest level in this area of work.

Improving your skills in a sector with a high demand for professionals will boost both your professional and personal career”  

This postgraduate diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • Innovative and up-to-date diagnostic techniques in infectious diseases and their application in daily clinical practice, including the use of cytology as a diagnostic tool in these diseases
  • The most frequent and not so frequent pathologies of infectious origin in dogs from a practical and completely up-to-date point of view
  • Infectious Pathologies oriented to the Feline Species, dealing extensively with all those of this species
  • Vision “One Health”, in which Zoonoses and their implications for public health will be reviewed
  • Most frequent Infectious Pathologies of Dogs and Cats in the Tropics, with focus on Latin America. At present, there are no more exotic diseases, and they should be included by the clinician in the differential diagnosis when the epidemiology allows to suspect them
  • Prevention and management of all infectious diseases, including clinical, home and community settings

Acquire the knowledge of the scientific, ethical and social foundations of veterinary pharmacology and the skills and attitudes for its practical application in a training created for excellence” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Expert curriculum and quality content are the key to your learning success"


It includes a complete review of the use of natural pharmacology in the treatment of animal diseases"


The design of the program of this postgraduate diploma will allow students to acquire the necessary skills to update their knowledge in the profession after studying in depth the key aspects of Veterinary Pharmacology. Its objective is to provide the student with the required competencies in relation to preclinical or clinical research of drugs used in veterinary medicine, and their application in the therapeutic use of drugs so that he/she can better incorporate into the professional field. The knowledge poured in the development of the points of the study plan will drive the professional from a global perspective, with full training for the achievement of the proposed objectives. 


Learn in an efficient way, with a real qualification objective, with this unique program for its quality and price, in the online teaching market" 

General Objectives

  • Examine the general concepts of pharmacology at the veterinary level 
  • Determine the mechanisms of action of drugs  
  • Analyze Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics  
  • Review the current legislation on veterinary pharmaceutical products
  • Analyze aspects related to the prescription, dispensing and administration of veterinary pharmaceutical products
  • Determine the importance of the responsible and rational use of medicines for global health
  • Train professionals in simple and natural treatments, and their integration in the curative activities within Conventional Veterinary Medicine
  • Examine the theoretical bases of Natural Medicines; especially homeopathy, phytotherapy and the use of nutraceuticals
  • Briefly frame the evolution of the disciplines within a historical context

Specific Objectives

  • Develop all those processes that affect a drug molecule when administered to an animal species
  • Establish the different biological barriers and their significance in therapeutic effectiveness
  • Examine the factors that will influence drug absorption, distribution and elimination processes
  • Analyze how to manipulate the renal excretion process and its importance in the treatment of intoxications
  • Establish, based on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of a drug, its possible drug-drug interactions
  • Identify and characterize at the molecular level the different types of pharmacological receptors
  • Determine which second messengers and biochemical pathways are coupled to each of the pharmacological receptor types
  • Present the relationship between the molecular phenomenon and the pharmacological effect
  • Analyze all the phenomena involved in drug-receptor interaction
  • Examine the different types of pharmacological agonism and antagonism
  • Correctly establish the differences between the different species that are important for the administration of drugs or their therapeutic efficacy
  • Develop the concepts of side, adverse and toxic effects
  • Consult and apply current regulations in a practical way in veterinary medicine
  • Quickly find the resources available on the AEMPS website and, in particular, the information available on the online Veterinary Medicines Information Center (CIMA Vet)
  • Determine everything related to the veterinary prescription being able to make the appropriate prescription in each specific case
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the various actors involved in the dispensing and supply of veterinary medicinal products
  • Be able to make decisions regarding pharmacological treatments with an adequate benefit-risk ratio, or discontinue their use when this is not possible
  • Determine our obligations in relation to the Spanish System of Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Medicines (SEFV-VET) and the information it can provide us with
  • Examine the Guidelines for responsible use in different animal species and how to apply them appropriately in veterinary practice
  • Examine the responsibility we have in the exercise of our professional work, in the use of medicine, in relation to animal health, human health and the environment
  • Assume the importance of our decisions in the use of antimicrobials, in the prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance and know and follow the PRAN guidelines
  • Analyze objective clinical signs or manifestations and subjective symptoms or perceptions in homeopathy
  • Approach the anamnesis from these objective and subjective manifestations
  • Present the Homeopathic Materia Medica and its therapeutic indications
  • Determine the rationale behind the development of drugs
  • Approaching the approach to pathologies from homeopathic repertorization 
  • Establish the active principles most commonly used in phytotherapy and their application
  • Examine the different nutraceutical products and their application

Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies"

Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies

At TECH Global University's School of Pharmacy, we offer you a program of online classes designed specifically for veterinary professionals interested in expanding their knowledge in pharmacology and natural therapies applied to veterinary medicine. Online classes are a convenient and flexible way to learn, allowing you to access the content from anywhere and at any time. At TECH Global University, we pride ourselves on providing an interactive and enriching learning environment, where you can thoroughly explore the principles of veterinary pharmacology and discover the potential of natural therapies in the care and treatment of animals. The Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies will provide you with a solid knowledge base of the drugs and treatments used in veterinary practice, as well as an understanding of the principles and benefits of natural therapies in the veterinary setting.

Specialize in veterinary pharmacology and natural therapies

Our program of study focuses on the practical application of knowledge, providing you with the skills necessary to make informed and safe decisions in the selection and administration of veterinary medications. In addition, you will become familiar with the most commonly used natural therapies, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy, and learn how to integrate them in a complementary way into your veterinary practice. By graduating as a Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Pharmacology and Natural Therapies, you will be prepared to meet today's challenges in veterinary medicine, offering your patients broader and more personalized treatment options. Your training at TECH Global University will give you a competitive advantage in the veterinary field, allowing you to stand out as an up-to-date professional committed to animal health and welfare. Don't miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in veterinary pharmacology and natural therapies! Enroll at TECH Global University and discover the endless possibilities that await you in the world of veterinary medicine.