
Achieve professional success and become an expert in the creation of effective digital advertising campaigns thanks to TECH"


Digital Creativity is the driving force behind success in advertising and communication. The evolution of new technologies has conditioned significant changes in the media causing, in turn, new trends. These include the proliferation of platforms such as social networks that extend the reach of commercial messages to everlasting levels. This has also conditioned the diversification of advertising formats, rendering the industry's conventional channels almost obsolete. In this context, the personalization of content through tools such as data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and new work formats represent a real challenge for professionals in the sector. 

For this reason, TECH offers a program where students will delve into all the advances in this field. Throughout 6 weeks, graduates have at their disposal the use of techniques such as imagination catalysts and other virtual tools that allow them to generate impactful and relevant content. 

Similarly, the syllabus reflects the complexity of search engine optimization (SEO), providing students with the necessary skills to increase online visibility and improve the positioning of digital content. In addition, it delves into Influencer Marketing targeting strategies, understanding how collaborating with content creators can boost a brand's visibility in a saturated digital landscape.

As for the methodology, it stands out for being 100% online, providing the necessary flexibility to adapt to the agendas of working professionals. Moreover, it relies on Relearning methodology, designed to reinforce knowledge retention through repetition of key concepts. This practical and repetitive approach ensures not only the assimilation but also the effective application of the knowledge acquired, preparing professionals to face the challenges encountered in this sector. This is a unique opportunity for those who seek not only to understand, but also to excel in this promising universe.

Specialize in the use of augmented reality in advertising and relaunch your professional career"

This Postgraduate certificate in Digital Creativity contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Creative Digital
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents with which it is designed provide advanced and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

With TECH you will master the new sector of affiliate marketing and its interaction with search engines. and its interaction with search engines"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Get updated in Digital Creativity with the best digital university in the world according to Forbes"


Enroll in this Diploma and you will delve into gamification strategies to improve digital interaction with your audience"


The Postgraduate certificate in Digital Creativity has as its primary objective to delve into the revolution that digital technologies have brought about in the creation of online content and promotional strategies. Aimed at those seeking to understand and master this fascinating paradigm shift, the program will provide the essential tools to excel in the ever-evolving competitive environment. Students will delve into how technological innovations have transformed this this field with a 100% online curriculum that makes learning flexible.


TECH helps you achieve your goals. Specialize in Digital Creativity and you will become one of the most sought-after professionals"

General Objectives

  • Develop actions and initiatives to improve creative results, in collaboration with the other actors involved in their conception
  • Use creativity support tools
  • Understand the creative process through testing in its different forms and expressions
  • Knowing the strategies of access to the labor market
  • Develop creative communication skills to improve the relationship between the brand and the consumer
  • Analyze and know different structures of creative departments
  • Show and assess the new trends that professionals in this sector will encounter now and in the future
  • Train the professional, by means of the necessary skills, to improve problem solving and develop the essential professional competences

Specific Objectives

  • Explore how digital technologies have revolutionized content creation and promotional strategies in the online environment
  • Differentiate between digital marketing and advertising
  • Examine a variety of online advertising formats, ranging from banner ads to augmented reality ads 
  • Delve into digital marketing creativity, where key strategies are analyzed
  • Study SEO as an essential tool for improving online visibility
  • Advance in the use of email as a tool for promotion, loyalty building and campaign automation in email marketing
  • Dive into the field of social networks and strategies to take advantage of their potential 
  • Analyze the collaboration with influencers and the strengthening of brand identity 

TECH helps you achieve your goals. Specialize in Digital Creativity and you will become one of the most sought-after professionals"

Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Creativity

Dive into the exciting world of digital content with the Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Creativity offered by TECH Global University. This academic program, delivered through innovative online classes, will lead you to explore new frontiers of communication and provide you with the skills you need to excel in the field of digital communication. Our mission is to provide you with an excellent education through cutting-edge methodologies such as Relearning and top-notch online content. We understand that flexibility is key in higher education, so we have developed this program so that you can access online classes from anywhere and at any time that is convenient for you. This will allow you to advance your career without sacrificing your work or personal responsibilities. Everything you need to advance your career.

Study at the best online university in the world

The Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Creativity covers a wide range of fundamental topics, including digital strategies, web design, online marketing and digital storytelling. With a practical and up-to-date approach, you will be ready to face the most complex challenges in the field of digital communication. At TECH Global University, we collaborate with experienced professionals and industry leaders who will guide you throughout your program, providing you with cutting-edge knowledge and practices. You will develop the confidence and skills to create innovative and effective digital content, and to connect with audiences in the digital world in an impactful way. This online Postgraduate Certificate will give you a competitive edge in the field of journalism and communications. Get ready for an exciting and challenging career in digital creativity, where you can bring your ideas to life and deliver impactful messages that connect with your audience in the online world. Boost your professional future today. Enroll at TECH Global University and begin your journey to success in Digital Creativity.