University certificate
The world's largest school of business”
Why study at TECH?
This program has been designed to push students' competencies towards the highest quality standards, until they become true Marketing and Advertising Managers"

Why Study at TECH?
TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.
TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"
At TECH Global University
Innovation |
The university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus.
"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system.
The Highest Standards |
Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high...
95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
Networking |
Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.
100,000+ executives trained each year, 200+ different nationalities.
Empowerment |
Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.
500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
Talent |
This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision.
After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent.
Multicultural Context |
While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea.
TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities.

Learn with the best |
In the classroom, TECH teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world.
Teachers representing 20 different nationalities.
TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique:
Analysis |
TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.
Academic Excellence |
TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Relearning method (a postgraduate learning methodology with the highest international rating) with the Case Study. A complex balance between tradition and state-of-the-art, within the context of the most demanding academic itinerary.
Economy of Scale |
TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.
At TECH, you will have access to the most rigorous and up-to-date case studies in the academic community”
The structure of this academic program at TECH Global University has been designed with the needs of business professionals in mind, who demand high quality programs to grow successfully in areas that are becoming more and more important within the field of business. For this purpose, the syllabus has been structured in a schematic way, so that students can organize their own study time, following a specific academic path on the most innovative concepts and strategies.
A very well-structured syllabus and a totally digital format with allow you to self-manage you study time”
The Advanced master’s degree in Senior Marketing and Advertising Management at TECH Global University is an intensive program that prepares students to face business challenges and decisions at both national and international levels. Its content is designed to promote the development of managerial skills that enable more rigorous decision-making in uncertain environments.
Throughout 3,000 hours of study, you will analyze a multitude of practical cases through individual work, achieving a deep learning that you will be able to transfer to your daily practice. It is, therefore, an authentic immersion in real business situations.
This program deals in depth with different areas of the company and is designed to specialize managers who understand Marketing and Advertising Management from a strategic, international and innovative perspective.
A plan designed for students, focused on their professional development, which prepares them to achieve excellence in the field of marketing and advertising. A program that understands both yours and your company's needs through innovative content based on the latest trends, and supported by the best educational methodology and an exceptional faculty, which will provide you with the skills to solve critical situations, creatively and efficiently.
This program takes place over 24 months and is divided into 25 modules:
Module 1. Leadership, Ethics, and CSR
Module 2. People and Talent Management
Module 3. Economic and Financial Management
Module 4. Information Systems Management
Module 5. Innovation and Project Management
Module 6. Market Research
Module 7. Management and Leadership
Module 8. Logistics and Economic Management
Module 9. Strategy in Marketing Management
Module 10. Customer Relationship Management
Module 11. Operational Marketing
Module 12. Sectorial Marketing
Module 13. International Marketing
Module 14. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce
Module 15. e-Commerce and Shopify
Module 16. Social Media and Community Management
Module 17. Structure of Communication
Module 18. Introduction to the Psychology of Personality
Module 19. Advertising Language
Module 20. Creativity in Communication
Module 21. Creative Advertising I: Writing
Module 22. Creative Advertising II: Art Management
Module 23. Coporate Identity
Module 24. Public Opinion
Module 25. Advertising Law

Where, When and How is it Taught?
TECH offers the possibility of developing this Advanced master’s degree in Senior Marketing and Advertising Management completely online. Over the course of 24 months, you will be able to access all the contents of this program at any time, allowing you to self-manage your study time.
Module 1. Leadership, Ethics, and CSR
1.1. Globalization and Governance
1.1.1. Globalization and Trends in Internationalization of the Market
1.1.2. Economic Environment and Corporate Governance
1.1.3. Accountability
1.2. Business Ethics
1.2.1. Ethics and Integrity
1.2.2. Ethical Behavior in Companies
1.2.3. Deontology, Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
1.2.4. Fraud and Corruption Prevention
1.3. Sustainability
1.3.1. Business and Sustainable Development
1.3.2. Social, Environmental, and Economic Impact
1.3.3. The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
1.4. Corporate Social Responsibility
1.4.1. Corporate Social Responsibility
1.4.2. Roles and Responsibilities
1.4.3. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility
Module 2. People and Talent Management
2.1. Organizational Behavior
2.1.1. Organizational Theory
2.1.2. Key Factors for Change in Organizations
2.1.3. Corporate Strategies, Typologies and Knowledge Management
2.2. Strategic People Management
2.2.1. Job Design, Recruitment, and Selection
2.2.2. Design and Implementation of Human Resources Strategic Plan
2.2.3. Job Analysis: Design and Selection of People
2.2.4. Training and Professional Development
2.3. Management and Leadership Development
2.3.1. Management Skills: 21st Century Skills and Abilities
2.3.2. Non-Managerial Skills
2.3.3. Map of Skills and Abilities
2.3.4. Leadership and People Management
2.4. Change Management
2.4.1. Performance Analysis
2.4.2. Strategic Approach
2.4.3. Change Management: Key Factors, Process Design and Management
2.4.4. Continuous Improvement Approach
2.5. Negotiation and Conflict Management
2.5.1. Negotiation Objectives: Differentiating Elements
2.5.2. Effective Negotiation Techniques
2.5.3. Conflicts: Factors and Types
2.5.4. Efficient Management of Conflicts: Negotiation and Communication
2.6. Executive Communication
2.6.1. Performance Analysis
2.6.2. Leading Change. Resistance to Change
2.6.3. Managing Change Processes
2.6.4. Managing Multicultural Teams
2.7. Team Management and People Performance
2.7.1. Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Environment
2.7.2. Team and People Management
2.7.3. Coaching and People Performance
2.7.4. Executive Meetings: Planning and Time Management
2.8. Knowledge and Talent Management
2.8.1. Identifying Knowledge and Talent in Organizations
2.8.2. Corporate Knowledge and Talent Management Models
2.8.3. Creativity and Innovation
Module 3. Economic and Financial Management
3.1. Economic Environment
3.1.1. Organizational Theory
3.1.2. Key Factors for Change in Organizations
3.1.3. Corporate Strategies, Typologies and Knowledge Management
3.2. Executive Accounting
3.2.1. International Accounting Framework
3.2.2. Introduction to the Accounting Cycle
3.2.3. Company Financial Statements
3.2.4. Analysis of Financial Statements: Decision-Making
3.3. Budget and Management Control
3.3.1. Budgetary Planning
3.3.2. Management Control: Design and Objectives
3.3.3. Supervision and Reporting
3.4. Corporate Tax Responsibility
3.4.1. Corporate Tax Responsibility
3.4.2. Tax Procedure: A Case-Country Approach
3.5. Corporate Control Systems
3.5.1. Types of Control
3.5.2. Regulatory Compliance
3.5.3. Internal Auditing
3.5.4. External Auditing
3.6. Financial Management
3.6.1. Introduction to Financial Management
3.6.2. Financial Management and Corporate Strategy
3.6.3. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Managerial Skills
3.7. Financial Planning
3.7.1. Business Models and Financing Needs
3.7.2. Financial Analysis Tools
3.7.3. Short-Term Financial Planning
3.7.4. Long-Term Financial Planning
3.8. Corporate Financial Strategy
3.8.1. Corporate Financial Investments
3.8.2. Strategic Growth: Types
3.9. Macroeconomic Context
3.9.1. Macroeconomic Analysis
3.9.2. Economic Indicators
3.9.3. Economic Cycle
3.10. Strategic Financing
3.10.1. Banking Business: Current Environment
3.10.2. Risk Analysis and Management
3.11. Money and Capital Markets
3.11.1. Fixed Income Market
3.11.2. Equity Market
3.11.3. Valuation of Companies
3.12. Analyzing and Solving Cases/Problems
3.12.1. Problem Solving Methodology
3.12.2. Case Method
Module 4. Information Systems Management
4.1. Information Systems Management
4.1.1. Business Information Systems
4.1.2. Strategic Decisions
4.1.3. The Role of the CIO
4.2. Information Technology and Business Strategy
4.2.1. Company and Industry Sector Analysis
4.2.2. Online Business Models
4.2.3. The Value of IT in a Company
4.3. IS Strategic Planning
4.3.1. The Process of Strategic Planning
4.3.2. Formulating the IS Strategy
4.3.3. Strategy Implementation Plan
4.4. Information Systems and Business Intelligence
4.4.1. CRM and Business Intelligence
4.4.2. Business Intelligence Project Management
4.4.3. Business Intelligence Architecture
4.5. New ICT-Based Business Models
4.5.1. Technology-Based Business Models
4.5.2. Innovation Abilities
4.5.3. Redesigning the Value Chain Processes
4.6. E-Business Strategies
4.6.1. Social Media Strategies
4.6.2. Optimizing Service Channels and Customer Support
4.6.3. Digital Regulation
4.7. Digital Business
4.7.1. Mobile e-Commerce
4.7.2. Design and Usability
4.7.3. E-Commerce Operations
Module 5. Innovation and Project Management
5.1. Innovation
5.1.1. Macro Concept of Innovation
5.1.2. Types of Innovation
5.1.3. Continuous and Discontinuous Innovation
5.1.4. Training and Innovation
5.2. Innovation Strategy
5.2.1. Innovation and Corporate Strategy
5.2.2. Global Innovation Project: Design and Management
5.2.3. Innovation Workshops
5.3. Business Model Design and Validation
5.3.1. The Lean Startup Methodology
5.3.2. Innovative Business Initiative: Stages
5.3.3. Financing Arrangements
5.3.4. Model Tools: Empathy Map, Canvas Model and Metrics
5.3.5. Growth and Loyalty
5.4. Project Management
5.4.1. Innovation Opportunities
5.4.2. Feasibility Study and Proposal Specification
5.4.3. Project Definition and Design
5.4.4. Project Execution
5.4.5. Project Closure
Module 6. Market Research
6.1. Fundamentals of Marketing
6.1.1. Main Definitions
6.1.2. Basic Concepts
6.1.3. The Evolution of the Concept of Marketing
6.2. Marketing: From the Idea to the Market
6.2.1. Concept and Scope of Marketing
6.2.2. Marketing Dimensions
6.2.3. Marketing 3.0
6.3. New Competitive Environment
6.3.1. Technological Innovation and Economic Impact
6.3.2. Knowledge Society
6.3.3. The New Consumer Profile
6.4. Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques
6.4.1. Variables and Measurement Scales
6.4.2. Information Sources
6.4.3. Sampling Techniques
6.4.4. The Treatment and Analysis of Data
6.5. Qualitative Research Methods and Techniques
6.5.1. Direct Techniques: Focus Group
6.5.2. Anthropological Techniques
6.5.3. Indirect Techniques
6.5.4. The Two Face Mirror and The Delphi Method
6.6. Market Segmentation
6.6.1. Market Typologies
6.6.2. Concept and Analysis of the Demand
6.6.3. Segmentation and Criteria
6.6.4. Defining the Target Audience
6.7. Types of Buying Behaviour
6.7.1. Complex Behaviour
6.7.2. Dissonance-Reducing Behaviour
6.7.3. Variety-Seeking Behavior
6.7.4. Habitual Behavior
6.8. Marketing Information Systems
6.8.1. Conceptual Approaches to Marketing Information Systems
6.8.2. Data Warehouse and Datamining
6.8.3. Geographical Information Systems
6.9. Research Project Management
6.9.1. Information Analysis Tools
6.9.2. Developing an Expectation Management Plan
6.9.3. Assessing the Feasibility of Projects
6.10. Marketing Intelligence
6.10.1. Big Data
6.10.2. User Experience
6.10.3. Applying Techniques
Module 7. Management and Leadership
7.1. General Management
7.1.1. Integrating Functional Strategies into the Global Business Strategies
7.1.2. Management Policy and Processes
7.1.3. Society and Enterprise
7.2. Strategic Management
7.2.1. Establishing the Strategic Position: Mission, Vision, and Values
7.2.2. Developing New Businesses
7.2.3. Growing and Consolidating Companies
7.3. Competitive Strategy
7.3.1. Market Analysis
7.3.2. Sustainable Competitive Advantage
7.3.3. Return on Investment
7.4. Corporate Strategy
7.4.1. Driving Corporate Strategy
7.4.2. Pacing Corporate Strategy
7.4.3. Framing Corporate Strategy
7.5. Planning and Strategy
7.5.1. The Relevance of Strategic Direction in the Management Control Process
7.5.2. Analysis of the Environment and the Organization
7.5.3. Lean Management
7.6. Talent Management
7.6.1. Managing Human Capital
7.6.2. Environment, Strategy, and Metrics
7.6.3. Innovation in People Management
7.7. Management and Leadership Development
7.7.1. Leadership and Leadership Styles
7.7.2. Motivation
7.7.3. Emotional Intelligence
7.7.4. Skills and Abilities of the Leader 7.0
7.7.5. Efficient Meetings
7.8. Change Management
7.8.1. Performance Analysis
7.8.2. Leading Change. Resistance to Change
7.8.3. Managing Change Processes
7.8.4. Managing Multicultural Teams
Module 8. Logistics and Economic Management
8.1. Financial Diagnosis
8.1.1. Indicators for Analyzing Financial Statements
8.1.2. Profitability Analysis
8.1.3. Economic and Financial Profitability of a Company
8.2. Economic Analysis of Decisions
8.2.1. Budget Control
8.2.2. Competitive Analysis. Comparative Analysis
8.2.3. Decision-Making. Business Investment or Divestment
8.3. Investment Valuation and Portfolio Management
8.3.1. Profitability of Investment Projects and Value Creation
8.3.2. Models for Evaluating Investment Projects
8.3.3. Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Development, and Decision Trees
8.4. Purchasing Logistics Management
8.4.1. Stock Management
8.4.2. Warehouse Management
8.4.3. Purchasing and Procurement Management
8.5. Supply Chain Management
8.5.1. Costs and Efficiency of the Operations Chain
8.5.2. Change in Demand Patterns
8.5.3. Change in Operations Strategy
8.6. Logistical Processes
8.6.1. Organization and Management by Processes
8.6.2. Procurement, Production, Distribution
8.6.3. Quality, Quality Costs, and Tools
8.6.4. After-Sales Service
8.7. Logistics and Customers
8.7.1. Demand Analysis and Forecasting
8.7.2. Sales Forecasting and Planning
8.7.3. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replacement
8.8. International Logistics
8.8.1. Customs, Export and Import processes
8.8.2. Methods and Means of International Payment
8.8.3. International Logistics Platforms
Module 9. Strategy in Marketing Management
9.1. Marketing Management
9.1.1. Positioning and Value Creation
9.1.2. Company's Marketing Orientation and Positioning.
9.1.3. Strategic vs. Operational Marketing
9.1.4. Objectives in Marketing Management
9.1.5. Integrated Marketing Communications
9.2. The Function of Strategic Marketing
9.2.1. Main Marketing Strategies
9.2.2. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
9.2.3. Managing Strategic Marketing
9.3. Marketing Strategy Dimensions
9.3.1. Necessary Resources and Investments
9.3.2. Fundamentals of Competitive Advantage
9.3.3. The Company’s Competitive Behavior
9.3.4. Focus Marketing
9.4. New Product Strategy Development
9.4.1. Creativity and Innovation in Marketing
9.4.2. Generation and Filtering of Ideas
9.4.3. Commercial Viability Analysis
9.4.4. Development, Market Testing, and Commercialization
9.5. Price-Setting Policies
9.5.1. Short and Long-Term Aims
9.5.2. Types of Pricing
9.5.3. Factors that Affect Pricing
9.6. Promotion and Merchandising Strategies
9.6.1. Advertising Management
9.6.2. Communication and Media Plan
9.6.3. Merchandising as a Marketing Technique
9.6.4. Visual Merchandising
9.7. Distribution, Expansion, and Intermediation Strategies
9.7.1. Outsourcing of Sales Force and Customer Service
9.7.2. Commercial Logistics in Product and Service Sales Management
9.7.3. Sales Cycle Management
9.8. Developing the Marketing Plan
9.8.1. Analysis and Diagnosis
9.8.2. Strategic Decisions
9.8.3. Operational Decisions
Module 10. Customer Relationship Management
10.1. Knowing the Market and the Consumer
10.1.1. Open Innovation
10.1.2. Competitive Intelligence
10.1.3. Sharing Economy
10.2. CRM and Business Philosophy
10.2.1. Business Philosophy or Strategic Orientation
10.2.2. Customer Identification and Differentiation
10.2.3. The Company and its Stakeholders
10.2.4. Clientèle
10.3. Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
10.3.1. Database Marketing Applications
10.3.2. Laws and Regulations
10.3.3. Information Sources, Storage, and Processing
10.4. Consumer Psychology and Behavior
10.4.1. The Study of Consumer Behavior
10.4.2. Internal and External Consumer Factors
10.4.3. Consumer Decision Process
10.4.4. Consumerism, Society, Marketing, and Ethics
10.5. Areas of CRM Management
10.5.1. Customer Service
10.5.2. Managing the Sales Force
10.5.3. Customer Service
10.6. Consumer Centric Marketing
10.6.1. Segmentation
10.6.2. Profitability Analysis
10.6.3. Customer Loyalty Strategies
10.7. CRM Management Techniques
10.7.1. Direct Marketing
10.7.2. Multichannel Integration
10.7.3. Viral Marketing
10.8. Advantages and Risks of Implementing CRM
10.8.1. CRM, Sales and Costs
10.8.2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
10.8.3. Technology Implementation
10.8.4. Strategic and Management Errors
Module 11. Operational Marketing
11.1. Marketing Mix
11.1.1. The Marketing Value Proposition
11.1.2. Marketing Mix Policies, Strategies, and Tactics
11.1.3. Elements of the Marketing Mix
11.1.4. Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Mix
11.2. Product Management
11.2.1. Consumption Distribution and Product Life Cycle
11.2.2. Obsolescence, Expiration, Periodic Campaigns
11.2.3. Management Ratios of Orders and Stocks Control
11.3. Pricing Principles
11.3.1. Environmental Analysis
11.3.2. Production Costs and Discount Margins
11.3.3. Final Price and Positioning Map
11.4. Distribution Channel Management
11.4.1. Trade Marketing
11.4.2. Distribution Culture and Competition
11.4.3. Designing and Managing Channels
11.4.4. Functions of Distribution Channels
11.4.5. Route to Market
11.5. Promotion and Sales Channels
11.5.1. Corporate Branding
11.5.2. Advertising
11.5.3. Sales Promotion
11.5.4. Public Relations and Personal Selling
11.5.5. Street Marketing
11.6. Branding
11.6.1. Brand Evolution
11.6.2. Creating and Developing a Successful Brand
11.6.3. Brand Equity
11.6.4. Category Management
11.7. Managing Marketing Groups
11.7.1. Work Teams and Meeting Management
11.7.2. Coaching and Team Management
11.7.3. Managing Equality and Diversity
11.8. Communication and Marketing
11.8.1. Communication Integrated into Marketing
11.8.2. Designing a Marketing Communication Program
11.8.3. Communication Skills and Influence
11.8.4. Barriers to Business Communication
Module 12. Sectorial Marketing
12.1. Services Marketing
12.1.1. Evolution and Growth of the Services Sector
12.1.2. Function of Services Marketing
12.1.3. Marketing Strategy in the Service Sector
12.2. Touristic Marketing
12.2.1. Features of the Tourism Sector
12.2.2. Tourist Product
12.2.3. The Customer in Tourism Marketing
12.3. Political and Electoral Marketing
12.3.1. Political Marketing vs. Electoral Marketing
12.3.2. Political Market Segmentation
12.3.3. Electoral Campaign
12.4. Social Marketing and Responsible Marketing
12.4.1. Social Cause Marketing and CSR
12.4.2. Environmental Marketing
12.4.3. Segmentation in Social Marketing
12.5. Retail Management
12.5.1. Relevance
12.5.2. Reward
12.5.3. Cost Reduction
12.5.4. Relationship with the Customer
12.6. Banking Marketing
12.6.1. State Regulation
12.6.2. Branches and Segmentation
12.6.3. Inbound Marketing in the Banking Sector
12.7. Health Services Marketing
12.7.1. Internal Marketing
12.7.2. User Satisfaction Studies
12.7.3. Market-Oriented Quality Management
12.8. Sensory Marketing
12.8.1. Shopping Experience as a Sensory Experience
12.8.2. Neuromarketing and Sensory Marketing
12.8.3. Arrangement and Presentation of the Point of Sale
Module 13. International Marketing
13.1. International Market Research
13.1.1. Emerging Markets Marketing
13.1.2. PES Analysis
13.1.3. What, How, and Where to Export?
13.1.4. International Marketing-Mix Strategies
13.2. International Segmentation
13.2.1. Criteria for Market Segmentation at the International Level
13.2.2. Niche Markets
13.2.3. International Segmentation Strategies
13.3. International Positioning
13.3.1. Branding in International Markets
13.3.2. Positioning Strategies in International Markets
13.3.3. Global, Regional, and Local Brands
13.4. Product Strategies in International Markets
13.4.1. Product Modification, Adaptation, and Diversification
13.4.2. Global Standardized Products
13.4.3. The Product Portfolio
13.5. Prices and Exports
13.5.1. Export Prices Calculation
13.5.2. Incoterms
13.5.3. International Price Strategy
13.6. Quality in International Marketing
13.6.1. Quality and International Marketing
13.6.2. Standards and Certifications
13.6.3. CE Marking
13.7. International Promotion
13.7.1. The International Promotion MIX
13.7.2. Advertising
13.7.3. International Fairs
13.7.4. Country Branding
13.8. Distribution Through International Channels
13.8.1. Channel and Trade Marketing
13.8.2. Export Consortiums
13.8.3. Types of Exports and Foreign Trade
Module 14. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce
14.1. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce
14.1.1. The Digital Economy and the Sharing Economy
14.1.2. Trends and Social Changes in Consumers
14.1.3. Digital Transformation of Traditional Companies
14.1.4. The Roles of the Chief Digital Officer
14.2. Digital Strategy
14.2.1. Segmentation and Positioning in the Competitive Context
14.2.2. New Marketing Strategies for Products and Services
14.2.3. From Innovation to Cash Flow
14.3. Technology Strategy
14.3.1. Web Development
14.3.2. Hosting and Cloud Computing
14.3.3. Content Management Systems (CMS)
14.3.4. Formats and Digital Media
14.3.5. Technological e-Commerce Platforms
14.4. Digital Regulation
14.4.1. Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection Act
14.4.2. Fake Profiles and Fake Followers
14.4.3. Legal Aspects of Marketing, Advertising, and Digital Content
14.5. Online Market Research
14.5.1. Quantitative Research Tools in Online Markets
14.5.2. Dynamic Qualitative Customer Research Tools
14.6. Online Agencies, Media, and Channels
14.6.1. Integral, Creative, and Online Agencies
14.6.2. Traditional and New Media
14.6.3. Online Channels
14.6.4. Other Digital Players
Module 15. e-Commerce and Shopify
15.1. Digital e-Commerce Management
15.1.1. New e-Commerce Business Models
15.1.2. Planning and Developing an e-Commerce Strategic Plan
15.1.3. Technological Structure in e-Commerce
15.2. e-Commerce Operations and Logistics
15.2.1. How to Manage Fulfillment
15.2.2. Digital Point-of-Sale Management
15.2.3. Contact Center Management
15.2.4. Automation in Management and Monitoring Processes
15.3. Implementing e-Commerce Techniques
15.3.1. Social Media and Integration in the e-Commerce Plan
15.3.2. Multichannel Strategy
15.3.3. Personalizing Dashboards
15.4. Digital Pricing
15.4.1. Online Payment Methods and Payment Gateways
15.4.2. Electronic Promotions
15.4.3. Digital Price Timing
15.4.4. e-Auctions
15.5. From e-Commerce to m-Commerce and s-Commerce
15.5.1. e-Marketplace Business Models
15.5.2. s-Commerce and Brand Experience
15.5.3. Purchasing via Mobile Devices
15.6. Customer Intelligence: From e-CRM to s-CRM
15.6.1. Integrating the Consumer in the Value Chain
15.6.2. Online Research and Loyalty Techniques
15.6.3. Planning a Customer Relationship Management Strategy
15.7. Digital Marketing Trade
15.7.1. Cross Merchandising
15.7.2. Designing and Managing Facebook Ads Campaigns
15.7.3. Designing and Managing Google Ad Campaigns
15.8. Online Marketing for e-Commerce
15.8.1. Inbound Marketing
15.8.2. Display and Programmatic Purchasing
15.8.3. Communication Plan
Module 16. Social Media and Community Management
16.1. Web 2.0 or the Social Web
16.1.1. Organization in the Age of Conversation
16.1.2. Web 2.0 Is All About People
16.1.3. New Environments, New Content
16.2. Digital Communication and Reputation
16.2.1. Crisis Management and Online Corporate Reputation
16.2.2. Online Reputation Report
16.2.3. Netiquette and Good Practices on Social Media
16.2.4. Branding and Networking 2.0
16.3. General, Professional, and Microblogging Platforms
16.3.1. Facebook
16.3.2. LinkedIn
16.3.3. Google+
16.3.4. Twitter
16.4. Video, Image, and Mobility Platforms
16.4.1. YouTube
16.4.2. Instagram
16.4.3. Flickr
16.4.4. Vimeo
16.4.5. Pinterest
16.5. Corporate Blogging
16.5.1. How to Create a Blog
16.5.2. Content Marketing Strategy
16.5.3. How to Create a Content Plan for Your Blog
16.5.4. Content Curation Strategy
16.6. Social Media Strategies
16.6.1. Corporate Communication Plan 2.0
16.6.2. Corporate PR and Social Media
16.6.3. Analysis and Evaluation of Results
16.7. Community Management
16.7.1. Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Community Manager
16.7.2. Social Media Manager
16.7.3. Social Media Strategist
16.8. Social Media Plan
16.8.1. Designing a Social Media Plan
16.8.2. Defining the Strategy to be Applied in Each Medium
16.8.3. Contingency Protocol in Case of Crisis
Module 17. Structure of Communication
17.1. Theory, Concept and Method of the Structure of Communication
17.1.1. Introduction
17.1.2. Autonomy of the Discipline and Relationships with Other Subjects
17.1.3. Structuralist Method
17.1.4. Definition and Object of the Structure of Communication
17.1.5. Guide for the Analysis of the Structure of Communication
17.2. New International Order of Communcation
17.2.1. Introduction
17.2.2. State Control: Monopolies
17.2.3. Communication Commercialization
17.2.4. Cultural Dimension of Communication
17.3. Major News Agencies
17.3.1. Introduction
17.3.2. What is a News Agency?
17.3.3. Information and News
17.3.4. Before the Internet
17.3.5. News Agencies That Are Seen Thanks to the Internet
17.3.6. Major Worldwide Agencies
17.4. The Advertising Industry and its Relationship with Media Systems
17.4.1. Introduction
17.4.2. Advertising Industry
17.4.3. The Need for Media Advertising
17.4.4. The Structure of the Advertising Industry
17.4.5. The Media and its Relationship with the Advertising Industry
17.4.6. Advertising Regulations and Ethics
17.5. Cinema and Culture and Leisure Market
17.5.1. Introduction
17.5.2. The Complex Nature of Cinema
17.5.3. The Origin of the Industry
17.5.4. Hollywood, the World Capital of Cinema
17.6. Political Power and Communication Media
17.6.1. Introduction
17.6.2. The Influence of the Media in the Formation of Society
17.6.3. Communication Media and Political Power
17.7. Concentration of Media and Communication Policies
17.7.1. Introduction
17.7.2. Concentration of Media
17.7.3. Communication Policies
17.8. Structure of Communication in Latin America
17.8.1. Introduction
17.8.2. Structure of Communication in Latin America
17.8.3. New Trends
17.9. The Media System in Latin America and the Digitalization of Journalism
17.9.1. Introduction
17.9.2. Historical Approach
17.9.3. Bipolarity of the Hispanic American Media System
17.9.4. Hispanic Media in USA
17.10. Digitalization and the Future of Journalism
17.10.1. Introduction
17.10.2. Digitalization and the New Structure of The Media
17.10.3. Structure of Communication in Democratic Countries
Module 18. Introduction to the Psychology of Personality
18.1. History of Psychology
18.1.1. Introduction
18.1.2. Let’s Start With the Study of Psychology
18.1.3. Science in Evolution. Historical and Paradigmatic Changes
18.1.4. Paradigms and Stages in Psychology
18.1.5. Cognitive Science
18.2. Psychological Science
18.2.1. Introduction
18.2.2. Beginning with the Study of Social Psychology: nfluence
18.2.3. Empathy, Altruism and Support Behavior
18.3. Social Cognition
18.3.1. Introduction
18.3.2. Think and Know, Vital Needs
18.3.3. Social Cognition
18.3.4. Organizing Information
18.3.5. Thought: Prototypical or Categorical
18.3.6. The Errors We Make When Thinking: Inferential Biases
18.3.7. The Automatic Processing of Information
18.4. Personality Psychology
18.4.1. Introduction
18.4.2. What Does It Mean To Be Me? Identity and Personality
18.4.3. Self-Conscience
18.4.4. Self-Esteem
18.4.5. Self-Knowledge
18.4.6. Interpersonal Variables in the Configuration of Personality
18.4.7. Macro-Social Variables in the Configuration of Personality
18.4.8. A New Perspective in the Study of Personality. The Narrative Personality
18.5. Emotions
18.5.1. Introduction
18.5.2. What Do We Mean When We Talk About Emotions?
18.5.3. The Importance of Emotions
18.5.4. Emotions and Personality
18.5.5. From Another Perspective. Social Emotions
18.6. Psychology of Communication. Persuasion and Change of Attitude
18.6.1. Introduction
18.6.2. Attitudes
18.6.3. Historical Models in the Study of Persuasive Communication
18.6.4. The Elaboration Probability Model
18.6.5. The Processes of Communication Through the Media
18.7. The Emitter
18.7.1. Introduction
18.7.2. The Source of Persuasive Communication
18.7.3. Features of the Source. Credibility
18.7.4. Features of the Source. Attractiveness
18.7.5. Features of the Emitter. Power
18.7.6. Processes in Persuasive Communication. Mechanisms Based on Primary Cognition
18.7.7. New Processes in Communication. Mechanisms Based on Secondary Cognition
18.8. The Message
18.8.1. Introduction
18.8.2. Let’s Start By Studying the Composition of the Message
18.8.3. Types of Messages: Rational Messages Compared to Emotional Messages
18.8.4. Emotional Messages and Communication: Fear-Inducing Messages
18.9. The Receptor
18.9.1. Introduction
18.9.2. The Role of the Receptor According to the Elaboration Probability Model
18.9.3. Needs and Motives of the Receptor: Their Incidence for the Change of Attitudes
18.9.4. Need for Esteem and Communication
18.10. New Approximations for the Study of Communication
18.10.1. Introduction
18.10.2. The Unconscious Processing of Information. Automatic Processes
18.10.3. Measuring Automatic Processes in Communication
18.10.4. First Steps in New Paradigms
18.10.5. The Theory of Dual Processing Systems
Module 19. Advertising Language
19.1. Think and Write: Definition
19.1.1. Definition of Advertising Copywriting
19.1.2. Historical Background of Advertising Copywriting and Phases of Professionalization
19.2. Advertising Copy and Creativity
19.2.1. Conditions of Advertising Copywriting
19.2.2. Linguistic Competence
19.2.3. Functions of Advertising Copywriting
19.3. The Principle of Coherence and Campaign Conceptualization
19.3.1. The Campaign of Principles of Unity
19.3.2. The Creative Team
19.3.3. The Process of Conceptualization: Hidden Creativity
19.3.4. What is a Concept?
19.3.5. Applications of the Conceptualization Process
19.3.6. The Advertising Concept
19.3.7. Use and Advantages of the Advertising Concept
19.4. Advertisement and Rhetoric
19.4.1. Advertising Copy and Rhetoric
19.4.2. Location of the Rhetoric
19.4.3. Phases of the Rhetoric
19.5. Fundamentals and Characteristics of Advertising Copwriting
19.5.1. Correction
19.5.2. Adaptation
19.5.3. Efficacy
19.5.4. Characteristics of Advertising Copy
19.5.5. Morphological: Nominalization
19.5.6. Syntax: Destructuring
19.5.7. Graphic: Emphatic Punctuation
19.6. Argument Strategies
19.6.1. Description
19.6.2. Enthymeme
19.6.3. Narration
19.6.4. Intertextuality
19.7. Styles and Slogans in Advertising Copwriting
19.7.1. The Length of a Phrase
19.7.2. Styles
19.7.3. Slogan
19.7.4. A Phrase of Wartime Origin
19.7.5. Characteristics of the Slogan
19.7.6. Elocution of the Slogan
19.7.7. Forms of the Slogan
19.7.8. Functions of the Slogan
19.8. Principles of Applied Copywriting and the Reason Why+USP Binomial
19.8.1. Rigor, Clarity, Precision
19.8.2. Synthesis and Simplicity
19.8.3. Advertising Copy Constraints
19.8.4. Application of the Reason Why+USP Binomial
19.9. Advertising Copy in Conventional and Non-Conventional Media
19.9.1. The Above-The-Line/Below-The-Line Division
19.9.2. Integrations: Overcoming the ATL-BTL Polemic
19.9.3. Advertising Copy on the Television
19.9.4. Advertising Copy on the Radio
19.9.5. Advertising Copy in the Press
19.9.6. Advertising Copy in the External Media
19.9.7. Advertising Copy in Non-Conventional Media
19.9.8. Advertising Copy in Direct Marketing
19.9.9. Advertising Copy in Interactive Media
19.10. Criteria for the Evaluation of Advertising Copy and Other Cases of Copywriting
19.10.1. Classic Models of Advertising Analysis
19.10.2. Impact and Relevance
19.10.3. The Check-list of the Copywriter
19.10.4. Translation and Adaptation of Advertising Copy
19.10.5. New Technologies, New Languages
19.10.6. Copywriting on the Web 2.0
19.10.7. Naming, Guerrilla Advertising and Other Copywriting Cases
Module 20. Creativity in Communication
20.1. Creating is Thinking
20.1.1. The Art of Thinking
20.1.2. Creative Thinking and Creativity
20.1.3. Thought and the Brain
20.1.4. Lines of Research on Creativity Systemization
20.2. Nature of the Creative Process
20.2.1. Nature of the Creativity
20.2.2. Notion of Creativity: Creation and Creativity
20.2.3. The Creation of Ideas in the Service of Persuasive Communication
20.2.4. Nature of the Creative Process in Advertising
20.3. Invention
20.3.1. Evolution and Historical Analysis of the Processof Creation
20.3.2. Nature of the Classical Canon of Invention
20.3.3. Classical Vision of Inspiration and the Origin of Ideas
20.3.4. Invention, Inspiration and Persuasion
20.4. Rhetoric and Persuasive Communication
20.4.1. Rhetoric and Advertising
20.4.2. Rhetoric Parts of Persuasive Communication
20.4.3. Rhetoric Figures
20.4.4. Laws and Rhetorical Functions of the Advertising Language
20.5. Creative Behavior and Personality
20.5.1. Creativity as a Personal Characteristic, as a Product and a Process
20.5.2. Creative Behavior and Motivation
20.5.3. Perception and Creative Thought
20.5.4. Elements of Creativity
20.6. Creative Aptitudes and Skills
20.6.1. Thought Systems and Models of Creative Intelligence
20.6.2. Guilford's Three-Dimensional Model of Intellect Structure
20.6.3. Interaction Between Intellect Factors and Capabilities
20.6.4. Creation Aptitudes
20.6.5. Creative Skills
20.7. The Phases of the Creative Process
20.7.1. Creativity as a Process
20.7.2. The Phases of the Creative Process
20.7.3. The Phases of the Creative Process in Advertising
20.8. Problem Solving
20.8.1. Creativity and Problem Solving
20.8.2. Perceptive Blocks and Emotional Blocks
20.8.3. Invention Methodology: Programs and Creative Methods
20.9. Creative Thought Methods
20.9.1. Brainstorming as a Model for Creating Ideas
20.9.2. Vertical and Lateral Thought
20.9.3. Invention Methodology: Programs and Creative Methods
20.10. Creativity and Advertising Communication
20.10.1. The Process of Creation as a Specific Product of Advertising Communication
20.10.2. Nature of the Creative Process in Advertising: Creativity and Process of Advertising Creation
20.10.3. Methodological Principles and Effects of Advertising Creation
20.10.4. Advertising Creation: From the Problem to the Solution
20.10.5. Creativity and Persuasive Communication
Module 21. Creative Advertising I: Writing
21.1. Concept of Copywriting
21.1.1. Drafting and Writing
21.1.2. Copywriting and Thought
21.1.3. Copywriting and Order
21.2. Fundamentals of Advertising Copy
21.2.1. Correction
21.2.2. Adaptation
21.2.3. Efficacy
21.3. Characteristics of Advertising Copy
21.3.1. Nominalization
21.3.2. Destructuring
21.3.3. Expressive Concentration
21.4. Text and the Image
21.4.1. From Text to the Image
21.4.2. Functions of the Text
21.4.3. Functions of the Image
21.4.4. Relationship Between the Text and the Image
21.5. The Brand and the Slogan
21.5.1. The Brand
21.5.2. Brand Characteristics
21.5.3. Slogan
21.6. Direct Advertising
21.6.1. The Brochure
21.6.2. Catalogue
21.6.3. Other Annexes
21.7. Advertising in the Press: the Large Format Ad
21.7.1. Newspapers and Magazines
21.7.2. Superstructure
21.7.3. Formal Characteristics
21.7.4. Copywriting Characteristics
21.8. Adevrtising in the Press: Other Formats
21.8.1. Word Ads
21.8.2. Superstructure
21.8.3. Claims or Complaints
21.8.4. Superstructure
21.9. External Advertising
21.9.1. Formats
21.9.2. Formal Characteristics
21.9.3. Copywriting Characteristics
21.10. Radio Advertising
21.10.1. Radio Language
21.10.2. Radio Announcement
21.10.3. Superstructure
21.10.4. Types of Announcements
21.10.5. Formal Characteristics
21.11. Audiovisual Advertising
21.11.1. Image
21.11.2. Text
21.11.3. Music and Sound Effects
21.11.4. Advertising Formats
21.11.5. Script
21.11.6. Story-board
Module 22. Creative Advertising II: Art Management
22.1. Subjects and Object of Advertising Graphic Desig
22.1.1. Linked Professional Profiles
22.1.2. Academic Context and Skills
22.1.3. Advertiser and Agency
22.2. Creative Management and Creative Idea
22.2.1. Creative Process
22.2.2. Types of Creative Processes
22.2.3. Art and Formal Idea Management
22.3. The Function of the Art Director
22.3.1. What is Art Management?
22.3.2. How Does Art Management Work?
22.3.3. The Creative Team
22.3.4. The Function of the Art Director
22.4. Fundamentals of Advertising Graphic Design
22.4.1. Concepts of Design and Design Standards
22.4.2. Trends and Styles
22.4.3. Thought, Process and Design Management
22.4.4. Scientific Metaphor
22.5. Methodology of Graphic Advertising
22.5.1. Graphic Creativity
22.5.2. Design Processes
22.5.3. Communication and Aesthetics
22.6. Graphic Strategy
22.6.1. Apprehension Form
22.6.2. Graphic Message
22.6.3. Aesthetic State
22.7. Graphic Architecture
22.7.1. Typometry
22.7.2. Graphic Spaces
22.7.3. Grid
22.7.4. Pagination Standards
22.8. Final Art
22.8.1. Final Art
22.8.2. Processes
22.8.3. Systems
22.9. Creation of Advertising Graphic Supports
22.9.1. Graphic Advertising
22.9.2. Organizational Visual Image (OVI)
22.10. Graphic Advertising Announcements
22.10.1. Packaging
22.10.2. Web Pages
22.10.3. Corporate Image in Web Pages
Module 23. Coporate Identity
23.1. The Importance of Image in Companies
23.1.1. What is Corporate Image?
23.1.2. Differences Between Identity and Corporate Image
23.1.3. Where Can the Corporate Image Be Displayed?
23.1.4. Situations of Change for Corporative Image. Why Achieve a Good Corporate Image?
23.2. Research Techniques in Corporate Image
23.2.1. Introduction
23.2.2. The Study of the Company’s Image
23.2.3. Corporate Image Research Techniques
23.2.4. Qualitative Techniques for Studying the Image
23.2.5. Types of Quantitative Techniques
23.3. Auditing and Strategy of the Image
23.3.1. What is Image Auditing?
23.3.2. Guidelines
23.3.3. Auditing Methodology
23.3.4. Strategic Planning
23.4. Corporate Culture
23.4.1. What is Corporate Culture?
23.4.2. Factors Involved in Corporate Culture
23.4.3. Functions of Corporate Culture
23.4.4. Types of Corporate Culture
23.5. Corporate Social Responsibility. And Corporate Reputation
23.5.1. CSR: Concept and Application of the Company
23.5.2. Guidelines for Integrating CSR in Companies
23.5.3. Communication of CSR
23.5.4. Corporate Reputation
23.6. Corporate Visual Identity and Naming
23.6.1. Corporate Visual Identity Strategies
23.6.2. Basic Elements
23.6.3. Basic Principles
23.6.4. Elaboration of the Manual
23.6.5. Naming
23.7. Brand Imaging and Positioning
23.7.1. The Origins of Brands
23.7.2. What is a Brand?
23.7.3. The Need to Build a Brand
23.7.4. Brand Imaging and Positioning
23.7.5. The Value of Brands
23.8. Image Management Through Crisis Communication
23.8.1. Strategic Communication Plan
23.8.2. When It All Goes Wrong: Crisis Communication
23.8.3. Cases
23.9. Influence of Promotions in Corporate Image
23.9.1. The New Outlook for the Advertising Industry
23.9.2. Promotional Marketing
23.9.3. Features
23.9.4. Dangers
23.9.5. Promotional Types and Techniques
23.10. Distribution and Image of the Point of Sale
23.10.1. The Main Protagonists of Commercial Distribution
23.10.2. The Image of Commercial Distribution Companies Through Positioning
23.10.3. Through Their Name and Logo
Module 24. Public Opinion
24.1. The Concept of Public Opinion
24.1.1. Introduction
24.1.2. Definition
24.1.3. Public Opinion and a Rational Phenomena and How to Form Social Control
24.1.4. Phases of Public Opinion Growth as a Discipline
24.1.5. The 20th Century
24.2. Theoretical Framework of Public Opinion
24.2.1. Introduction
24.2.2. Perspectives of Public Opinion in the 20th Century
24.2.3. Authors of the 20th Century
24.2.4. Walter Lippmann: The Biased Public Opinion
24.2.5. Jürgen Habermas: The Political-Value Perspective
24.2.6. Niklas Luhmann: Public Opinion as a Means of Communication
24.3. Social Psychology and Public Opinion
24.3.1. Introduction
24.3.2. Psychosocial Variables in Relation to the Persuasive Entities with their Audiences
24.3.3. Name
24.3.4. Conformism
24.4. Media Influence Models
24.4.1. Introduction
24.4.2. Media Influence Models
24.4.3. Types of Effects of the Media
24.4.4. Research Into the Effects of the Media
24.4.5. The Power of the Media
24.5. Public Opinion and Political Communication
24.5.1. Introduction
24.5.2. Electoral Political Communication. Propaganda
24.5.3. Political Communication of the Governments
24.6. Public Opinion and Elections
24.6.1. Introduction
24.6.2. Do Electoral Campaigns Influence Public Opinion?
24.6.3. The Effect of the Media in Electoral Campaigns as a Reinforcement of Opinions
24.6.4. The Bandwagon and Underdog Effects
24.7. Government and Public Opinion
24.7.1. Introduction
24.7.2. The Representatives and the Represented
24.7.3. Political Parties and Public Opinion
24.7.4. Public Policies as an Expression of Government Action
24.8. The Political Intermediation of the Press
24.8.1. Introduction
24.8.2. Journalists as Political Intermediators
24.8.3. Dysfunctions of Journalistic Intermediation
24.8.4. Confidence in Journalists as Intermediators
24.9. The Public Sphere and Emerging Models of Democracy
24.9.1. Introduction
24.9.2. The Public Sphere in the Information Society
24.9.3. Emerging Models of Democracy
24.10. Public Opinion Research Methods and Techniques
24.10.1. Introduction
24.10.2. Opinion Questionnaires
24.10.3. Types of Questionnaires
24.10.4. Analysis
Module 25. Advertising Law
25.1. Basic Notions of Advertising Law
25.1.1. Concept and Emergence of Advertising Law
25.1.2. Subjects of the Advertising Relationship
25.1.3. Personality Rights
25.1.4. Advertising, Intellectual Property and Industrial Property
25.1.5. Other Forms of Protection of the Advertising Work
25.2. Sources of Advertising Law
25.2.1. Legal System and Standards
25.2.2. Sources of Advertising Law
25.2.3. Limitations of the Efficacy of the Standards
25.3. Illicit Advertising
25.3.1. Advertising for Minors
25.3.2. Subliminal Advertising
25.3.3. Advertising Contrary to Specific Regulations
25.3.4. Advertising Crime
25.4. Unfair Advertising
25.4.1. Deceptive Advertising
25.4.2. Unfair Advertising
25.4.3. Covert Advertising
25.4.4. Aggressive Advertising
25.4.5. Comparative Advertising
25.5. Advertising Contracts
25.5.1. Legal Regime
25.5.2. Birth of the Contract
25.5.3. Ineffectiveness
25.5.4. Non-Compliance
25.5.5. Common Provisions Specific to Advertising Contracts
25.6. The Contract for Advertising Creation
25.6.1. Concept
25.6.2. Characters
25.6.3. Contents
25.6.4. Non-Compliance
25.6.5. Extinction
25.7. The Contract for Advertising Dissemination
25.7.1. Concept
25.7.2. Characters
25.7.3. Contents
25.7.4. Non-Compliance
25.7.5. Extinction
25.8. The Patent Contract
25.8.1. Concept
25.8.2. Characters
25.8.3. Contents
25.8.4. Non-Compliance
25.8.5. Extinction
25.9. Advertising Deontology and Self-Regulation
25.9.1. Advertising Deontology: Concepts and Objectives
25.9.2. Value of the Codes of Conduct
25.9.3. Self Control
25.10. The Importance of Advertising and the Need for its Regulation
25.10.1. The Alternative to Self-Regulation
25.10.2. Benefits and Advantages of Self-Regulation
25.10.3. The Current Status of Self-Regulation

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Advanced Master's Degree in Senior Marketing and Advertising Management
Thanks to the combination of marketing and advertising, companies can make their products known to a target audience. This drives sales growth, improves operational productivity and contributes to achieving business goals. The management of this field requires specialized professionals, who must be at the forefront of the advances and trends in this sector. The Advanced Master's Degree in Marketing and Advertising Advanced Master's Degree of TECH Global University is an excellent opportunity for qualification in this area. The contents that make up the program range from market research, advertising language, psychology of communication, logistics processes and customer relationship management, to e-commerce, Shopify, community management and types of marketing (sectorial, operational, digital). By knowing these topics, you will be a specialist in managing the organizational identity and public relations of any company. In addition, you will be able to plan marketing strategies that improve profitability and productivity in the area.
Specialize in senior management in marketing and advertising
Do you want to lead multidisciplinary teams that drive corporate success? Through this TECH postgraduate program you will learn everything you need to achieve your goals. The program has a 100% online mode of study, which will make it easy for you to take it at the time and place that best suits you. Over the course of two years, you will have 25 innovative study modules, through which you will explore aspects such as business and economic management, advertising communication and the elements that make up its message (graphics, audio, video). You will also delve into the creation of corporate identity, pricing policies, consumer behavior, theoretical models of communication and talent management, finance and information systems. By mastering these topics, you will be able to design innovative campaigns through different channels and networks, using the most appropriate languages. These strategies will allow you to meet business needs and increase business opportunities in the national and international market.