Hernanz Martín, Jaime
Master Professor Oral Surgery and Implantology Universidad Alfonso X de Madrid (UAX).
كلية طب الأسنان
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Daily clinical practice in implantology, periodontics, oral surgery and implant prosthetics.
- Degree in Dentistry from the Alfonso X El Sabio University.
- 1-year residency in the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology at Hospitals in Madrid.
- Master of Implant Surgery, Prosthesis and Periodontics from the Alfonso X El Sabio University.
- Professor of the Degree in Dentistry at the Alfonso X El Sabio University.
- Professor of the Master of Implant Surgery, Prosthesis and Peri-implantology at the Alfonso X El Sabio University.
- Lecturer in Courses and Webinars nationally and internationally.
- Co-author of publications at the National and International level.