
After years of experience in the general veterinary world, Óscar Fabián Alarcón Rodríguez decided to focus his professional career in the field of Ethology, in order to understand the behavior of animals and ensure their welfare. Once he completed his exhaustive training in this field, he has been able to work as a veterinary ethologist at the District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare or at the Red Cross Canine Center.  

Another of his great professional experiences comes from the hand of Animal Assisted Therapies, an area in which he has worked as an auditor in the Teanima Association or in the Colombian Center for Neurosensory Stimulation. Among his functions, he is responsible for the management and training of horses, birds of prey or dogs to be used in assisted interventions.  

  • Veterinary ethologist at the District Institute for Animal Protection and Welfare
  • Veterinary ethologist at the Canine Center of the Red Cross
  • Animal Assisted Therapy Auditor at Teanima Association
  • Veterinarian and canine guide at the Colombian Center of Neurosensorial Stimulation
  • Veterinarian in several veterinary clinics 
  • Veterinarian and Zootechnician at San Martin University Foundation
  • Master's Degree in Applied Ethology in Animal Management, Conservation and Welfare, Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Diploma in Clinical Ethology from the Center of Veterinary Medical Specialties
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