
Birds and other exotic animals have a series of particularities that must be known in depth by veterinarians to successfully treat their pathologies”


Birds and other exotic species, which are becoming more and more frequent as pets, are the great unknown in the routine practice of veterinarians. This may be due to the scarce specialization on them offered in universities during the veterinary careers or because of the few consultations they have to face in their daily practice. However, the increase of owners seeking professionals specialized in this type of animals forces them to increase their training in order to be able to perform successful interventions on these animals.

This advanced master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery of Birds and Exotic Animals is aimed at veterinary professionals seeking a high-level specialization and, to this end, the program covers all the exotic species that come to the clinic most frequently, mainly birds, mammals, reptiles and wildlife.

Thus, the program includes a very complete information on all those tests and treatments that veterinarians must apply with total safety to care for these species, from proper clinical management, diagnosis and treatment of the most common pathologies, to laboratory tests, anesthesia, the main surgical tools, soft tissue surgery and traumatology, or postoperative management, for example. In short, it covers the latest elements that every veterinarian dealing with exotic patients should know and use in their daily practice.

Throughout this advanced master’s degree, the student will be exposed to all the current approaches to the different challenges of his profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. Additionally, at TECH we have a social commitment: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and to develop their personal, social and professional skills throughout the course of their studies.  To do this, we will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge we offer, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We will work to keep you motivated and to develop your passion for learning, helping you to think and develop critical thinking skills. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.

This advanced master’s degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. In addition, as it is a 100% online program, the students themselves decide where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.

Don't miss the opportunity to study with us and update your knowledge in exotic animal medicine and surgery”

This advanced master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery of Birds and Exotic Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by remote education
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems
  • Self-organised learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any, fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

The specialization of veterinarians is essential to improve the health of exotic animals. Therefore, we propose a high level program with which you will be able to offer the maximum in your profession”

Our teaching staff is made up of active professionals with extensive experience. In this way, we fulfill the objective of updating your knowledge, thanks to the resources that our teachers offer you. A multidisciplinary team of professionals prepared and experienced in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will put at the service of your specialization the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this advanced master’s degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. Thus, you will be able to study with a range of convenient and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need to improve your training.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that sees learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning. With the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

We give you the opportunity to take a deep and complete immersion in the most up-to-date strategies and approaches in avian and exotic animal medicine and surgery"


Specialize with the latest educational methodology, which will allow you to easily self-manage your study time"


Our objective is to offer a complete specialization to professionals seeking a high qualification for their work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you can take for granted, with a high-intensity, high-precision training program.


If your goal is to improve in your profession and acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, this is the place for you. At TECH you will find everything you need to achieve professional success”

General Objectives

  • Identify the differences between birds and mammals
  • Ascertain the most characteristic property in avian patients: The capacity for flight
  • Analyze variations between species based on avian anatomy and physiology
  • Specify key anatomical points to select diagnostic techniques
  • Establish the necessary requirements for keeping birds in captivity
  • Examine the key criteria for health, welfare and success in avian
  • Determine nutritional guidelines and specific diets for birds
  • Generate guidelines for all birds, including birds of prey and others less clinically studied species such as pigeons
  • Compile the most commonly used diagnostic techniques: radiology, endoscopy and ultrasound
  • Develop specialized knowledge in all laboratory diagnostic tests
  • Establish the protocols to interrupt biochemical analysis and proteinograms
  • Demonstrate the correct necropsy technique in avian patients
  • Generate protocols for coprology in birds
  • Examine radiology techniques in avian patients
  • Anticipate diagnostic difficulties in ultrasound in avian patients
  • Propose endoscopy as the diagnostic technique of choice
  • Analyze the main infectious pathologies in birds: Viral, bacterial, mycoplasmic, fungal and parasitic
  • Develop specialized knowledge of non-infectious pathologies: genetic, metabolic-endocrine, anatomical alterations, physical-chemical imbalances and nutritional deficiencies
  • Define soft tissue pathologies
  • Specify treatments and prevention strategies
  • Develop specialized knowledge of diseases in birds according to cause, epizootiology and physiopathogenesis
  • Determine the close relationship between humans and wild birds
  • Identify the routes of disease transmission
  • Analyze the most frequent questions that arise in field situations
  • Generate specialized knowledge of anesthetic techniques commonly used in bird clinics
  • Develop the most important aspects about the types of anesthesia and frequently asked questions by veterinarians
  • Analyze management techniques for exploration and anesthetic drug administration
  • Determine the most common emergency situations
  • Analyze the different anatomical and physiological aspects of birds to apply them to anesthetic techniques
  • Examine emergencies in situations of hemorrhage and more advanced surgical problems
  • Establish emergency protocols, as in any animal that is injured or needs surgical assistance
  • Reach the shock state protocol, which is very difficult to determine in avian patients
  • Provide nutritional and fluid therapy requirements for pathology recoveries
  • Analyze the relevant aspects of drug administration
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the most used antibiotics, taking into account the routes of administration and the possible and real guidelines that can be followed in each real situation
  • Acquire knowledge of new medications for birds
  • Develop specialized knowledge to properly treat fractures and determine prognosis
  • Determine the proper praxis in resolving fractures in avian patients, using bandages and surgical methods of osteosynthesis, by means of external immobilizations, centromedullary interlocking, external fixators or locks
  • Examine the most effective methods for treating each type of bird and potential fractures in terms of physical recovery and total recovery of the limb
  • Analyze the different anatomical and physiological aspects of birds to apply them to the most effective treatments
  • Identify the most important biological traits of these species in order to obtain a more generalized and reinforced base of knowledge
  • Examine each species separately to highlight the main distinctions to keep in mind
  • Establish the bases for attending to these species in practice
  • Analyze their pathologies to identify them
  • List of the most common diseases of exotic mammals
  • Classify and examine the most common diseases according to their origin: bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, hereditary and other health problems
  • Prevent the vast majority of common diseases and problems, establishing, as veterinary specialists, preventive medicine, vaccination and de-worming schedules applied to each species
  • Make the veterinarian aware of the importance of providing information to the owner so that they carry out adequate hygiene practices with the animal, a healthy diet and exercise as well as rest, ensuring that the animal is free of stress, following the guidelines for examination and physical examination of the animal during the consultation
  • Examine diseases from a practical and applicable point of view
  • Check the health status of exotic mammals as a priority for the veterinary specialist
  • Develop advanced knowledge on performing the most common operation in rabbits: castration, both in females and males, in addition to other basic interventions such as oral surgical techniques
  • Develop specialized knowledge on biology, behavior, needs, feeding and care
  • Determine appropriate veterinary advice on handling and diagnostic techniques
  • Recognize the most common diseases in ferrets
  • Explore diverse procedures and therapies, including anesthesia and surgical techniques
  • Develop specialized knowledge about the species that regularly attend the exotic animal clinic
  • Establish the basic needs, reasons for consultation and frequently asked questions by owners
  • Analyze handling techniques for exploration and administration of treatment
  • Examine the most common reptiles in captivity, and their anatomical differences between species
  • Develop reptile handling techniques
  • Establish the routes of drug administration and assess the degree of stress produced in each situation; punctual stress, maintained stress and environmental stress
  • Determine the main pathologies of reptiles
  • Examine the changes in behavior or other aspects of the animal following a pathology
  • Establish treatments and cures for the most frequent pathologies
  • Develop specialized knowledge on the most advanced surgical techniques, with updated anesthetic protocols
  • Develop risk prevention for the public, zoonosis and animal escape
  • Carry out management, nutrition, deworming, vaccination, reproductive management and hygiene plans
  • Determine the main diseases, required diagnostics and therapeutics in the main animal species
  • Analyze the principles of anesthesia, main techniques
  • Identify pathologies, understanding that the result of an observation or test can never be considered of absolute diagnostic value without first having assessed and performed other diagnostic tests
  • Take a much more cautious and prudent approach to fish pathologies
  • Establish the necessary guidelines applied to each treatment

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Bird Taxonomy, Anatomy and Physiology

  • Substantiate the taxonomic classification according to each order
  • Examine the skeletal system, anatomical memory of each location
  • Identify the common breeds of chickens and hens kept as pets
  • Evaluate blood composition and the circulatory system
  • Develop the basis of respiratory functioning to advance knowledge of anesthesia and emergency treatment
  • Compile all current information on the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
  • Detail the forgotten areas of the sense organs and their fundamental implication in patient recovery
  • Collect all the information on the lymphoid organs, especially the characteristic bursa of Fabricius and other glands of interest

Module 2. Clinical Criteria for Avian Patients

  • Propose the challenges of keeping poultry and other avian species
  • Examine the difficulty of bird scouting
  • Determine the requirements for keeping birds in captivity
  • Analyze the most relevant clinical characteristics and their importance in physical examination to reach appropriate diagnoses and treatments
  • Develop specialized knowledge on capture and adequate containment of avian patients
  • Establish the main routes of drug administration
  • Exhaustively analyze the nutritional requirements, types of nutrition and elaborate diets for each species kept in captivity

Module 3. Laboratory Tests

  • Analyze diagnostic evidence, information gathering methods, sample preparation for referral and transport purposes to anatomic pathology laboratories
  • Examine hematology in birds with the different morphological changes they present
  • Identify the results of biochemical analyses in birds
  • Develop the latest cytological techniques
  • Demonstrate the correct technique for sending samples to anatomic pathology services
  • Examine the external and internal lesions that birds may present in the postmortem technique and their diagnostic interpretation
  • Obtain the necessary samples from the postmortem examination for study by histopathology, microbiology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Module 4. Diagnostic Imaging Techniques

  • Specify the sedation and anesthesia techniques necessary to perform diagnostic imaging techniques
  • Study existing radiology equipment and diagnostic options in birds
  • Develop management techniques for proper patient positioning, including the most commonly used projections in daily clinical practice
  • Analyze the anatomical references in radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy to reach reliable diagnoses
  • Justify why a specific type of ultrasound probe is used in avian patients
  • Analyze the endoscopy techniques and applications in birds
  • Achieve the maximum knowledge in other really important diagnostic techniques such as routine coprological analysis

Module 5. Pathologies Related to Handling

  • Identify symptoms to be able to detect them in time and act as soon as possible
  • Examine the main pathologies derived caused by incorrect handling to avoid them and even prevent death
  • Analyze the most frequent emergencies derived from incorrect handling, such as lead poisoning and capture myopathy
  • Specify oral cavity disorders and their most appropriate treatments
  • Completely and successfully deal with all the pathologies affecting the crop, the proventriculus and the ventriculus
  • Delve deeper into all the most common pathologies affecting the distal part of the intestine
  • Analyze liver disorders due to external causes, as well as the typical pathologies they present
  • Develop specialized knowledge of the great avian unknown: The endocrine system, analyzing each of the endocrine glands in birds and their physiopathogenesis

Module 6. Avian Patient Diseases

  • Identify the cause of the disease through causal agents
  • Develop specialized knowledge of the most common diseases in wild birds
  • Make the best use of a list of problems, together with their differential diagnoses to properly design work plans
  • Develop the most important viral diseases in wild bird pathologies, understanding that they are the most serious
  • Diagnose diseases caused by bacteria, since they are mostly linked to respiratory infections, blood infections, intestinal infections or a combination of any of them
  • Analyze parasitic diseases, their symptomatology and the most updated treatments

Module 7. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Birds

  • Determine the anatomical and physiological characteristics of birds to adequately perform anesthetic procedures
  • Perform the anesthetic technique of choice: inhalation anesthesia
  • Generate specialized knowledge on cardiorespiratory monitoring and temperature control during and after anesthetic procedures
  • Examine injectable anesthesia in birds
  • Perform the most up-to-date methods for local anesthesia and analgesia
  • Implement the most frequent emergency anesthetics to deal with them successfully
  • Determine the anesthetic particularities of each type of bird

Module 8. Anesthesia and Soft Tissue Surgery

  • Develop specialized knowledge in soft tissue surgery, starting from supplies in the operating room prior to any surgery
  • Determine the special surgical supplies for avian patients
  • Establish the main surgical problems of the skin and its appendages
  • Perform all surgical techniques on male and female reproductive systems
  • Evaluate all surgeries of the digestive and respiratory systems, following comprehensive and updated protocols
  • Demonstrate the need for biopsies to reach a definitive diagnosis
  • Emphasize the necessary guidelines for patient recovery

Module 9. Pathologies and Medical Treatments

  • Compile the most important nutritional treatments, understanding dehydration as one of the key factors for each treatment recovery
  • Examine all the external treatments that birds need, recognizing that these are the fundamental aspects that we must understand to proceed with the rest of pathologies and treatments
  • Attain the maximum knowledge of traumatic injury treatments
  • Present the routes of administration of drugs and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Develop the list of antibiotics, antifungals and antiparasitics most commonly used, including dosage and clarifications
  • Propose the success in nebulization treatments
  • Reach peak knowledge of eye drops and ophthalmologic treatments

Module 10. Orthopedic and Ophthalmologic Surgery in Birds

  • Develop specialized knowledge regarding the most frequent ocular pathologies and the most updated treatments
  • Analyze the most frequent pathologies in obese birds in captivity: nails
  • Address bone fracture emergencies situations and treatments
  • Establish bone fixation methods in wings and shoulder girdles
  • Analyze the osseous injuries in bird carpus and tarsus
  • Determine how to conduct bone repairs of the femur and their surgical treatments
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of postoperative care in repaired fractures

Module 11. Relevant Aspects of Lagomorfs and Rodents

  • Examine the different species and their taxonomic classification
  • Determine how to handle each clinical situation
  • Analyze the most frequent questions asked by animal owners in practice
  • Establish a prevention protocol and guidelines for the correct maintenance of rabbits or rodents
  • List the most common pathologies in lagomorphs and rodents
  • Develop a list of problems, with their varying diagnoses to obtain an adequate work plan
  • Finally achieve the definitive diagnosis and find the cause of the pathology

Module 12. Advanced Criteria in Rabbits and Rodents

  • Visualize the anatomy and physiological functioning of the oral cavity
  • Examine dental malocclusion disease in lagomorphs
  • Identify all diseases with zoonotic potential that we will encounter after handling or accidental ingestion
  • Provide advanced knowledge related to the sedation of an exotic mammal, including up-to-date anesthetic protocols to perform surgical treatments
  • Compile the ocular pathologies that may present, their causes and the currently available treatments
  • Analyze the reason why not all medications currently available in the dog and cat clinic can be used and cite the most commonly used medications and their dosage
  • Develop specialized knowledge of routine surgical techniques such as sterilization and when it should be performed, as well as more advanced surgical techniques such as cystotomy or enterotomy

Module 13. Symptoms and Therapeutics for Ferrets

  • Establish an adequate anatomo-physiological background, advanced knowledge of dentition, types of molt, skeletal system, digestive system, perineal glands and salivary glands
  • Analyze the cardio-respiratory system and its pathologies
  • Develop the best method of drug administration, access routes, routine radiographic projections and laboratory sampling to achieve a reliable and effective diagnosis
  • List the various types of pathologies that are commonly encountered in daily clinical practice. Gastrointestinal and respiratory pathologies are very common, but so are neoplasms and skin problems
  • Analyze the most frequent and serious endocrine pathology in sterilized ferrets: hyperadrenocorticism, going deeper into the subject with an anatomical review of the adrenal glands and paying attention to the non-specific symptoms they present in order to obtain the correct diagnosis
  • Examine the most up-to-date treatments and make decisions about surgical or medical-only processes and the rationale for choosing each one
  • Assess the monitoring of anesthetized patients and the levels of anesthesia that can be used
  • Develop specialized knowledge to attend an emergency and cardio-respiratory resuscitation
  • List the most common surgical techniques and those that are unique and exclusive to ferrets

Module 14. New Pets

  • Anatomically and taxonomically describe the differences between each species
  • Design installations equipped to fulfil their needs, according to their habits, diet, furnishings, environmental enrichment and special characteristics
  • Specify the necessary legal requirements to have invasive exotic pets
  • Establish the most important zoonoses in order to protect the veterinary specialist and the owners
  • Differentiate between the different techniques for drug administration and laboratory sampling
  • Examine the most common pathologies of each species
  • Describe the exclusive pathologies in each species

Module 15. Relevant Aspects of Reptiles I

  • Evaluate the types of facilities that exist and adapt them to each species and its needs. Access to water, the material used for the terrarium, and the crucial importance of temperature, humidity and light, which are the most important factors in fulfilling the basic needs of reptiles
  • Identify the natural process of hibernation, taking into account relevant factors such as the types of hibernation, the species that hibernate and the problems that hibernation can cause during captivity
  • Gain specialized knowledge on radiology in reptiles, a basic diagnostic technique to treat their diseases
  • Explore other imaging techniques, such as ultrasound and endoscopy and cite the situations in which we should use these supportive techniques
  • Identify all the information provided by a coprological analysis, a routine procedure in practices that should always be performed
  • Study the biochemical parameters of reptiles
  • Establish routine necropsy techniques to detect pathologies

Module 16. Relevant Aspects of Reptiles II

  • Determine the most frequent zoonoses, prevention and indications for owners
  • Analyze the most important diseases in reptiles
  • Treat the species with specific drugs and doses
  • Understand the use of the concepts MEC (Minimum Energy Cost) and SMEC (Specific Minimum Energy Cost), understanding that there are differences in the dose depending on the physiological state
  • Examine up-to-date anesthetic studies
  • Analyze the anatomical and physiological features of each species in order to establish the appropriate anesthetic considerations
  • Establish the basic and routine surgical techniques in clinical practice
  • Analyze other important surgical issues
  • Describe the pathologies presented by reptiles with more complex causes

Module 17. Wild Animal Medicine and Surgery

  • Establish the handling tasks of the veterinarian, together with his work team
  • Develop specialized criteria to decide on the release of a wild species treated for a pathology
  • Develop preventive medicine programs, such as vaccinations, coprologicals, and vermifugations
  • Develop specialized knowledge to perform the mandatory clinical examination of any patient who is hospitalized or has just been admitted to a recovery center
  • Interpret the laboratory tests performed on animals in order to treat their disease
  • Establish guidelines for nutrition and nutritional diseases, infectious diseases, reproductive aspects and rescue work for primates, ursids and wild felines
  • Analyze the most commonly used anesthesia techniques in zoo animals

Module 18. Care and Pathologies in Fish

  • Analyze, in each case, the 4 main contexts to carry out an adequate anamnesis:
  • The general informative context: Identifies the type of customer and general typology
  • The context of the particular system: Technology of the aquatic environment
  • The context of the population: Assesses the number of fish, ages, species
  • The individual context: When all the above points have been evaluated, we identify the affected fish, its organs and pathologies
  • Analyze clinical management and establish guidelines for the correct collection of laboratory samples
  • Establish the different pathologies of ornamental fish
  • Describe the predisposing causes and establish differing diagnoses for each case
  • Establish a definitive diagnosis and apply a medical or surgical treatment and follow-up of the case
  • Assess the use of anesthetics and updated protocols
  • Examine the most commonly used anti-parasitic treatments and external disinfectants
  • Evaluate the degree of learning with the presentation of a clinical case

A high-level program for professionals seeking academic excellence”

Advanced Master's Degree in Avian and Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery

Veterinary services for birds and other exotic species is a field that still requires expert professionals in the area. Offering a high quality service is essential, especially when it comes to the intervention of these animals whose diseases and conditions have a high level of complexity. At TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery of Birds and Exotic Animals, a program that brings together in a complete way the latest knowledge in clinical criteria and intervention techniques in this area so that you can efficiently attend the cases that arise in your daily practice. This is a unique opportunity to take a definitive step in your career and propel your competencies to another level.

Specialize in the largest Veterinary Faculty

With our Advanced Master's Degree you will have access to a high-level graduate program where you will receive methods, strategies and resources to excel as a specialist in both avian and exotic animal medicine and surgery. Along with the accompaniment of experts in the field and the theoretical and practical learning of a highly rigorous curriculum, you will review the taxonomy, anatomy and physiology of these species to establish the appropriate methods of intervention; You will develop an advanced conceptual background on the main infectious (viral, bacterial and parasitic) and non-infectious (genetic, nutritional deficiencies and anatomical alterations) pathologies that affect these animals; and you will use the most appropriate exploration and treatment techniques in the different therapeutic, anesthetic and surgical procedures, among other aspects. Certificate in the largest Veterinary School and take a leap towards a better working future