
Cultural information has a series of particularities in its writing and design that must be known by professionals who wish to specialize in this sector. Don't think twice and improve your skills with this very complete Diploma"


Cultural journalism has traditionally had a prominent presence in the media, but it has usually been a discipline far from academia. In other times, professionals who have had a journalistic career in the area have been learning through practice with very few educational proposals. Nowadays, formation is essential in any sector.

This Postgraduate certificate has an eminently professional orientation, and seeks to formed cultural journalism professionals who are able to respond to market demands. Journalists specialized in specific fields are needed as a response to the growing segmentation of the public targeted by today's media. The field of cultural specialization is relevant because of the growing importance of the sector referred to cultural management and creation and, above all, because of the incorporation of culture into the digital sphere.

The objective of this program is to broaden the student's training with a high level of specialization in the field of cultural journalism, which will enable the student to perform informative and dissemination functions in the professional environment, with special emphasis on writing and information design.

And all this in a program of excellent academic level, created by specialized professionals with years of experience and, above all, with a 100% online format that will allow you to organize your study easily, so you can combine it with the rest of your daily obligations.

This program will allow you to increase your ability to succeed. Reach a higher level of professionalism in communication through the latest educational technology 100% online"

This Postgraduate certificate in Writing and Information Design in Cultural Journalistic Media contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in cultural journalism
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest innovations in Writing and Information Design in Cultural Journalistic Media
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the writing and design of cultural information
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Postgraduate certificate is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in writing and design of cultural information”

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of cultural journalism, who pour into this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the journalist will have to try to solve the different situations of professional practice that are presented to them. To do so, the specialist will have the help of an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in Writing and Design in Cultural Journalistic Media, and with great experience.

Increase your confidence in decision making, reinforcing your knowledge through this Postgraduate certificate"


Learn about the latest trends in the field of cultural journalism and improve the processes of writing and design of Cultural information"


This Postgraduate certificate is aimed at journalism professionals, so that they can acquire the necessary tools to develop in the area of cultural journalism, knowing the latest trends and delving into those issues that make up the forefront of this area of knowledge. Only with the proper preparation, the professional will be able to perform their work rigorously and with quality.


Our goal is to achieve success in the academic field and to help you achieve it at the professional level"

General Objectives

  • Broaden the knowledge and information to the student with a higher level of insight in the field of journalism, although, more specifically within the field of cultural journalism
  • Learning to perform informative and dissemination functions in a specialized and professional environment, with emphasis on information within the different genres of cultural journalism

Specific Objectives

  • Learn to construct and reconstruct through literature
  • Analyze literary processes within journalism and culture
  • Create narrative and attractive contents linked to the dissemination of cultural contents in a creative way
  • Promote literary competence among students
  • Know and discuss creative writing
  • Understand and know the different journalistic pieces in literature and narrative in order to be able to carry them out in the future
  • Know and learn the keys to good journalistic writing in the media
  • Know how to write short articles or reviews appropriate to the cultural event in question
  • Develop a critical and specialized view of the different media and visual communication systems developed in the journalistic field
  • Expand the capacity to conceive and execute, based on the information, own graphic informative compositions, so that they effectively transmit the intended message
  • Know the language and practical knowledge for journalistic design
  • Know the different journalistic resources used or taken into account when generating cultural information in the media
  • Know the composition of a printed cultural project and know how to develop it
  • Adapt the cultural product to the different spaces and audiences where it will be consumed and by whom it will be consumed

At TECH we form a broad community of professionals committed to society. We want the best for you and we help you achieve it"

Postgraduate Certificate in Writing and Information Design in Cultural Journalistic Media

Cultural information is increasingly in demand by a specialized public that wants to be updated on events happening anywhere in the world. On this occasion we offer you a complete program on Writing and Design of Information in Cultural Media Journalism, designed by professionals in the field and with the latest content. At TECH we have proposed to help you specialize in this highly demanded field so that you can give a boost to your profession. The Postgraduate Certificate is a comprehensive training for those passionate about cultural journalism and visual communication. This academic program offers students a wide variety of skills, knowledge and tools to work in the field of cultural journalism, whether in print or digital media.

Learn more about cultural journalistic media with this Postgraduate Certificate

During the Postgraduate Certificate, the importance of writing as a means to tell cultural stories and visual communication as a tool to capture the reader's attention is addressed. It also delves into editorial design, layout and content creation for digital media, reinforcing the ability to communicate effectively and attractively in both formats. A great advantage of the Postgraduate Certificate is that it is focused on offering a comprehensive view of the world of journalism, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Writing and Information Design in Cultural Media Journalism is a complete and enriching training for lovers of cultural journalism and visual communication. An opportunity to acquire the tools, knowledge and skills necessary to perform successfully in the world of cultural media, and stand out in a constantly evolving sector. TECH offers the best quality education with a staff of specialist teachers and the best didactic learning tools