
In the personalized online conversation classes of this intensive training you will be presented with common communicative situations, fully customized and online. This way will be able to hold conversations at an advanced level, acquiring the necessary communicative skills to pass the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Chinese Level C1 test.

You will be able to understand complex conversations by native speakers and communicate fluently in different important areas of expertise" 

Teachers and psychologists, experts in Languages, believe that the best way to stimulate Language learning is not to subject the student to formalized and linear learning -for example, with rote learning- but to encourage imagination and learning through sensory exploration in order to be able to understand and interpret what surrounds us.

In this way, the brain is allowed to work and learn a second Language in the most natural way possible, in the same way we learned our mother tongue.  

With this high-level personalized program you will learn to communicate fluently in situations that require a superior knowledge of the Language. You will have an effective learning program and native teachers who are experts in online teaching.

Stand out professionally with this comprehensive program and take the level leap you need.
Chinese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and one of the most promising for the future. Learn it now and open new job possibilities. 
clase preparación del nivel c1 en francés

You will have more than 300 pronunciation and phonetics activities in a personalized program that stands out for the quality of the individual classes, taught by university professors"

A unique and stimulating experience 

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Flexible and Tailored 

Take the best Chinese conversation program, at your own pace based on your personal availability and schedule.

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Acquires Skills and Abilities

With our method you will practice and consolidate the oral communication skills required at this level.

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world.


This programme is entirely designed by university teachers so that you acquire the necessary oral skills to take the exam that accredits your level and pass it through practice, training, repetition, personalised monitoring, but, above all, thanks to your effort and the teaching excellence of the TECH method.

Improve your oral skills and competencies with hundreds of practical and customized exercises to pass the CEFR Chinese C1 level" 

General Objectives

  • Carry out transactions of all kinds, even if they are delicate and complex 
  • Participate and take the initiative in social interactions within the community or the social, academic or professional communities they belong to 
  • Deal with oral or written texts of any kind, regardless of the situation and the subject matter


Specific Objectives

  • Understand enough to follow a long speech on abstract and complex topics beyond their expertise, although they may have to confirm some details, especially if they are not accustomed to the accent 
  • Recognize a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, and notice changes in register 
    Follow an extended speech even when it is not clearly structured, and when links are only assumed and not explicitly pointed out 
  • Easily follow complex conversations between third parties in group discussions, even on abstract, complex, and unfamiliar topics 
  • Understand with relative ease most lectures, discussions and debates 
  • Extract specific information from public statements that have poor quality and distorted sound; e.g., at a station, in a stadium, etc.
  • Understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, product specifications, and everyday services 
  • Understand a wide range of recorded and broadcast material, including some unusual usage, and identify details and subtleties such as implied attitudes and relationships between speakers 
  • Deliver clear and detailed descriptions and presentations on complex topics, integrating other topics, developing concrete ideas and ending with an appropriate conclusion 
  • Perform clear and detailed descriptions of complex topics 
  • Make statements fluently, almost effortlessly, accurately using some intonation to convey subtle shades of meaning 
  • Deliver clear and well-structured presentations on a complex topic, expanding at some length and defending your points of view with complementary ideas, reasons and appropriate examples. Make good use of interjections, responding spontaneously and with little effort 

C1 Chinese Individual Online Conversation Classes

The best way to improve verbal fluency in a language is to speak it repeatedly until the mouth and throat naturally adapt to the sounds. In the case of Chinese or Mandarin, this practice represents a considerable differentiating factor between communicating casually and carrying out highly complex dialogues such as those used in Asian business or large-scale conferences. If your goal is to master the language in order to apply it in cases such as the latter two, at TECH Global University you will find the perfect option to achieve it with the C1 Chinese Individual Online Conversation Classes, a program taught in an online format, based on direct conversations with native-speaking teachers that will help you resize your language skills to a highly satisfactory degree, in a simple, dynamic and flexible way. These one-hour lessons, seen over the course of four months, will also enable you to train you to ensure optimal results in the C1 certification test.

Learn advanced Chinese conversationally online

Preparing for success is a matter of attitude and effort. This also applies to the study of foreign languages, as not everyone who aspires to be bilingual or polyglot achieves the highest degrees of proficiency as it requires perseverance and discipline, especially if it is a language like Chinese whose writing and phonetics are often convoluted to learn. Fortunately, our individualized course will give you the boost you need to become an expert in speaking Chinese. This pedagogical model through conversations and tutorials in real time is further enhanced by the innovative Relearning methodology, a key element that has made our institute the best online university in the world. Thanks to this methodology and an exceptional teaching team, you will be able to reach a high level of comprehension and oral expression, as well as familiarize yourself with the grammar and vocabulary of more specific environments, commonly used by native speakers. Looking for quality multilingual education? Enroll at TECH.