
You will design impregnable security protocols thanks to this pioneering program, with TECH's guarantee" 


Staying current is vital to preserve effectiveness in defending against current and emerging threats. In this regard, the rapid evolution of technology and cyber tactics has made constant updating an imperative. The proliferation of threats underscores the urgency of having highly enabled professionals.  

In this context, this university program proves to be an essential answer, as it will not only provide an in-depth understanding of the most advanced techniques in cybersecurity, but will also ensure that professionals are at the forefront of the latest trends and technologies. 

In the syllabus of this professional master’s degree in Pentesting and Network Team, the graduate will comprehensively address the demands in the field of cybersecurity. In this way, you will implement effective network security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network segmentation. To this end, specialists will apply digital forensic investigation methodologies to solve cases, from identification to documentation of findings.  

In addition, they will develop skills in advanced threat simulation, replicating the tactics, techniques and procedures most commonly used by malicious actors. In addition, TECH's innovative approach will ensure the acquisition of applicable and valuable skills in the cybersecurity work environment. 

The methodology of the educational itinerary reinforces its innovative character, as it will offer a 100% online educational environment. This program will be tailored to the needs of busy professionals looking to advance their careers. In addition, it will employ the Relearning methodology, based on the repetition of key concepts to fix knowledge and facilitate learning. In this way, the combination of flexibility and robust pedagogical approach will not only make it accessible, but also highly effective in preparing computer scientists for the dynamic challenges of cybersecurity. 

In just 12 months you will give your career the boost it needs. Enroll now and experience immediate progress!"

This professional master’s degree in Pentesting and Red Team contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Pentesting and Red Team
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents of the book provide up-to-date and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Do you want to experience a leap in quality in your career? With TECH you will enable you in the implementation of strategies for the effective execution of cybersecurity projects"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the educational year. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

You will delve into the identification and assessment of vulnerabilities in web applications, thanks to the best digital university in the world according to Forbes"


You will master forensic techniques in Pentesting environments. Position yourself as the cybersecurity expert that every company is looking for!"


The main objective of this educational program is to enable graduates in penetration testing and Red Team simulations. Throughout the program, computer scientists will be immersed in a practical and specialized approach, developing skills to address the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Furthermore, this syllabus is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of cybersecurity tactics and strategies, preparing students to meet real-world challenges and lead in the effective implementation of cybersecurity measures. 


You will delve into malware analysis and development to position yourself as a stand out professional. Reach your goals by the hand of TECH!"

General Objectives

  • Acquire advanced skills in penetration testing and Red Team simulations, addressing the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in systems and networks
  • Develop leadership skills to coordinate teams specialized in offensive cybersecurity, optimizing the execution of Pentesting and Red Team projects
  • Develop skills in the analysis and development of malware, understanding its functionality and applying defensive and educational strategies
  • Refine communication skills by preparing detailed technical and executive reports, presenting findings effectively to technical and executive audiences
  • Promote an ethical and responsible practice in the field of cybersecurity, considering ethical and legal principles in all activities
  • Keep students up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in cybersecurity

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Offensive Security 

  • Familiarize the graduate with penetration testing methodologies, including key phases such as information gathering, vulnerability analysis, exploitation and documentation 
  • Develop practical skills in the use of specialized Pentesting tools to identify and assess vulnerabilities in systems and networks 
  • Study and understand the tactics, techniques and procedures used by malicious actors, enabling the identification and simulation of threats
  • Apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios and simulations, facing real challenges to strengthen Pentesting skills 
  • Develop effective documentation skills, creating detailed reports reflecting findings, methodologies used, and recommendations for safety improvement 
  • Practice effective collaboration in offensive security teams, optimizing the coordination and execution of Pentesting activities 

Module 2. Cybersecurity Team Management 

  • Develop leadership skills specific to cybersecurity teams, including the ability to motivate, inspire, and coordinate efforts to achieve common goals 
  • Learn how to efficiently allocate resources within a cybersecurity team, considering individual skills and maximizing productivity on projects 
  • Improve communication skills specific to technical environments, facilitating understanding and coordination among team members 
  • Learn strategies to identify and manage conflicts within the cybersecurity team, promoting a collaborative and efficient work environment
  • Learn how to establish metrics and evaluation systems to measure cybersecurity team performance and make adjustments as needed 
  • Promote the integration of ethical practices in the management of cybersecurity teams, ensuring that all activities are conducted in an ethical and legal manner 
  • Develop competencies for the preparation and efficient management of cybersecurity incidents, ensuring a rapid and effective response to threats 

Module 3. Security Project Management 

  • Develop skills to plan cyber security projects, defining objectives, scope, resources and execution deadlines 
  • Learn strategies for the effective execution of security projects, ensuring the successful implementation of planned measures 
  • Develop skills for efficient budget management and resource allocation in security projects, maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs 
  • Improve effective communication with stakeholders, presenting reports and updates in a clear and understandable manner 
  • Learn project monitoring and control techniques, identifying deviations and taking corrective actions as necessary 
  • Familiarize students with Agile Pentesting methodologies 
  • Develop skills in detailed documentation and reporting, providing a clear view of project progress and results obtained 
  • Promote effective collaboration between different teams and disciplines within security projects, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated vision 
  • Learn strategies to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of implemented measures, ensuring continuous improvement of the organization's security posture 

Module 4. Network and Windows System Attacks 

  • Develop skills to identify and assess specific vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems 
  • Learn advanced tactics used by attackers to infiltrate and persist in networks based on Windows environments 
  • Acquire skills in strategies and tools to mitigate specific threats targeting Windows operating systems 
  • Familiarize the graduate with forensic analysis techniques applied to Windows systems, facilitating the identification and response to incidents 
  • Apply theoretical knowledge in simulated environments, participating in practical exercises to understand and counteract specific attacks on Windows systems 
  • Learn specific strategies for securing enterprise environments using Windows operating systems, considering the complexities of enterprise infrastructures 
  • Develop competencies to evaluate and improve security configurations in Windows systems, ensuring the implementation of effective measures 
  • Promote ethical and legal practices in the execution of attacks and tests on Windows systems, considering the ethical principles of cybersecurity 
  • Keep the student up-to-date with the latest trends and threats in Windows system attacks, ensuring the continued relevance and effectiveness of the skills acquired 

Module 5. Advanced Web Hacking 

  • Develop skills to identify and assess vulnerabilities in web applications, including SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and other common attack vectors 
  • Learn how to perform security testing on modern web applications 
  • Acquire skills in advanced web hacking techniques, exploring strategies for evading security measures and exploiting sophisticated vulnerabilities 
  • Familiarize the graduate with the evaluation of security in APIs and web services, identifying possible points of vulnerability and strengthening security in programming interfaces 
  • Develop skills to implement effective mitigation measures in web applications, reducing exposure to attacks and strengthening security 
  • Participate in hands-on simulations to assess security in complex web environments, applying knowledge to real-world scenarios 
  • Develop competencies in the formulation of effective defense strategies to protect web applications against cyber threats 
  • Learn how to align advanced web hacking practices with relevant security regulations and standards, ensuring adherence to legal and ethical frameworks 
  • Foster effective collaboration between development and security teams 

Module 6. Network Architecture and Security 

  • Acquire advanced knowledge of network architecture, including topologies, protocols and key components 
  • Develop skills to identify and assess specific vulnerabilities in network infrastructures, considering potential threats 
  • Learn how to implement effective network security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network segmentation 
  • Familiarize the student with emerging networking technologies, such as software-defined networking (SDN), and understand their impact on security 
  • Develop skills to secure network communications, including protection against threats such as sniffing and man-in-the-middle attacks 
  • Learn how to evaluate and improve security configurations in enterprise network environments, ensuring adequate protection 
  • Develop skills to implement effective mitigation measures against threats in enterprise networks, from internal attacks to external threats 
  • Foster effective collaboration with security teams, integrating strategies and efforts to protect network infrastructure 
  • Promote ethical and legal practices in the implementation of network security measures, ensuring adherence to ethical principles in all activities 

Module 7. Malware Analysis and Development 

  • Acquire advanced knowledge of the nature, functionality and behavior of malware, understanding its various forms and targets 
  • Develop skills in forensic analysis applied to malware, enabling the identification of indicators of compromise (IoC) and attack patterns 
  • Learn strategies for effective malware detection and prevention, including the deployment of advanced security solutions
  • Familiarize the student with the development of malware for educational and defensive purposes, allowing a deep understanding of the tactics used by attackers 
  • Promote ethical and legal practices in malware analysis and development, ensuring integrity and accountability in all activities 
  • Apply theoretical knowledge in simulated environments, participate in hands-on exercises to understand and counter malicious attacks 
  • Develop skills to evaluate and select anti-malware security tools, considering their effectiveness and adaptability to specific environments 
  • Learn how to implement effective mitigation against malicious threats, reducing the impact and spread of malware on systems and networks 
  • Foster effective collaboration with security teams, integrating strategies and efforts to protect against malware threats 
  • Keep the graduate up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques used in malware analysis and development, ensuring the continued relevance and effectiveness of the skills acquired 

Module 8. Forensic Fundamentals and DFIR 

  • Acquire a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of digital forensic investigation (DFIR) and their application in the resolution of cyber incidents 
  • Develop skills in the secure and forensic acquisition of digital evidence, ensuring the preservation of the chain of custody 
  • Learn how to perform forensic analysis of file systems 
  • Familiarize the student with advanced techniques for log and log analysis, allowing the reconstruction of events in digital environments 
  • Learn how to apply digital forensic investigation methodologies in case resolution, from identification to documentation of findings 
  • Familiarize the student with the analysis of digital evidence and the application of forensic techniques in Pentesting environments 
  • Develop skills in the preparation of detailed and clear forensic reports, presenting findings and conclusions in an understandable manner 
  • Foster effective collaboration with incident response (IR) teams, optimizing coordination in threat investigation and mitigation 
  • Promote ethical and legal practices in digital forensics, ensuring adherence to cybersecurity regulations and standards of conduct 

Module 9. Advanced Red Team Exercises 

  • Develop skills in advanced threat simulation, replicating tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) used by attractive malicious actors 
  • Learn to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the infrastructure through realistic Red Team exercises, strengthening the security posture 
  • Familiarize the graduate with advanced techniques for evasion of security measures, allowing to evaluate the resistance of the infrastructure against desirable attacks 
  • Develop effective coordination and collaboration skills among Red Team team members, optimizing the execution of tactics and strategies to comprehensively assess the security of the organization 
  • Learn how to simulate current threat scenarios, such as ransomware attacks or advanced phishing campaigns, to assess the organization's response capabilities 
  • Familiarize the student with post-exercise analysis techniques, evaluating the performance of the Red Team and extracting lessons learned for continuous improvement 
  • Develop skills to assess organizational resilience to simulated attacks, identifying areas for improvement in policies and procedures 
  • Learn to prepare detailed reports documenting findings, methodologies used and recommendations derived from advanced Red Team exercises 
  • Promote ethical and legal practices in the conduct of Red Team exercises, ensuring adherence to cybersecurity regulations and ethical standards 

Module 10. Technical and Executive Report 

  • Develop skills to prepare detailed technical reports, presenting clearly and completely the findings, methodologies used and recommendations 
  • Learn to communicate effectively with technical audiences, using precise and appropriate language to convey complex technical information 
  • Develop skills to formulate actionable and practical recommendations aimed at mitigating vulnerabilities and improving security posture 
  • Learn to assess the potential impact of identified vulnerabilities, considering technical, operational and strategic aspects 
  • Familiarize the learner with best practices for executive reporting, adapting technical information for non-technical audiences 
  • Develop competencies to align findings and recommendations with the strategic and operational objectives of the organization 
  • Learn how to use data visualization tools to graphically represent the information contained in the reports, facilitating comprehension 
  • Promote the inclusion of relevant information on compliance with regulations and standards in reports, ensuring adherence to legal requirements 
  • Foster effective collaboration between technical and executive teams, ensuring understanding and support for the improvement actions proposed in the report 

You will achieve your objectives thanks to TECH's didactic tools, among which the explanatory videos and interactive summaries stand out" 

Professional Master's Degree in Pentesting and Network Team

Dive into the exciting world of cybersecurity with the Professional Master's Degree in Pentesting and Red Team from TECH Global University. This advanced program will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to meet the challenges of cybersecurity in today's digital world. As a global leader in education and technology, we recognize the critical importance of protecting information in an increasingly connected environment. With our specialized program, you will become an expert in identifying vulnerabilities, assessing risks and strengthening system security. This postgraduate program is offered in online mode, giving you the flexibility to study from anywhere and adapt your learning to your schedule. In addition, you will be supported by a faculty of cybersecurity experts who will guide you throughout your education.

Add a plus to your resume and set yourself on the path to a better future

The program focuses on two key aspects of cybersecurity: pentesting and Red Teaming. You will learn how to conduct security assessments in an ethical manner, identifying potential points of vulnerability in systems, networks and applications. You will acquire practical skills in the use of tools and techniques to strengthen the security of an organization. A key advantage of this postgraduate course is the application of your knowledge. You will work on real projects, simulating situations, which will allow you to develop practical experience and be prepared to face challenges in the work field. Upon completion of the Professional Master's Degree in Pentesting and Network Team, you will be equipped with the skills necessary to work as a cybersecurity professional, whether as a security analyst, consultant or specialist. You'll earn a program endorsed by TECH Global University, highlighting your experience and expertise in the field. Get ready to face the challenges of cyberspace and contribute to information security with this IT specialization program. Join us and be part of the working world of the future.