
Become a successful professional in MBA in Veterinary Center Management and Administration, and give greater visibility to your business project while offering quality care"  


Business management in veterinary centers has been an area practically unstudied in veterinary schools, where knowledge is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of animals, acquiring the most developed competencies in their care.

For this reason, at TECH we want to offer you the most complete specialization on the management of this type of centers, since the success of any company, including veterinary centers, depends to a great extent on their business management. In this way, we have designed a very complete advanced master’s degree that includes the most complete specialization in MBA in Veterinary Center Management and Administration.

Throughout this specialization, the student will learn all of the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. Additionally, at TECH we have a social commitment: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and to develop their personal, social and professional skills throughout the course of their studies.  

We will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We will work to keep you motivated and to develop your passion for learning, helping you to think and develop critical thinking skills. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.

This advanced master’s degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. Furthermore, as it is a 100% online specialization, the student decides where and when to study. No fixed schedules and no obligation to move to the classroom, which facilitates the reconciliation with family and work life.   

A high-level scientific program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"  

This advanced master’s degree MBA in Veterinary Center Management and Administration contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by remote training
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems
  • Self-organised learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any, fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A training program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies
in a smooth and effective way"    

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date training we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of trained and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will put at the service of specialization the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.
This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this advanced master’s degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.
The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that sees learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were dealing with the case you are studying in real time. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.     

The director of a veterinary center must have a broad knowledge of business management, so as to be able to apply all the available tools to his daily practice"

We offer you the best specialization of the moment so that you can carry out an in-depth study on the direction and management of veterinary clinics"


Our goal is to prepare highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course.


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: welcome to TECH"      

General Objectives

  • Define the latest trends and developments in business management
  • Build a plan for the development and improvement 
    of personal and managerial skills
  • Develop strategies to carry out decision-making in a complex and unstable environment
  • Develop the ability to detect, analyze and solve and problem solving
  • Develop the skills required to manage business activities strategically
  • Explain the company from a global point of view, as well as the responsibility developed by each area of the company
  • Design innovative strategies and policies to improve management and business efficiency
  • Formulate and implement growth strategies that adapt the company to changes in the national and international environment
  • Identify the complexity of the veterinary sector in the current socioeconomic context
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the veterinary services sector: environment, challenges and trends
  • Compile and analyze the fields of innovation in the veterinary sector
  • Identify training needs in the veterinary services sector in a changing environment
  • Establish a methodology for the preparation of an annual Business Plan
  • Identify and analyze the different sections
  • Analyze the sources for obtaining the data and information necessary to complete the relevant documents
  • Generate specialized knowledge so that the owner(s) of a veterinary center are able to produce this written document on their own
  • Assimilate that it is a dynamic document that must accompany us throughout the year
  • Examine the financial concepts necessary to successfully run a veterinary center
  • Develop the financial tools to manage a veterinary practice
  • Identify and evaluate the behaviors and consumer trends of the clients of a veterinary center
  • Compile the data necessary to generate a financial scorecard
  • Designing, generating and interpreting the results of a financial scorecard
  • Establish an effective and systematic methodology to formulate a dynamic and innovative business strategy in a veterinary center
  • Propose useful and practical working tools for innovation research
  • Build specialized knowledge on innovation as a means of creating a differentiated value proposition for users
  • Develop and propose a dynamic business model that allows the company to be able to adapt to the changing global environment
  • Analyze and define the different types of clients/users of a veterinary center
  • Identify and evaluate the communication skills needed to be successful with customers
  • Propose a methodology to effectively deal with clients with distorted emotions
  • Develop loyalty processes
  • Examine the different marketing tools used to sell products and services
  • Reflect on the obligation to communicate effectively with customers
  • Establishing how to set and price a veterinary service
  • Assimilating the importance of cross-selling
  • Analyze merchandising tools
  • Study coherence between online and offline marketing
  • Develop the skills necessary for good personnel management
  • Propose a methodology for a good recruitment and integration process
  • Promote and empower those employees with the greatest talent and value for the company
  • Fundamentals keys to retaining these employees
  • Developing the skills needed to be a good leader
  • Propose a methodology to ensure the necessary efficiency and effectiveness of a manager
  • Promoting and empowering high-performance professional teams
  • Train managers to successfully deal with conflicts within professional teams
  • Examine and develop the production processes of a veterinary center
  • Analyzing existing processes and identifying bottlenecks
  • Develop and implement Lean business management in a veterinary center
  • Create a culture of continuous improvement in business management
  • Evaluate the legislative conditions to be met before opening a veterinary health center to the public
  • Specify the legal form of company to be created, with the particularities of each one, from partnerships to cooperatives of partners
  • Analyze the different legislations to be applied once the veterinary health center is open to the public, always from the point of view of consumer protection, in order to
  • provide an excellent service, such as data protection, occupational health, radiological protection, etc
  • Develop a correct purchasing management and relationship with suppliers
  • Examine the Law on Medicines and establish the correct issuance of prescriptions, as well as the subsequent control of such prescriptions
  • Examine the civil liability that we acquire by the fact of managing a veterinary health center, for our workers by applying the collective agreement and for the clients in general

Specific Objectives

  • Define and analyze the new challenges in a green and social economy environment
  • Specify and analyze information on climate change and its impact on the veterinary sector
  • Determine the "One Health" concept and carry out its collaborative development as a market opportunity
  • Examining digital animal health and analyzing its disruptive potential in veterinary facilities
  • Differentiate the different players in the pet industry and the interrelationship within the same market
  • Agree on the importance of business associations and to analyze the possibilities of acting as a lever for change in a sector that is mainly made up of microenterprises
  • Identify new concepts and needs, new forms of communication and interaction of customers and workers in the sector
  • Examine the new public health challenges generated by climate change, loss of biodiversity, globalization, international trade in exotic animals, etc
  • Reflect on the need and obligation to prepare this document
  • Develop, in a logical and reasoned manner, each of the parts of this
  • Propose a methodology to perform the analysis of the environment and external competitive analysis
  • Train to perform a SWOT analysis and its corresponding SWOT analysis
  • Establish a methodology for assigning SMART type objectives
  • Examine a methodology for setting strategy and for converting each strategy into at least one specific action
  • Schedule actions based on business-related priority
  • Reflect on the need to periodically check the business plan
  • Establish a practical methodology for the control and follow-up of the business plan
  • Analyze the conditions under which a contingency plan should be developed and how to do it
  • Review some templates to help you enter data and prepare your business plan
  • Specify and define the roles of a veterinary center manager or owner
  • Define the mission, vision and values of a company in the veterinary health center sector
  • Propose a work methodology for the research of innovative alternatives that provide value to the user
  • Research, analyze and establish a suitable user profile for the proposed business model
  • Research, analyze and propose an "attractive" value proposition for the ideal user profile for the business model and propose alternative or complementary business models to traditional ones that appeal to one or more user segments
  • Develop and implement Design thinking as a complementary technique to creative and innovative thinking
  • Define the types of customers of a veterinary center, and the communication styles that best suit them
  • Develop the necessary communication skills in a veterinary center
  • Demonstrating and developing empathy in a veterinary practice
  • Analyze situations of distortion of emotions and complaints in order to deal with them effectively
  • Manage and evaluate the quality of customer service in a veterinary center
  • Establish and develop customer portfolios with the use of practical tools
  • Design and develop Customer Experience (CX) models to achieve the best possible User Experience (UX)
  • Analyze and elaborate the perfect visit of the veterinary center user
  • Analyze the evolution of Marketing and its significance in today's experiential marketing
  • Reflect on the need and obligation to retain good customers and to build customer loyalty
  • Examine the difference in the sale of services and products
  • Determining the price of a veterinary service
  • Propose a methodology for pricing veterinary services
  • Develop a practical methodology for telephone customer service
  • Always be able to charge for everything that is done and invoiced
  • Identify the most appropriate advertising media for each action
  • Show the importance of satisfaction surveys to know what our customers think about us
  • Establish a methodology for handling complaints and claims
  • Develop a methodology to convert each strategy into at least one specific action
  • Determine the practical basis for increasing sales through cross-selling
  • Convince people of the need for merchandising in the store
  • Show different tools for customer loyalty
  • Convince that digital marketing should have the same weight as analog marketing
  • Proposing templates to help control Marketing actions
  • Identifying the keys to strategic workforce planning
  • Define and specify the candidate's profile for a job position
  • Establish the organization chart of a work center
  • Demonstrate competencies to be an interviewer in a selection process
  • Develop an induction process for each of the vacant positions to be filled
  • Propose career plans to the company's employees
  • Evaluate the performance of the company's employees
  • Develop incentive programs for the company's employees
  • Recognize and reward the most talented and valuable workers for the company
  • Analyze the values to be developed necessary in a manager
  • Proposing a methodology to become a good leader
  • Face a negotiation process with confidence and security
  • Generate confidence in the people with whom a manager works and in himself/herself
  • Develop the necessary skills to perform excellent self-management of time
  • Propose an appropriate methodology to optimize managerial productivity
  • Building and cohesion of high-performance professional teams
  • Identify and analyze internal conflicts in a veterinary center
  • Lead professional teams to help them find solutions to their internal conflicts
  • Analyze the different production processes of veterinary centers
  • Identify and evaluate "bottlenecks" in production processes
  • Deepen the knowledge of the business models of a veterinary center
  • Present the Lean management model applied to a veterinary center
  • Compile the advantages and utilities of the Lean management model
  • Propose a methodology for the implementation of the Lean management model
  • Present practical examples of control and continuous improvement of business management according to the Lean model
  • Identify the different types of labor companies that exist
  • Examine the Personal Data Protection Law, what data we should know about our clients, how to store and manage them, as well as the different types of authorizations that must be provided to us before a procedure is performed on an animal
  • Examine the occupational health that we must apply in our veterinary health center to guarantee our workers a correct development of their functions in the safest way according to the functions to be carried out
  • Establish the professional categories and functions to be performed by each of the members of our team of workers in accordance with the collective agreement for veterinary health centers
  • Evaluate how to establish all the work procedures of our center respecting the correct professional ethics and deontology towards our clients and our team
  • Develop a correct relationship with suppliers, knowing the ways to relate with them and to establish satisfactory commercial conditions for both parties, terms and payment conditions
  • Specify and establish an effective protocol for the management of debtors and unpaid debts, from the authorizations to be signed to the acknowledgement of debt, to manage deferrals, financing and even payment order proceedings if necessary
  • Identify and develop protocols for telephone customer service, mainly the implementation and evaluation of these protocols (from informing the customer about the service
  • provided for their animals to how to communicate bad news)  

Quality specialized education for outstanding students. At TECH, we offer the perfect education for high-level specialization in your field”       

Advanced Master's Degree MBA in Veterinary Centers Management and Administration

To ensure the proper functioning of veterinary health centers, as well as to optimize the care processes, it is necessary to have professionals specialized in their business management. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Advanced Master's Degree in MBA in Veterinary Centers Management, an innovative program that aims to train veterinarians in the areas of marketing and finance so that they can effectively manage and direct the veterinary clinics they are in charge of. In this way, you will have new skills that will allow you to perform successfully in the care and health of animals as well as in strategic management and executive management.

Specialize in the largest Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

At TECH Global University you will receive the theoretical and practical learning necessary to be part of the management team of a veterinary clinic and stand out by applying the best management and leadership strategies. With a highly rigorous curriculum, you will delve into the most essential concepts, topics and tools in order to implement the protocols and regulations of health centers, ensure safe conditions for the user and expand your network while maintaining adequate conditions for staff and users. In this way, you will stand out in the veterinary services sector by taking on the latest challenges and trends, formulating dynamic and innovative business strategies to occupy a distinctive place. At the largest Veterinary School you will be able to enhance your profile in a highly competitive environment, achieving professional success.