
This program will take you in an intensive way to acquire new knowledge in Civil Engineering and Infrastructure development, incorporating the most interesting novelties in this field in the international panorama”


The Civil Engineering sector is one of the main pillars of world economies, both because of the investment it requires and the economic impact of this investment, as well as for the structuring of the territory, which is essential for modern economies to develop at the pace imposed by the world economic order. 

Civil Engineering is constantly evolving, both technologically and geographically. Moreover, this sector is not exempt from the digitalization that is being imposed in all business areas, so, in order to train the professional in this field, special emphasis is placed on both the need to implement digitalization within the business structures, as well as on the knowledge of the new tools offered by the new technology sectors, to achieve the digitalization that is essential in these times. 

Another aspect that has been highlighted in recent years as being of vital importance for construction businesses is internationalization. Thus, this program will explore the opportunities offered by the international market, through multilateral tenders financed by guarantor entities. 

As it is an online specialisation 100%'s degree, the student is not bound by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, rather, they can access the content at any time of the day, balancing their professional or personal life with their academic life.

The construction of quality elements that are resistant to the passage of time requires the mastery of the new forms of intervention that have burst into this field"

This professional master’s degree in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Highlights of the update include:

  • The development of case studies, presented by experts in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the essential disciplines for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make in the selection of an up-to-date program in the field of Civil Engineering. We offer you quality and free access to content"

It includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of Civil Engineering, who contribute their work experience in this update, as well as recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive update, programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise throughout the academic program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system, created by renowned and experienced experts in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering.  

A complete process of professional growth, which includes the processing of Civil Engineering data through BIM, an inevitable necessity for the sector"


Intensive, high-quality training designed to optimize the time spent by students in the program"


In this training we have as a fundamental objective to provide the student with new skills in the analysis, complete and operational development in the civil works environment, including the regulatory framework, administrative processes, environmental and occupational safety considerations ESS and PSSl, and the development of the PACMA document, among many other areas that will allow the professional to intervene with quality and solvency in this field. 


All the knowledge and protocols you need to know to carry out any infrastructure project in civil works, structured in a professional master’s degree with a high educational impact"

General Objectives

  • Acquire new knowledge in Civil Engineering and Infrastructures
  • Acquire new skills in terms of new technologies, latest machinery and software, knowledge of next steps and recycling
  • Extrapolate this knowledge to other sectors of the industry, focusing on those fields that require more trained and qualified personnel year after year
  • Processing the data generated in Civil Engineering activities, through the BIM environment, a mandatory reality for the drafting, construction, management and operation of infrastructures

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Design and Engineering

  • Know the stages in the development of an engineering project
  • Know in detail the latest IT tools available in the market, for the optimization of resources, for the drafting of projects
  • Study the current regulatory framework
  • Know the tools for the realization of project pre-designs, in order to determine solutions with potential clients
  • Acquire the skills to analyze and use the documents provided by other businesses for the drafting of the project
  • Approach to the latest technologies for the collection of field data necessary for the drafting of the project
  • Get to know the BIM environment for the drafting of projects

Module 2. Contracting and Preliminary Phases of Work

  • Analyze the types of contracts existing in the world of Civil Engineering 
  • Have knowledge of the solvency analysis of each business
  • Acquire skills for the preparation of technical and economic offers
  • Study the use of the most suitable software for the preparation of bids
  • Study in depth the role of the Contract Manager
  • Prepare the necessary processes for the administrative start-up of a construction site and the latest developments in this regard
  • Know the documents in the field of Health and Safety, environmental measures and waste management, necessary for the development of the work
  • Have the necessary knowledge for the correct implementation of auxiliary site installations
  • Know the internationalization of the business in which the student develops his/her functions

Module 3. Linear Works

  • Develop knowledge of the latest earthmoving machinery available for earthmoving operations
  • Train students in earthwork construction processes for linear works
  • Provide training on the necessary analysis, prior to the start of the works, in terms of hydrology and hydraulics, to optimize the drainage of the work
  • Training for the analysis of existing geotechnical engineering for the optimization of existing foundations
  • Analyze the different types of structures that exist in linear works, such as underpasses, overpasses and viaducts
  • Have knowledge of the signage required for the execution of the linear work
  • Development of the type of signaling installed in different types of railway projects (ERTMS)
  • Training on existing track devices on the market

Module 4. Hydraulic Works

  • Training on the wide range of hydraulic works in the field of Civil Engineering
  • Know the appropriate machinery and construction processes for gravity and pressure piping works
  • Access to the special parts available on the market for application in pipeline works
  • Training on the particularities, appropriate machinery and construction processes of canals and dams
  • Know the particularities, suitable machinery and construction processes of channeling works
  • Know the particularities, appropriate machinery and construction processes of WWTP, DWTP and irrigation works

Module 5. Maritime, Airport, Industrial and Renewable Energy Works and Other Sectors 

  • Know the theory of maritime climate
  • Execute works in ports
  • Construction of Vertical Dikes
  • Construction of Breakwater dikes
  • Understand beach dynamics
  • Know the equilibrium profiles on beaches
  • Execution of works on the coast
  • Training in the dredging industry
  • Know the machinery and construction processes in the dredging sector
  • Develop issues related to the particularities of the execution of works at airports, both from a technical and operational point of view
  • Focus on the development of works in the industrial and renewable energy sectors.
  • Present the latest trends in the field of R&D&I
  • Training in the industrialization sector of the civil works sector

Module 6. Construction Planning (PMP)

  • Know the figure of the PMP
  • Training on project management from the time, organization, economic and human resources perspectives
  • Have the necessary training to improve the professional's communication with customers and suppliers
  • Acquire the skills for proper purchasing management
  • Analytical capacity to optimize results in the development of each project
  • Know the appropriate software tools for planning, monitoring and closing of construction sites

Module 7. Settlement and Closure of Work

  • Prepare the necessary documentation for the preparation of the liquidation and closing of the work
  • Training in general construction site measurements
  • Know the latest tools available for the realization of field measurements,field measurements
  • Develop knowledge of the methods for closing open nonconformities during the course of the project
  • Detect and create conflicting prices
  • Training in negotiation, facing the discussion with the client for the economic closing of the work
  • Follow up and open additional files in addition to the work itself, such as price revisions

Module 8. Infrastructure Conservation and Maintenance

  • Study conservation and maintenance contracts in greater depth
  • Drafting bids for maintenance and conservation contracts, both from a technical and economic point of view
  • Training in the performance of maintenance tasks
  • Coordinate human and machinery teams for the optimal development of the conservation and maintenance contract
  • Know the details in the conservation and maintenance of roads, railroads and ports
  • Have the guidelines for the economic management of the contract
  • Study in depth the specific machinery for road and railroad maintenance and conservation tasks

Module 9. Infrastructure Repair

  • Knowledge of the infrastructure repair sector
  • Know the necessary guidelines for carrying out inventories of infrastructures susceptible to repair, applying the latest technologies such as drones for the analysis of infrastructures
  • Know which are the new IT tools for the decision-making process of action in some infrastructures or others
  • Study the pathologies that can be found in bridges and tunnels
  • Training on infrastructure fault monitoring, both from the point of view of data collection in the field and from the point of view of data processing
  • Know the methods for the execution of the repair work itself
  • Take a tour around the equipment necessary for the development of this type of repair work

Learn how to implement digitization and the tools offered by new technologies, which will mean considerable progress in the businesses working in this field of Civil Engineering development"

Professional Master's Degree in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering


The design, construction and maintenance of infrastructures is an activity strictly dependent on technological advances, both in terms of machinery and in the use and exploitation of various materials. Therefore, it is essential for the professional in this area to specialize their knowledge regarding the development of economic and sustainable projects. With this Professional Master's Degree offered by TECH Global University, engineers will be able to update their knowledge in topics corresponding to the types of works (linear, hydraulic, maritime, airport, industrial) and their respective previous phases. The program's syllabus also covers topics such as: contracting, planning, settlement and closure of works; conservation, maintenance and repair of infrastructures; and finally, safety, health and the environment. Through the contents designed by the teaching team, students will be able to analyze practical and real cases, essential for the acquisition of academic and work skills, which they will gradually integrate into the practice of their profession.

Postgraduate course in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering


The design and implementation of infrastructure projects is essential for the development of the economic and industrial sector of the countries, because through them it is possible to modernize urban and rural areas, in order to advance productive and distributive processes. This postgraduate course at TECH enables engineers to perform the intrinsic tasks of their profession, emphasizing the internationalization of the criteria of construction companies when designing multilateral tenders. By emphasizing this aspect, TECH ensures the insertion of its students in the project finance labor market, backed by guarantee entities. Similarly, our program emphasizes the importance of mastering the regulatory frameworks of administrative processes and environmental considerations in order to extrapolate their knowledge to other industry sectors for the sake of innovation and sustainability. To ensure compliance with these last two items, in the contents of the Professional Master's Degree in Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, special attention is given to competencies in new technologies, used in machinery and software, deepening, for example, in the use of the BIM method.