
Dr. Arjun Ghosh is recognized in the healthcare field for his many efforts to improve the quality of care at the University College London Hospital (UCLH) and Barts Heart Center. Both institutions have become international references in Cardiology, an area in which this doctor is considered a true eminence.  

From his position as Head of the Clinical Service at UCLH, the expert has devoted great efforts to the care of patients with cancer and to reduce the cardiac side effects that may result from aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Thanks to his extensive experience in this field, he is a consultant specialist in the Long-Term Follow-Up Unit, created to monitor the evolution of people who have survived tumors.  

Dr. Ghosh's research has been at the forefront of clinical innovation throughout his career. His PhD, for example, was defended at the Imperial College of London and subsequently presented to the British Parliament. This merit is only plausible for studies that make unquestionable contributions to society and science. The thesis has also received numerous national and international awards. It has also been endorsed by presentations at various congresses around the world.  

The famous cardiologist is also a specialist in advanced Diagnostic Imaging techniques, using state-of-the-art tools: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Echocardiography. He also has a broad academic vocation that led him to complete a Master's degree in Medical Education, obtaining accreditations from the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and University College London.  

Dr. Ghosh is also the Director of the Foundation Program at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and holds various positions in local and international societies, such as the American College of Cardiology.

  • Specialist in Cardio-Oncology and Advanced Cardiac Imaging
  • Head of Clinical Service University College London Hospital (UCLH)
  • Consultant Cardiologist at the Barts Heart Center
  • Director of the St Bartholomew's Hospital Foundation Program
  • Doctorate in Cardiology at Imperial College London
  • Master's Degree in Medical Education from the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and University College London
  • Member of:  
    • American College of Cardiology 
    • British Cardiovascular Society  
    • Royal Society of Medicine 
    • International Society of Cardio-Oncology
Programmes in collaboration with

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