
With experience in Integrated Management Systems, Karmele López Rodríguez has excelled as Head of Quality, Environment and Risk Prevention in Industrial Areas and is a Professor of subjects or topics related to her area of expertise.

Thanks to her programs as a Technical Engineer in Computer Management and Industrial Organization, she has a profile adapted to the needs of this field and updated to its constant advances that have allowed her to stand out and lead important projects.

  • Technical Engineer in Computer Science and Industrial Organization 
  • Responsible for Quality, Environment and Risk Prevention in Industrial Areas. 
  • Professor of ISO 14001 in the Official Online Professional Master's Degree in Integrated Management Systems at the Alfonso X el Sabio University.
  • Professor of Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology for the Official Online Professional Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention at the Alfonso X el Sabio University.
  • Coordinator of internships for students
  • Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering from the University of Deusto
  • Technical Engineer in Computer Management at the University of Deusto. 
Programmes in collaboration with

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