
Dr. Silvestre Hernández Sánchez is a professional with a great career as an engineer who has guided his studies in the field of Public Works and Transport. Focusing his knowledge on teaching, he has given numerous lectures and seminars at the Andalusian Road Congress on the Andalusian Topographic Network.  

Some of the projects he commanded as head of the Department of Public Land Promotion, head of the Department of Technical Supervision in the Projects Service and also as head of the Planning and Statistics Service. All this in the Department of Public Works and Transport. 

  • Head of the Planning and Statistics Service of the General Directorate of Planning of the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Transport. 
  • Head of the Office of the General Information System of the General Directorate of Planning of the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Transport. 
  • Head of the Department of Technical Supervision in the Projects Service of the General Directorate of Roads of the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Transport. 
  • Doctorate in the Department of Design Engineering at the School of Industrial Engineering of Seville. 
  • Civil Engineer from the University of Granada. 
  • Lecturer and speaker in several programs and congresses related to Cartography and Topography of Road Works. 
Programmes in collaboration with

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