Internship program
Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)
Master the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language with this innovative Internship Program.
Internship program
International Cooperation for the Development of Peoples
Manage International Cooperation for the Development of Peoples with this Internship Program.
Internship program
Teaching Methods and Personalized Education
Specialize in Teaching Methods and Personalized Education with this Internship Program.
Internship program
Educational Technology and Digital Competence
Internship Program to master the latest Educational Technology and Digital Competencies with this Internship Program.
Internship program
Digital Education, E-Learning and Social Media
Get hands-on experience in Digital Education, E-Learning and Social Media with this Internship Program.
Internship program
Neuropsychology and Education
Acquire new knowledge in Neuropsychology and Education with this Internship Program.
Internship program
Classroom Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Internship Program in Classroom Mediation and Conflict Resolution, an internship program in educational centers.
Internship program
Programming and Implementation of Educational Projects
Internship Program in Programming and Implementing Educational Projects through this internship program.
Internship program
Internship Program in Early Childhood Education
Study this Intership Program in Child education and improve your pedagogy. Practical face-to-face classes.
Internship program
Educational Psychopedagogy
Become an expert in Educational Psychopedagogy through this innovative Internship Program.
Internship program
Therapeutic Pedagogy
Graduate as an expert in Therapeutic Pedagogy with this high-level Internship Program.