
Thanks to this program, you will be able to develop the skills required to manage media that promote the culture of your country"


Changes in society and the emergence of the Internet have caused business models to evolve by leaps and bounds. The digital era has benefited from the fact that any product can be consumed and, therefore, competitiveness is much greater. In this sense, Cultural Industries have also undergone a great revolution. New online applications to stream movies and television series, or tools that allow users to create their own music playlists, are just some of the new possibilities offered by the web. But not everything has been created yet, and it is clear that, in the coming years, new programs will emerge that will make it even easier to consume cultural products.  

In this sense, the specialization of designers in the field of Cultural Industries and new communication business models is both a challenge and a necessity. Society and companies alike demand increasingly specialized and qualified professionals, who are able to adapt to changes with the fluency of an expert with multiple years of experience. To this end, this TECH postgraduate certificate offers the most complete and relevant information on this field, with a syllabus ranging from culture and communication to audiovisual diversity on the Internet, including globalization, cultural policies and the Internet era in this sector. 

A 100% online postgraduate certificate that will allow students to distribute their study time, not being hindered by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, allowing them to access all the contents at any time of the day, balancing their professional and personal life with their academic life.  

Digital transformations have favored the consumption of the Cultural Industry. Specialize at TECH and become an expert in this field" 

This postgraduate certificate in Cultural Industries and New Business Models in Communications contains the most complete and up to date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Case studies presented by design experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies for the study of Cultural Industries and New Business Models in Communications
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

TECH gives you the ease of studying at your own pace, without the need to commute to any physical location, while also allowing you tostudy whenever you want, thanks to its 100% online format"  

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of design, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real life situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.    

If you dream of running a cultural media network, this program will represent a significant plus in your education"


Join the world’s largest online university and acquire the education you need to access relevant positions in the Cultural Industry"


The new business models in communications have favored public access to the Cultural Industries, making the sector more competitive. For this reason, this TECH postgraduate certificate is designed to enhance the qualifications of designers who wish to work in this field, providing them with the knowledge required to access a job market in which specialization will mark the difference between success and failure.   


The Internet has revolutionized communication and culture. Thanks to this program, you will acquire the keys to be able to manage digital media in the cultural field"  

General Objectives

  • Know the current situation of the Cultural Industry and its characteristics
  • Acting on the basis of new business models 

Specific Objectives

  • Study the transformations that have taken place in the cultural industries in the supply and consumption of digital networks, in their economic, political and sociocultural aspects 
  • Delve into the challenges that the digital environment has posed to the business models of journalistic companies and other traditional cultural industries
  • Analyze and design innovative strategies that contribute to the improvement of management and decision-making processes, as well as to the development of information products in line with the needs of audiences and advertisers
  • Understand the changes in the processes of organization and management of strategic, human, material and technical resources of new businesses in the digital environment 

If you are looking for an opportunity to get into the cultural media sector, this is the place for you" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Cultural Industries and New Business Models in Communications


Cultural industries and new communication business models have experienced an unprecedented boom in recent years, transforming the way we consume and participate in culture and communication. These dynamic and constantly evolving sectors offer a wide range of opportunities for both professionals and bold entrepreneurs. Under this premise, TECH Global University presents its Postgraduate Certificate in Cultural Industries and New Business Models in Communications, a detailed look at the multiplicity of schemes that take place in this field. Here, we propose an entirely online journey through various modules that encompass the dynamics of cultural industries and their crucial role in the global economy. You will learn how creativity, culture and business merge to generate innovative products or services that have a social and economic impact. In addition, you will delve into the processes of production, distribution and marketing, as well as management and financing strategies.

Get to know the cultural industries and the new business models of communication


This Postgraduate Certificate is a voluminous, but dynamic content proposal devised by TECH as a way to update your skills in the face of the new demands of the labor market. Within the respective training, we offer both online classes that you can manage under your own time availability, as well as a diverse interactive agenda that encompasses the most relevant and updated concepts in this field. Our interdisciplinary approach will allow you to analyze and understand the different sectors of the cultural industries such as music, film, television, publishing, video games and performing arts. In addition, you will explore the new communication business models that have emerged with the advent of digital technologies. Finally, you will dive into the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, online content management and social networks. In this way, you will learn how to adapt to the constant changes in the digital environment and take advantage of the opportunities it offers for the dissemination or monetization of cultural products.