
In just 12 months you will be able to access the most relevant theoretical and practical information on drug development and research team coordination"


In recent years, the public and public administrations have become more aware of the importance of health research. As a result, there has been an increase in investment in this area, benefiting not only patients, who finally obtain effective drugs, but also the researchers themselves who wish to promote projects in different lines of study. 

In the current scenario, where work is being done to find more effective antibiotics, more effective vaccines or new pharmacological products, pharmacists are obliged to update their knowledge and keep abreast of the latest developments in clinical trials. Faced with this reality, this academic institution has created this hybrid professional master’s degree MBA in Clinical Trials Management and Monitoring, where the graduate will spend 12 months in an advanced and intensive program, developed by an excellent team of professionals specialized in this field.  

Thus, during this academic course, the professional will have access to a syllabus that offers a theoretical-practical perspective on advances in drug development, bioethics, clinical trials and biostatistics. For this purpose, innovative multimedia teaching resources (video summary of each topic, videos in detail), essential readings and simulations of clinical case studies will be used.

An online program in its theoretical framework, which is complemented by a practical stay in a leading clinical research center. In this real scenario, together with other professionals in the field, the graduate will be able to directly apply the updated concepts and enhance their competencies in Clinical Trial Management and Monitoring. 

In this way, the graduate will carry out a 3-week stay, where they will be able to integrate new methodologies, support research teams in their clinical trials, and, in short, obtain the most updated vision on team management and scientific methods used by the best professionals. A great opportunity to get an update in a specialized environment. 

TECH offers you an excellent opportunity to update your knowledge through the most advanced syllabus in Clinical Trial Management and Monitoring"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in MBA in Clinical Trials Management and Monitoring contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by professionals in clinical trial management and monitoring
  • Their graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents provide scientific information on the procedures that are essential for professional practice
  • Presentation of practical workshops on clinical trials
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • Practical guidelines on approaching clinical trials
  • Its special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies for the conduct of clinical trials
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • In addition, an internship in one of the best research centers in the world will be offered

Take an intensive 3-week Postgraduate Certificate at a prestigious center and get the latest information on drug and medical device authorization procedures"

In this Professional Master's Degree, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating pharmaceutical professionals who work in research centers and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into research practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision making.

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, it will allow the pharmaceutical professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This hybrid professional master’s degree MBA will bring you up to speed with the latest developments in clinical trial protocols and coordination"


Update your knowledge through the hybrid professional master’s degree MBA with an advanced syllabus, available 24 hours a day, from any electronic device with an Internet connection"

Why our program?

The implementation of a Clinical Trial to develop new advanced treatment solutions to treat different pathologies includes the most experienced scientific praxis and requires compliance with updated protocols in terms of bioethics and current regulations. In this sense, TECH, at the forefront of education, has designed this hybrid professional master’s degree in MBA in Clinical Trials Management and Monitoring that confers the greatest specialization in terms of the requirements necessary for the initiation of drug research in humans, the variety of development and funding pathways for non-commercial research, patient monitoring and biostatistics.

master mba clinical trials management monitoring TECH Global University

Don't wait any longer and update your knowledge on Clinical Trial Management and Monitoring in a real and cutting-edge technological scenario, during 3 weeks"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Increasing amounts of scientific and research data have given new impetus to Clinical Trial design. Biopharmaceutical companies have been adopting a number of strategies to innovate in trial design. For this reason, TECH, at the forefront of education, has developed this 100% practical space where professionals can update their practice and apply the latest developments in the sector, based on the latest technology available.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

The large team of professionals that will accompany the specialist throughout the practical period is a first-class and an unprecedented guarantee of updating. With a specifically designated tutor, the student will be able to see real Clinical Trials in a state-of-the-art environment, which will allow him/her to incorporate new knowledge regarding the Management and Monitoring of these studies.

3. Enter into first-class scientific environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious scientific environment in the area of Clinical Trials. In this way, you will be able to see the day-to-day work of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive sector, always applying the latest theses and scientific postulates in its work methodology.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

Thanks to TECH, professionals have the possibility of updating their curricular profile with useful and dynamic training, adjusted to the reality of the current market and the needs of society. For this reason, it offers this 100% practical program that will allow you to take the lead in clinical trials as part of a multidisciplinary team. 

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of doing this Internship Program, not only in national, but also in international centers. In this way, the professional will be able to expand his or her frontiers and catch up with the best in his or her sector, who come from different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH could offer.

master degree mba clinical trials management monitoring TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"