
Cristina Lanza del Rivero is an outstanding professional in the field of Psychology, with specific knowledge in various areas of Mental Health. With this, she stands out for her involvement in the health sector with a specialty in Psychodrama, Sociodrama, Sociometry and Group Analysis. At the same time, she has a vast expertise in the Behavioral Modifications unit. 

As such, her vast experience in psychology and specializations in Advanced Therapeutic Techniques has played a crucial role as a Social Psychologist in various clinical centers. Likewise, her holistic approach and her ability to offer personalized and effective treatments make her a highly valued professional in her field. In addition, her versatility and commitment have positioned her as an active member in several publications and scientific research. 

  • Field Psychologist at Casa de la Salud
  • Postgraduate in Theory and Practice of Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Sociometry at the Universidad de Salamanca
  • Postgraduate in Theory and Practice of Group Analysis at the Universidad de Salamanca
  • Master's Degree in Behavior Modification from the Universidad de Salamanca
  • Degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Salamanca
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