
The creative Juan Pablo Ortega Ordóñez is a Videogame Design Specialist, focused mainly in the area of production and gamification. He has oriented his career towards teaching, being part of the faculty of various university and graduate programs based on the creation of playable projects and platform design. In addition, he has been part of the advisory team in the foundation of several important companies in the sector, such as Avatar Games or Interactive Selection.  

On the other hand, he has also dedicated part of his career to dissemination, participating in conferences and seminars, as well as writing his own work manual entitled Video Game Design.  

  • Director of Engineering and Gamification Design for the Intervenía Group.
  • Professor in ESNE of Video Game Design, Level Design, Video Game Production, Middleware, Creative Media Industries, etc.
  • Advisor in the foundation of companies such as Avatar Games or Interactive Selection. 
  • Author of the book Video Game Design 
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Nima World 
Programmes in collaboration with

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