postgraduate certificate
Generation of Medical Research Projects
Develop medical research projects with our Postgraduate certificate.
postgraduate certificate
Bibliographic Positioning in Medical Research
Master the Bibliographic Positioning in Medical Research through this Postgraduate certificate.
postgraduate certificate
Collaborative Research
Through this Postgraduate Certificate you will acquire the necessary skills to lead and manage Collaborative Research.
postgraduate certificate
Protection and Transfer of Results for Medical Research
Acquire techniques for the protection and transfer of results in Medical Research with this Postgraduate certificate.
postgraduate certificate
Dissemination of Research Results
Discover the different means of disseminating your research results with this Postgraduate Certificate.
postgraduate certificate
Graphical Representations of Data in Medical Research and Other Advanced Analysis
Master the Graphic Representations of Data to apply in Medical Research with this Postgraduate certificate.
postgraduate certificate
Biostatistics with R
Master and apply the R Programming Language in Biostatistics through this Postgraduate Certificate.
Postgraduate certificate
Research Project Funding
Specialize to obtain funding sources for your research projects through this Postgraduate Certificate.
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