
Enrique González Lorca is a Psychologist with specialization in Health and Human Resources. He has been a Professor of Community Services in the Department of Education, Vocational Training and Employment of the Autonomous Community in the Region of Murcia for over 15 years, in addition to being a Coach as Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for more than two decades. 

He has also been President of the Association of Technical Teachers of Community Services in Murcia, as well as Partner and Director of MOTIVIA. 

  • Professor of Community Services in the Department of Education of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. 
  • President of the Association of Technical Teachers of Community Services of Murcia. 
  • Partner and Director of MOTIVIA 
  • Director of Quality and Organization of Grupo Silvestre
  • Degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia.
  • Master's Degree in Human Resources from the Universitat Jaume I.
  • Master's Degree in Prevention, specializing in Ergonomics, Universitat Jaume I. 
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