University certificate
The world's largest faculty of veterinary medicine”
You will learn about all the existing methods useful for the treatment of ruminant pathologies from professionals with years of experience in the sector"

Due to the enormous amount of knowledge that is continually being produced, it is difficult for clinicians to constantly keep their knowledge up to date. Therefore, this program provides the best and most up-to-date evidence-based information to enable the Ruminant Veterinarian to not only solve day-to-day problems, but also to advise on management, animal welfare and productivity improvement.
The professional master’s degree in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery facilitates the ongoing specialization of clinical veterinarians, whose busy daily activity makes it impossible for them to attend face-to-face training. It deals with the medicine and surgery of the individual animal in depth, a fact that is often surpassed by the importance of the herd in animal production.
Ruminant clinicians must have specialized knowledge and skills in order to solve individual problems or offer advice without forgetting the importance of the herd. They must be able to plan an adequate system of disease management and prevention, and reduction of animal production costs.
Although this professional master’s degree places emphasis on the development of clinical skills, reproduction and notions of animal production, Animal Medicine and Surgery of the individual is also highly relevant. This is because, despite the fact that the economic importance of the herd is fundamental, postgraduate specialization programs in herd health issues in animal production are very common, but specialist courses in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery are scarce.
An essential and yet unique syllabus, created for veterinary clinicians that will set you apart as a specialist in this field of work"
This professional master’s degree in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include:
- The latest technology in online teaching software
- A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
- The development of practical cases presented by experts
- State-of-the-art interactive video systems
- Teaching supported by telepractice
- Continuous updating and recycling systems
- Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
- Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
- Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
- Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
- Complementary documentation databases that are permanently available, even after the program
With a methodological design that relies on proven teaching techniques, this innovative program will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"

With the experience of working professionals and the analysis of real success stories, in a high-impact academic program"
Completing this program provides the veterinary professional with specialized and advanced clinical knowledge, based on evidence, enabling them to successfully carry out their daily clinical practice.
In addition to the up-to-date approach concerning the problems encountered on a daily basis, the bibliography provided and the structure of the topics will allow you to keep your knowledge up to date.

The professional master’s degree in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery will allow the veterinary clinician to update and broaden their knowledge and skills in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery”
General Objectives
- Determine the methods of physical and chemical containment for the development of the clinical activity
- Examine the different methods of diagnostics and research within the herd
- Specify the existing treatments useful for the treatment of ruminant pathologies
- Analyze the importance of analgesia in ruminants, the basis of animal welfare and the management of diseases that usually cause pain in ruminants
- Establish the economic and health impact of pain in animals and its impact on production
- Generate specialized knowledge on identification and treatment procedures specific to ruminants, in order to reduce, treat or avoid pain in our veterinary management
- Develop the main analgesic techniques and procedures applied in ruminants
- Obtain productive yields in beef and dairy cattle in an economically viable manner and in a context of production sustainability
- Manage animal feeding as an element for the technical-economic optimization of milk production in cattle, respecting animal welfare and minimizing environmental impact
- Advise and manage, technically and economically, the reproductive plans of small ruminant farms
- Manage a farm animal population from a genetic point of view and initiate or complete their specialization in notions of genetic improvement and selection
- Analyze the physiological functioning of all those parts or organic systems of ruminants that, directly or indirectly, participate in the reproductive function, both in the female and in the male, as well as the disorders related to them
- Determine the biotechnology techniques applicable in the field of animal reproduction to improve, productively and/or economically, the reproductive performance of ruminants
- Examine the reproductive phenomena that are necessary gestation and their diagnosis
- Develop the reproductive phenomena that occur before, during and after childbirth, as well as those situations of obstetric applicability
- Generate specialized knowledge on gestation in cattle from its beginning
- Establish the most important phases and events from a practical point of view
- Determine the critical points of gestation and their detection
- Analyze the techniques for pregnancy diagnosis in cattle by palpation, ultrasound and other techniques
- Determine fetal viability and embryo sexing
- Analyze the different methods of diagnosis and treatment of the different pathological conditions directly related to the reproductive function in ruminants
- Examine the mechanics of euthyroid delivery in cows
- Address the causes of dystocia and determine the techniques and methods of resolving dystocia in cattle
- Establish an appropriate methodology for the screening of ruminants with cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic problems
- Identify all clinical signs associated with cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic diseases in ruminants
- Address the main cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic pathologies affecting ruminants, their diagnosis and treatment
- Develop specialized knowledge on the most common gastrointestinal problems in ruminants
- Specify all clinical signs associated with each gastrointestinal disease
- Analyze the specific clinical approach to each gastrointestinal pathology
- Determine the prognosis and the most appropriate treatment in each case
- Examine the physiological functioning of the urinary system
- Establish an appropriate methodology for examination of the patient with urinary and renal problems
- Identify all clinical signs associated with kidney disease
- Establish the specific clinical approach to patients with renal disorders
- Provide specialized knowledge of the most common neurological problems in ruminants
- Identify all clinical signs associated with each neurological disease
- Establish the specific clinical approach for each pathology
- Determine the prognosis and the most appropriate treatment in each case
- Address the main ocular pathologies affecting ruminants, their diagnosis and treatment
- Determine the importance of ocular diseases in ruminants
- Analyze the economic and health impact of diseases with ocular signs
- Develop screening procedures and specific treatments for ruminants that differ from other species
- Examine the main diseases and their specific treatment
- Generate specialized knowledge of the most frequent dermatological problems in cattle and small ruminants
- Identify all clinical signs associated with each dermatological disease
- Establish the specific clinical approach for each pathology and determine the prognosis and the most appropriate treatment for each skin disease
- Determine the importance of endocrine pathologies in ruminants and their relationship with metabolic diseases of the puerperium
- Generate specialized knowledge on the main metabolic processes in cattle and small ruminants
- Examine the clinical approach to the different infectious and parasitic diseases in ruminants
- Compile the complementary methods available to diagnose the main infectious and parasitic pathologies
- Determine the general and specific treatment of the main infectious and parasitic pathologies
- Generate advanced knowledge on the prevention of the main infectious and parasitic diseases
- Review surgical principles and adapt them to ruminant surgery
- Determine the main surgical conditions affecting soft tissues in ruminants
- Be able to make the decision to plan a surgical intervention
- Analyze the fundamental surgical techniques
- Address perioperative complications
- Generate specialized knowledge to take the necessary measures to prevent such complications
- Establish how to search for complementary information on soft tissue surgery in ruminants
- Determine the importance and impact of lameness in ruminants
- Examine how to diagnose lameness
- Develop the main conditions of the musculoskeletal system in ruminants
- Generate specialized knowledge to make the decision to indicate a surgical intervention
- Establish the fundamental surgical techniques in ruminant traumatology and orthopedics
- Analyze perioperative complications and take the necessary measures to prevent such complications
- Know how to search for complementary information on ruminant traumatology and orthopedics
Specific Objectives
Module 1. Clinical Skills
- Compile the methods of containment in bovine animals
- Determine the basic material for a ruminant clinical veterinarian
- Identify problems at the collective level
- Establish the basis of diagnosis and know the special diagnostics in ruminant medicine
- Specify antimicrobial therapies by means of laboratory studies
- Analyze fluid therapy as a daily work tool
- Demonstrate the different analgesic therapies in ruminants
- Propose different anesthetic and sedation protocols at systemic and local level
- Review particular analgesia and sedation protocols in ruminants
- Diagnose the main pathologies that cause pain and the techniques or drugs necessary for their treatment
- Enable the student to establish the pharmacological therapeutic treatments or specific techniques in exploratory and/or surgical procedures necessary for each pathology
Module 2. Animal Production and Anatomopathological Diagnosis
- Adequately interpret dairy cattle production parameters and assess new management and adaptation models in the face of a climate change scenario
- Ensure optimal management of beef cattle farms within the framework of sustainability and animal welfare
- Advise and manage, technically and economically, the reproductive plans of small ruminant farms
- Assess and interpret production parameters in a small ruminant farm, considering economic and welfare aspects
- Design action protocols and technologies to optimize small ruminant farms, whether for dairy or meat production
- Analyze the feeding of dairy cows in a sustainable environment while maintaining production objectives, using, as much as possible, grazing resources
- Manage the feeding of maternal beef cows in a sustainable environment, maintaining production objectives and using, as much as possible, grazing resources
- Optimize the fattening process through the use of by-products
- Examine the feeding of herds in a sustainable environment while maintaining production objectives, using, as much as possible, grazing resources, optimizing the lamb fattening process through feeding strategies
- Establish the concepts of consanguinity and kinship. Estimate these parameters in a domestic cattle population as a basis for a correct genealogical management of the population
- Estimate the fundamental genetic parameters of a population: Repeatability and heritability, as a basis for a correct approach to genetic improvement
- Use the methodologies required for genetic improvement through selection
Module 3. Reproduction
- Determine the characteristics and pathologies of the estrous cycle in ruminants
- Establish cycle control techniques to optimize production based on reproduction
- Identify the possible alterations that the reproductive system may suffer in both males and females, in order to diagnose and treat them
- Recognize the most frequent misscarriages in ruminants and the main causes that can lead to them
- Develop the best method of labor management once the different stages of labor have been identified
- Examine the phases involved in the physiological puerperium of ruminants
- Address the pathologies that can be established in a pathological puerperium
- Examine the physiology of lactation and diagnose the main pathologies of the mammary gland
- Determine the reproductive biotechnologies to be applied according to the type of livestock farm
- Perform gestational diagnosis, diagnosis of fetal pathology and embryo sexing gestation
- Determine how to diagnose and treat dystocia, resolve uterine torsion, consider and perform cesarean section
- Generate specialized knowledge on how to plan and perform a fetotomy
Module 4. Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Hemolymphatic Diseases in Ruminants
- Learn how to perform a complete physical examination of the cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic systems
- Understand the diagnostic procedures used in suspected cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic pathology, and the interpretation of their results
- Accurately recognize the clinical signs of pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory (upper or lower respiratory tract) and hemolymphatic systems
- Determine the main causes of disease of the cardiovascular, respiratory and hemolymphatic systems in cattle, sheep and goats
- Examine the necessary and triggering factors of traumatic reticulopericarditis and Bovine Respiratory Syndrome (BRS)
- Identify the main pathogens involved in the development of BRS and know their relative importance within the complex
- Determine the epidemiology and clinical significance of bovine leukosis and anemia in small ruminants
Module 5. Ruminant Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Diseases
- Recognize the clinical signs of the main pathologies affecting the gastrointestinal system of ruminants
- Develop knowledge of the main gastrointestinal pathologies affecting bovines
- Examine the typical signs of diseases affecting the oral cavity of cattle and their possible differential diagnoses
- Analyze the mechanisms of the different causes of indigestion in cattle
- Establish action protocols for cattle suffering from abomasal displacement
- Identify clinical signs and therapeutic options for the main causes of intestinal obstruction in cattle
- Specify the diagnosis of diarrhea in cattle
- Establish treatment protocols for cattle with diarrhea
- Develop the main gastrointestinal pathologies affecting small ruminants
- Generate specialized knowledge to perform a clinical examination of a patient with urinary and renal problems
- Identify the alterations inherent to the different renal diseases
- Establish an appropriate diagnostic plan for the main clinical manifestations of renal problems
- Correctly diagnose the different renal problems and issue a prognosis for these animals
- Determine a treatment plan, both short and long term, for major urinary and renal problems
Module 6. Neurological and Ophthalmological Diseases
- Specify the information needed in the clinical examination of the neurological patient
- Be able to perform a neurological examination in bovines and small ruminants
- Localize lesions in a patient with a neurological disorder
- Identify the main pathologies affecting the bovine brain, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord
- Develop the main alterations affecting peripheral nerves in cattle
- Study the main nervous pathologies affecting small ruminants
- Examine the particular examination protocols in ophthalmology in ruminants
- Enable the student to diagnose the main ocular pathologies and their relationship with other diseases
- Determine the necessary therapeutic and/or surgical treatments for each pathology
- Establish management measures and treatment protocols for the main neurological pathologies affecting cattle and small ruminants
- Develop knowledge of the main ocular pathologies affecting bovines
- Develop knowledge of the main ocular pathologies affecting sheep and goats
Module 7. Metabolic, Endocrine and Dermatological Diseases in Ruminants Toxicology and Neonatology
- Identify the main pathologies affecting the skin of rumiants
- Analyze the origin of the problem and establish the prognosis of dermatitis
- Recognize the clinical and laboratory signs of the main dermatological diseases
- Determine the symptoms of skin diseases of infectious origin (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic) and propose therapeutic options
- Establish the symptoms of cutaneous and mucocutaneous diseases, propose therapeutic and management options, and determine if it is a reportable disease
- Recognize the main cutaneous neoplasms in cattle and small ruminants, propose appropriate treatment and determine the prognosis
- Identify the clinical signs of metabolic diseases and understand the associated endocrinopathies, their prognosis, treatment options and prevention
- Specify the diagnostic procedures used in endocrinology and their interpretation
- Recognize the main manifestations of the most common nutritional problems in cattle and small ruminants
- Establish management strategies to correct nutritional problems in a production system and to treat affected individuals
- Recognize the clinical manifestations of the main causes of poisoning in cattle and small ruminants
- Establish an appropriate treatment plan for animals with exposure to toxic agents
Module 8. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Ruminants
- Identify the main infectious diseases affecting ruminants
- Establish the differential diagnosis of the clinical signs of the main infectious and contagious pathologies in ruminants
- Propose a work methodology for patients with infectious and contagious disorders
- Provide specialized knowledge to treat and prevent the main infectious and contagious pathologies in ruminants
- Understand and identify the different realities and challenges faced by ruminants according to the type of production system in which they are involved
- Be able to identify the technical differences, advantages and disadvantages of vaccines available on the market
- Be able to, depending on the infectious challenge faced by ruminants, develop an effective, efficient and economically justifiable vaccination plan adapted to the reality of each farm
- Identify the clinical signs of parasitic diseases affecting ruminants
- Specify the diagnostic procedures used in parasitology and their interpretation
- Determine a theoretical-practical methodology for the patient with parasitic diseases
- Provide specialized knowledge to establish programs for the control and management of parasites in ruminants
Module 9. Soft Tissue Surgery
- Examine, substantiate and develop prognosis of surgical techniques related to common ruminant wounding, dehorning and eye surgery
- Analyze prognosis of surgical techniques related to umbilicus, foreskin, penis and scrotum surgery
- Generate specialized knowledge on surgical techniques related to urinary tract surgery
Module 10. Musculoskeletal System Surgery
- Establish the anatomy and biomechanics of the hoof, as well as its functional trimming
- Generate specialized knowledge in order to establish a differential diagnosis of hoof pathologies, their treatment and prognosis
- Diagnose septic processes of the distal limb and know their therapeutic options
- Determine the diagnosis of lameness in ruminants
- Describe, substantiate and define prognosis of surgical techniques related to cranial cruciate ligament rupture, superior patella fixation, coxofemoral dislocation and fracture of the femoral neck of the ruminant
- Examine joint pathologies and establish the therapeutic options and their prognosis
- Analyze tendon injuries and establish the therapeutic options and their prognosis
- Describe, substantiate and define prognosis of surgical techniques related to the resolution of specific fractures with external coaptation and/or open reduction and internal fixation of the ruminant

A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"
Professional Master's Degree in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery
The growing importance of ruminants as one of the most relevant animal groups, in terms of their breeding for the production of food and other products, highlight the veterinary field specialized in their care and attention as one of the areas of greatest employability today. This situation is evidenced by the exponential increase in the labor demand for professionals focused on this field. Understanding constant academic updating as a fundamental aspect for optimal access to this important occupational niche, at TECH Global University we have designed our Professional Master's Degree program in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery focused on the training of the professional. In this postgraduate program, special attention will be paid to the development and scope of reproductive biotechnologies applied to ruminants, as well as to the updating of the following aspects: The identification of new avenues for the development of antimicrobial therapies in cattle; and the knowledge of new feeding systems used in calf feedlots.
The postgraduate course will focus on the development and scope of reproductive biotechnologies applied in ruminants, along with an in-depth update on the following aspects.
Study an online Professional Master's Degree in Ruminant Medicine and Surgery
Due to the extensive list of practices and care processes encompassed under ruminant veterinary medicine, the high demands that exist in the sector with respect to the degree of preparation of its specialized professionals are understandable. In our Professional Master's Degree program, ruminant care will be approached from the identification of its new implementations and innovations at the level of tools and processes. In this way, the focus is on the modernization of the following concepts: The particularities and aspects to be taken into account in the planning and structuring of vaccination plans in bovines; and the new alternatives for control and treatment in cases of digital dermatitis.