
Neurologic Oncology is a medical field in full expansion and you will be able to get up to date on the latest developments with this new internship program”


In the last decade, research related to brain tumors has experienced considerable growth. Most of the medical advances in this field are linked to the area of genomics because scientific evidence shows that these conditions can be identified and even prevented through in-depth studies of people's DNA. At the same time, cutting-edge technologies such as robotic surgery and electronic cryomicroscopy allow the specialist to detect in advance, and eliminate with precision, oncological ailments of the human nervous system. The accelerated pace of these changes has made it impossible for oncologists to keep up to date with the management and application of these new developments in their daily professional dynamics.

TECH aims to change this context through a rigorous and demanding internship program. This innovative academic modality will allow the neurologist to be inserted, for 3 weeks, in a prestigious health institution. During this intensive on-site stay, the physician will develop the most sought-after competencies in current Neurologic Oncology. Throughout this educational process, the student will examine the most modern tools and techniques that are currently being implemented in the healthcare field.

For the internship program, the professional will move to a first level health center, which has the most competent technologies and the most qualified medical staff. Together with this equipment and experts, the specialist will complete 8-hour consecutive days, from Monday to Friday. During this time, the neurologist will be supported by an assistant tutor who will supervise his progress in treating real patients with different manifestations of tumors to be analyzed by the area of Neurologic Oncology.


You will approach patients with oncological pathology by the hand of the best specialists, using the latest techniques based on scientific evidence, and achieving results previously difficult to achieve"

Why our program?

Neurologic Oncology is one of the medical areas that has advanced the most in recent years thanks to numerous technological innovations. The professionals in this field of health have at their disposal multiple equipment and techniques of great actuality. However, they do not have pedagogical programs that allow them to keep up to date on the implementation of these assistance resources in their daily professional practice. For this reason, TECH has devised this first-class internship program through which specialists will analyze the latest developments in this discipline, together with leading experts, during an intensive on-site stay.

vocational apprenticeships neurological oncology TECH Global University

TECH will allow you to get up to date on the most modern surgical techniques for the removal of brain tumors together with the most distinguished experts in Neurologic Oncology”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Technological innovations are constantly being applied in the field of Neurologic Oncology. In particular, he highlights the use of precision tools to treat tumors with specificity, without damaging other tissues, such as the gamma knife. At the same time, the combination of treatment techniques has been promoted and their use in the surgical environment has been added, such as the use of intraoperative computed tomography.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During this internship program, the specialist will have access to a large team of experts who will help him/her to be updated on the latest techniques and equipment implemented in the area of Neurologic Oncology. In turn, the professional will have an assistant tutor who will be in charge of supervising his or her progress in a more personalized way.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

For this academic modality, TECH has carefully selected the hospitals that will host its students. These entities have the most innovative technology available at the moment and also have highly prestigious specialists. This combination of resources and qualified personnel will allow the neurologist to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field in a faster and more flexible way.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

Through this internship program, the specialist will have direct access to real cases and will be able to apply new techniques, of varying complexity, in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. From a 100% practical and face-to-face stay, the professional will reach a high level of mastery in the execution of the main interventionist tools and strategies available to him/her.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

This modality of studies offers the professional the possibility of accessing highly demanding hospital to highly demanding hospital environments. These state-of-the-art centers will be located in different geographic latitudes, based on an exhaustive management by TECH to guarantee access to specialists in international environments and standards of care.

professional practices neurological oncology TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Neurological Oncology

Neurologic oncology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors and other cancer-related neurologic diseases. An understanding of this specialty is essential for any healthcare professional treating patients with cancer and neurological diseases. For this reason, TECH Global University developed the Internship Program in Neurological Oncology, a high-level program focused on providing extensive knowledge about the different types of brain tumors and their classification according to their origin, degree and characteristics. Through a modern system of practical learning, you will learn from the symptoms that patients with brain tumors may present, to the diagnostic tests and treatments available, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Specialize in neurological oncology

TECH is consolidated as the leading university in digital education, therefore, you will have the guarantee of receiving a unique program in the market. By taking this Internship Program, you will gain the necessary skills to perform neurological examinations and interpret the results of imaging tests such as CT and MRI scans. Our methodology includes collaboration with other health professionals such as neurosurgeons, oncologists, radiation therapists and specialized nurses. Through innovative classes, elaborated with a pragmatic approach, you will delve into the complications or side effects that may arise during treatment and how to manage them. Likewise, you will deepen your understanding of patient and family psychology in order to provide efficient treatment and comprehensive care. Finally, you will master the administration of medications and how to handle emergency situations. All of this, will enable you to provide quality care and offer patients the best possible chance of recovery.