
Daniel Campos Moreno is an enthusiast of the Digital Sector, passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship and teaching. His excellent professional career and extensive knowledge of Digital Marketing, B2B Marketing, Growth Hacking and customer loyalty have made him a reference in the digital universe.

Daniel Moreno Campos' leadership skills have also allowed him to hold senior management positions in international companies specialized in commerce and oriented to sales through the Internet. Thus, his communication skills and interest in teaching have led him to develop his potential as a teacher, teaching, mainly online, to professionals with aspirations in the field of Business and Marketing.

  • Chief Operating Officer at Marshals
  • Project Manager Officer at Sum, The Sales Intelligence Company
  • Content Manager at GroupM, WPP
  • Lecturer at Boluda Online Marketing Courses
  • Lecturer at Edix for UNIR
  • Associate lecturer at ESIC Business & Marketing School 
  • Master's Degree in Innovation and Digital Transformation, Digital Communication and Multimedia Content at MSMK University
  • Product Owner Certification
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