
Deepen your knowledge in Cloud Infrastructures and become an expert in Security, with no time limits or need to travel"


Security services in Cloud environments, such as firewalls, SIEMS and protection against threats, to protect applications and services of companies, are a vital and booming sector. So that professionals in this field, who know how to supervise and optimize this security using different monitoring and auditing tools, are increasingly required and demanded by companies in all areas. 

For this reason, TECH has designed a postgraduate diploma in Security in Cloud Infrastructures, to develop the specialized knowledge of students on the specific risks and threats of cloud environments, required to apply the necessary solutions and efficiently. Therefore, it offers a complete syllabus that covers topics such as Threat Modeling, Cybersecurity Tools, Networking, Network Monitoring and Auditing or types of backup services, among others.

In this way, the student will be able to enjoy a convenient 100% online mode, without the need to dedicate excessive time to the syllabus, without time constraints or travel. All this, with a dynamic multimedia content, the most updated information and the most innovative teaching tools. In addition to the possibility of accessing all the content from the beginning and with any device that has an internet connection. 

Stand out as a professional in one of the sectors with the highest growth potential in the field of Cloud Infrastructures"   

This postgraduate diploma in Security in Cloud Infrastructures contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Security in Cloud Infrastructure
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Acquire new skills in the field of Cloud Network Security and put them to the test with a wide variety of practical activities available on the Virtual Campus"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Enroll now and become an expert in Cybersecurity Tools at Code level"


Know in depth the Strategies and Management of backups in Cloud environments"


The objective of this postgraduate diploma in Security in Cloud Infrastructures is to develop the knowledge and skills that students need to integrate security into processes and protect infrastructures, communications, applications and services in cloud environments, efficiently. All this, thanks to the most updated and dynamic theoretical and practical content of the academic market.


Develops the knowledge and skills needed to protect enterprise cloud infrastructures with the most efficient security strategies" 

General Objectives

  • Develop specialized knowledge about what infrastructures are and what motivations exist for their transformation to the cloud
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and manage IaaS solutions effectively
  • Acquire specialized knowledge to add or remove storage and processing capacity quickly and easily, enabling you to adapt to fluctuations in demand
  • Examine the scope of Network DevOps, demonstrating that it is an innovative approach for network management in IT environments
  • Understand the challenges faced by an enterprise in Cloud governance and how to address them
  • Use security services in Cloud environments such , as Firewalls, SIEMS and threat protection , to secure applications and services
  • Establish best practices in the use of Cloud Services and the main recommendations when using them
  • Increase user efficiency and productivity: by enabling users to access their applications and data from anywhere and on any electronic device, VDI can improve user efficiency and productivity
  • Gain specialized knowledge about Infrastructure as Code
  • Identify key points to demonstrate the importance of investing in backup and monitoring in organizations

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Network DevOps and Network Architectures in Cloud infrastructures

  • Develop the concepts and principles of Network DevOps and its application in Cloud environments
  • Determine the requirements needed to implement Network DevOps in Cloud environments
  • Use the relevant tools and software for Network DevOps
  • Establish how to implement and manage internal network services in cloud environments, such as VPC and subnetting
  • Compile the boundary network services available in Cloud environments and how they are used to connect Cloud and on-premise networks
  • Substantiate the importance of DNS usage in Cloud environments and how to implement hybrid and multi-tenant network connectivity
  • Implement and manage content delivery services in cloud environments, such as CDNs and WAFs
  • Examine the important aspects of security in Cloud networks and how security measures can be implemented in these environments
  • Monitor and perform network audits in Cloud environments to ensure availability and security

Module 2. Cybersecurity in Cloud Infrastructures 

  • Develop specialized knowledge about specific risks and threats in Cloud environments
  • Analyze security frameworks and apply them to protect the infrastructure
  • Design threat models and protect applications and services against threats
  • Evaluate code-level cybersecurity tools and how to use them to detect and prevent vulnerabilities in applications and services
  • Perform integration of cybersecurity controls into processes
  • Master ZAP Proxy to audit Cloud environments
  • Examine the different types of Firewalls and configure them to protect infrastructure and services
  • Apply transport layer security using SSL/TLS and certificates
  • Evaluate SIEMs and use to monitor and optimize the security of the Cloud environment

Module 3. Monitoring and Backup of Cloud Infrastructures 

  • Determine how to establish a backup strategy and a monitoring strategy 
  • Establish the most demanded services and usage of each one of them 
  • Identify the types of backup and its uses 
  • Determine a robust backup strategy that meets business objectives
  • Develop a business continuity plan 
  • Identify the types of monitoring and the purpose of each one
  • Generate a proactive attitude towards incidents by establishing a scalable monitoring strategy
  • Apply the different strategies on real use cases 
  • Identify improvement points in order to evolve the environments as the business evolves

With TECH you will reach your goals in a few months, thanks to the most advanced teaching methods"

Postgraduate Diploma in Security Cloud Infrastructures


In an increasingly digital world, security in Cloud infrastructures has become an indispensable need to protect sensitive information and data of organizations. The migration to the cloud has become a common trend in companies and organizations, but this implies new risks and challenges in terms of security. That is why at TECH Global University we have created our Postgraduate Diploma in Cloud Infrastructure Security program, focused on providing professionals with the necessary tools to ensure security in the cloud. This postgraduate course delves into the different security measures that must be implemented in the cloud infrastructure, as well as the identification and prevention of vulnerabilities in systems.

Cloud security management is a complex task that requires specialized knowledge and constant updating to keep up with new emerging threats. Our Postgraduate Diploma program will address topics such as authentication and authorization in the cloud, data encryption, identity management, security monitoring and incident management, among others. In addition, the adoption of best practices in cloud security and the implementation of effective security policies to ensure the protection of the organization's data will be discussed in depth. In short, TECH Global University’s Postgraduate Diploma in Cloud Infrastructure Security is the ideal program for those professionals interested in specializing in cloud security and contributing to the success of organizations in a constantly evolving digital world.